Fortune Teller

Chapter 670: Divine Sky Temple

"Please leave the main altar for the time being. I will send the rest of the priests out later," Gu Xiuyun said. "After refining the throne, there are still a few important things to do."

"What do fellow Taoist Xi Ming mean... the Great Spiritual Demon?"

The eyes of the three priests flashed.

In the civil strife that year, the human race only suffered a tragic victory. Although the gods and monsters were sealed, it also drained all the vitality of the priests of Yaoritai, and finally they all died.

Compared with the human race, the vitality of the gods and demons is much stronger. The demon race is good at saving lives, but their killing methods are relatively weak.

Tens of thousands of years have passed, and the gods sealed in the secret realm of time and space may not necessarily perish. Once they escape, the human race will face a disaster.

The three priests bowed and left the main altar.

"Unexpectedly, fellow Taoist Xi Ming actually worshiped the divine religion and became a priest of Yaoritai." By the lake, High Priest Tu Mang looked at the other two people. "This matter has a profound impact on the divine religion, and the plan to train younger generations must be changed." !”

"Yes, there are treasured cultivation places such as Zihua Pond, Ningxian Cave, and Huanshan. Even without relying on Wuxiang Tian, ​​a large number of elite descendants can be cultivated." High Priest Zhenhuang nodded slightly, "It's just that I'm a little curious. In the past, Taoist friends cherish their lives. I have always been unwilling to join the religion, why have I changed my mind now?”

"Perhaps the practice has encountered a bottleneck. For idle practitioners, the true state of mind is at its peak in the early stages, and it is difficult to reach a higher state." Tu Mang shook his head and said, "When the divine religion was strong, there were many powerful people who took refuge in the divine religion."

"Let's go back to our respective altars first to prepare for the celebration and wait for the high priest to summon us." said the priest of Shen Fire Nation.

The birth of the Yaoritai priest in the Eight-Eyed Sect is a great joy. Of course, a celebration must be held to make it public to the world.

In the temple of sacrifice.

The spiritual power is constantly infiltrating the divine throne. From the four corners of the divine throne to the back of the chair, every vein is blended with the spiritual power, and is filled with the breath of the soul. At the same time, Gu Xiuyun sensed every scene in the Holy Land, not with the help of soul thoughts, but with the divine power of the True Master.

Five days later, the throne was completely refined by Gu Xiuyun, and the entire sacrificial temple and even the main altar were under his control. The true divine power...had a master.

From this moment on, Gu Xiuyun has the authority to grant divine power. As long as he is willing, any living being can control the divine power and exert a power comparable to the true artistic conception.

If he doesn't want to, even the priests of Yaoritai and the great demons of the gods will not be able to control the power of the true master, and will even be suppressed.

The person who is on the divine throne is the absolute person in charge of the divine religion.

"First set up an altar to worship and let the girl become the Dharma Protector."

Gu Xiuyun waved his hand, and a thousand-foot high platform appeared in the inner layer of the holy land. The high platform has always existed in the world, but it has never been discovered.


Nine fire pillars appeared around the high platform, the flames shot into the sky, five jade incense sticks were lit, and green smoke steamed into the air.

He waved again, and Gu Yue appeared out of thin air under the high platform, looking around blankly, as if she didn't understand why she suddenly moved dozens of miles away.

"Girl, there is no limit on the number of guests from the divine religion, but the Dharma King is different. This is the highest rank for a cultivator outside the religion. It is only half a level lower than the priests of Yaoritai and the great demons of the gods," Gu Xiuyun said in a deep voice, "With this, I have the authority to only recommend a Dharma protector. When he takes the stage later, he must not have any distracting thoughts, let alone show any disrespect, otherwise an accident may occur.”

The Dharma King who protects the teachings must be very cautious when it comes to theistic religions.

Because such beings can already enter the core area, ordinary Yaoritai priests are not even qualified to recommend the Protector Dharma King. They must be the holders of the nine great thrones in order to recommend the Protector Dharma King.

At the same time, it is necessary to obtain the consent of more than half of the holders of the shrine, and then set up an altar to worship and present it to the true master.

With three levels of selection, even in the period when the religion was strong, it was difficult to produce a protective Dharma King.

"The contemporary high priest of the divine religion cherishes his life and strictly abides by the religious rules... The white-haired Taoist has profound spiritual practice and has formed a good relationship with the divine religion..."

Gu Xiuyun walked to the high platform, murmured to himself, and at the same time bowed and knelt down.

A moment later, the heaven and earth roared, nine pillars of fire shot straight into the sky, and the jade incense burned rapidly.

An inexplicable force appeared behind Gu Yue, pushing her onto the high platform. After three kneels and nine kowtows, a golden pattern spiraled down and merged into her body.

"It seems it was successful!"

Gu Xiuyun's eyes flashed with joy.

