Fortune Teller

Chapter 667: Illusion Sky Hammer and Mixed Wind Thunder Bead

"Compared to the Five Elements, space-type spiritual treasures are much rarer and can only be refined by venerables." Gu Xiuyun stroked the armor gently, feeling the power of rules contained in it. "Ordinary eighth-grade spiritual treasures have understood the origin of the ninth-grade. The Patriarch can refine it, and to refine the space spirit treasure, you must understand the complete origin of space, and you are already a venerable one!"

"There are no space-type spiritual treasures in the world at the large-scale auction held once in a century."

The Blue Sky Armor in front of me is no less valuable than the Snow Dragon Baji Monument that gave birth to the weapon spirit, and it is more precious than the Thunder Sword. If I had not worshiped the divine religion and became a priest of Yaoritai, I would never have found one even if I traveled all over the heavens. pieces.

Two hours later, the Blue Sky Armor was completely refined, and the tough armor turned into a ball of water vapor, blending into the whole body and clinging to the skin.

At this moment, Gu Xiuyun felt that he controlled all the space within a hundred miles around him. As long as he thought, the calm space would rise and form a wave of void, blocking the enemy's attacks. At the same time, it could also form a chain of void to trap powerful enemies.

The Blue Sky Armor is not only extremely powerful in defense, but its use of space is also extremely mysterious. If Gu Xiuyun's realm had not been too low and his understanding of the space rules was the simplest form of void escape, this weapon alone would have allowed him to fight against the peak of the eighth level.

"Look for two more spiritual treasures. I need a killing spiritual treasure, and I also need a defensive spiritual treasure."

Facing Master Tiangu, the White-haired Ape King and others, if you don't have the means to save your life, it's no different than seeking death.

Gu Xiuyun walked deeper into Lingbao Star.

Half an hour later, he stopped in front of another palace. On the stone tablet outside the palace door was engraved a brief introduction to Lingbao:

‘The Mixed Wind Thunder Bead is a wind-attribute spiritual treasure. When activated, it can form a wind domain of thousands of miles to suppress enemies in the world. It can also condense wind armor, which can resist all attacks below the ninth level. At the same time, the bead contains a rule of thunder. If wind and thunder can interact, it can be transformed into a field of wind and thunder, and its power will increase several times. ’

"It is a spiritual treasure with dual attributes of wind and thunder, and it has the effect of protecting one's body and life, this is it!"

Gu Xiuyun stepped into the palace, but before he could get close, the force of violent wind and thunder surged in, forcing him to retreat continuously. Even the wave of void formed by the blue sky armor could not withstand it.

"Young people in the Douxiao Realm dare to covet me, so get out of here!"

The power of wind and thunder is almost substantial. The strong wind is mixed with thunder and lightning, which fully displays the power of the mixed wind and thunder beads. Let alone walking in front of the Lingbao, it can't even get close to a hundred feet.


Waves of wind and thunder struck in front of him, sending Gu Xiuyun flying away.

"A complete weapon spirit has actually been born. This treasure cannot be suppressed for the time being. Let's go find the space killing spirit treasure first."

Gu Xiuyun gave up immediately.

Most of the eighth-grade spiritual treasures that give birth to weapon spirits are arrogant and do not even pay attention to the true artistic conception. What's more, he is a Dou Xiao. If he wants to suppress this treasure, he can only rely on absolute strength. Gu Xiuyun will definitely not be able to do it, but Gu Xiuyun can't. There is still hope for Yue.

Integrating the rules of wind and thunder, Gu Yue's strength is no less than that of a senior eighth-level warrior. If he can break through the barriers of cultivation and make up for the shortcomings in spiritual power and inner world, even the peak eighth-level warrior can fight.

Half a day later, he came to a dark stone temple.

‘The Phantom Sky Hammer contains three kinds of space rules, and the hammer body is refined from the Shenshi Mountain of the Nirvana Space. This hammer is half virtual and half real. When it becomes virtual, it can turn into a psychedelic illusion. When it solidifies, it contains overwhelming power. When the hammer falls, it will be unbearable even for powerful people in the true realm. ’

‘Remember, refining this hammer requires enduring endless noise, and those without a strong will should not attempt it. ’

Looking at the introduction on the stele, Gu Xiuyun's eyes lit up.

After searching for a long time, I finally found a space-type killing spirit treasure. The rules of space are mainly changes and town closures, and there are few killing methods.

It's not that space rules cannot kill, but most of the rules involving killing are extremely advanced, such as space strangulation and space collapse. Their power is many times more powerful than ordinary killing rules, and it is extremely difficult to understand. Even for the Venerable, It is rare to refine such eighth-grade spiritual treasures.

In comparison, refining dual-attribute spiritual treasures of gold and space or fire and space are equally powerful but much less difficult.

"Fortunately, there are many treasures in Lingbao Star, otherwise we may not be able to find a pure space-type killing Lingbao."

Gu Xiuyun stepped into the hall, and the power of rules filled the air. The aura of the Phantom Sky Hammer seemed particularly chaotic, and it kept roaring, but he didn't even know how to stop Gu Xiuyun.

After a while, he walked up to the uncertain ancient hammer. The body of the hammer was somewhat similar to the Mountain Shaker, but it lacked the patterns on the surface and looked simple and unpretentious.

Gu Xiuyun stretched out his black and white palm and grasped the small hammer. In an instant, endless psychedelic illusions poured into the depths of his mind, almost drowning him completely.

There are layers of psychedelic illusions. It would have taken half a month for someone else to break free from the illusion. However, Gu Xiuyun's five senses were all gone. These psychedelic illusions echoed in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, but could not touch the soul.

At the same time, the power of rules poured into the depths of the giant hammer, quickly refining the hammer body.

"The Phantom Sky Hammer contains three rules: Space Mirror Light, Space Mystery Sound, and Space Distortion. Mirror Light and Space Mystery Sound are both psychedelic rules, and the Space Distortion Rule can condense thousands of miles of space into one force and smash it into the distance. "

"As for the hammer itself, it is made from Shenshi Mountain and weighs no less than a small star. With my current strength, I am afraid I can only exert one-tenth of its power."

Gu Xiuyun held the small hammer in his hand and silently felt the mystery within it. After a moment, he exhaled a thick breath.

The Fantasy Sky Hammer, which contains three rules, is definitely an eighth-grade pinnacle spiritual treasure. The value of this spiritual treasure alone exceeds the sum of all previous opportunities.

Compared to the overwhelming power, the consumption of spiritual power is secondary.

"With this treasure, even if you face a senior eighth-grade power, you can still win." Gu Xiuyun said to himself.

With his own strength, he could barely cross the eighth-level threshold. He would be defeated when faced with any powerful person. The rules of void escape had no killing effect except walking in the void space.

But with the Blue Sky Armor and the Fantasy Sky Hammer, the situation is completely different. The Baixiang Body contains hundreds of millions of micro-formations, which is enough to support the consumption of spiritual power. With the Fantasy Sky Hammer, his strength has directly climbed to the mid-to-upper level. If he meets Huang again, The old ghost can severely injure his opponent with his hammering technique alone.

Spiritual treasures have a great influence on a practitioner's strength. It is not obvious in the early stage, but by the eighth level, it is possible to have a top-level spiritual treasure and increase the strength tenfold.

Of course, it is not easy to find a spiritual treasure that suits oneself, and it is even rarer to find a spiritual treasure that is powerful. Without the inheritance of the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect, even if Gu Xiuyun breaks through the cultivation barrier, he will only be the lowest level person in the true realm.

"With the help of the Phantom Sky Hammer, it should be much easier to suppress the Mixed Wind Thunder Bead."

Gu Xiuyun walked out of the stone palace and returned the same way.

Not long after, rumblings, wind and thunder were heard from Lingbao Star. Along with the sound of hammers, violent regular fluctuations filled the surrounding area, causing the earth to tremble continuously.

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