With Gu Yue's achievements, let alone the Protector of the Dharma King, he is not even qualified to be a minister. But now that the divine religion is in crisis, having an eighth-grade peak powerhouse will be of great benefit to the rise of the divine religion. Many rules It’s not that important anymore!

Among them, Gu Yue's own strength accounts for a large part of the reason.

If it was an ordinary and wonderful person, the Eight-Eyed True Master would probably not even bother to pay attention to it.

"Disciple sends you your true respect!"

Gu Xiuyun knelt down and worshiped again. After prostrating, he sent the altar back to the depths of the earth.

"Girl, let's go to the core place. The treasures there are beyond your imagination. The true inheritance of the Eight-Eyed Sect is in the core place."

"The true inheritance of the Eight-Eyed Sect..."

Expectation flashed in Gu Yue's eyes.

When she was practicing in Wuxiangtian, she often heard people talk about the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect, the most powerful top force in the realm of heavens, and a sect that was more terrifying than Daodao Pavilion and Tianxing Palace in its heyday.

After the collapse of the divine religion, the inheritance also disappeared from the world. All the sages wanted to get the inheritance, but none of them succeeded.

The power of heaven and earth surged, and the two of them appeared directly at the entrance to the core place as if teleporting.


The transparent light curtain was torn open.

This time, there was no invisible force to stop Gu Yue, and the two of them arrived in the starry sky.

"Junior of the human race, I am too lazy to talk nonsense. Ask her yourself which star she wants to go to!" The golden insect's voice came from the depths of the starry sky.

"Girl, there are thirteen stars in the core place, each containing the eight original avenues of the five elements, wind and thunder, and space."

"There are also five stars, one is called Lingbao Star, which contains a large number of eighth-grade and ninth-grade spiritual treasures. If you choose that star, you can take away three spiritual treasures. As long as you return them in the future, you can exchange them for other spiritual treasures. "

"There is no need to choose the Lingbao Star. Whatever Lingbao you want, I will get it for you," Gu Xiuyun said. "The second star records the practice notes of the Venerable and the Ninth Grade Patriarch. It is said that there is also the True Venerable's Notes. , I don’t know the specific situation. You are the disciple of the master of Dao Pavilion. I think there will be no shortage of the Venerable Notes, so there is no need to choose.”

"The third star contains countless rare treasures. It is suitable for practitioners of the body-refining lineage and can also refine spiritual treasures..." Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly, with a look of disdain.

"The fourth star is called the Divine Medicine Star. It contains hundreds of longevity magic medicines. For us, it is the best place."

Gu Yue blinked and understood what the former meant.

Ordinary practitioners, even if they take a huge amount of magical medicine, will reach the ultimate limit of 129,600 years. However, for those who use the Nine Yuan Calculation, they will lose part of their life span every time. If they can get the support of the longevity magic medicine , there will be a lot less scruples in doing things.

"The fifth star is called the Left Dao Star. It contains some unofficial history and heresy, such as formations, weapon refining, and alchemy refining..."

"Girl, you are the Dharma Protector and you can only choose one star."

After listening to Gu Xiuyun's story, Gu Yue was silent for a moment and said firmly: "I choose the magic medicine star."


Invisible power surged in, sending the two of them to the Divine Medicine Star.

Jin Chong appeared and stared at Gu Yue for several times, "You little girl, at such a young age, you have actually fused the rules of wind and thunder. Although merging wind and thunder is much easier than the Five Elements Mystery, it is not something that someone in the Douxiao Realm can do." of."

"Senior, this girl is just like me, she is also good at the secret art of divination." Gu Xiuyun explained.

"Another one who is good at deducing secrets?" Jin Chong's eyes widened, with a look full of surprise, "The deducers of secrets all have unpredictable origins. There are actually two in this life, and they have all worshiped the Eight-Eyed God Sect. It's simply Incredible."

"Senior, there is actually another person in the sect who is also good at divine deduction. She does not want to practice the secret techniques of the immortal way, so she has been stuck in the early stage of Douxiao realm." Gu Xiuyun continued.


Jin Chong was completely shocked, "It's impossible, absolutely impossible, three secret deducers appearing in the same era at the same time, unless -"

Jin Chong shook his head.

"Senior, does he know anything?" Gu Xiuyun narrowed his eyes slightly, "We chatted for a long time in Zuodaoxing before, but you never mentioned the secret of the Tianji Deducer."

"I don't know, and I won't tell you if I know. I don't want to get involved in this kind of trouble."

As he said that, the golden insect pointed several times and took out fifteen magic medicines from the depths of the stars. "Little girl, take these magic medicines and your longevity will reach its peak. Hurry up!"

Gu Yue swallowed the magic medicine of longevity, and in an instant, the rules of the world surged, and her aura underwent a fundamental change.

As longevity increases, the essence of life will also change. This change is irreversible. From this moment on, Gu Yue's life essence is close to that of the ninth-grade ancestor.

It has truly reached the extreme allowed by the rules of heaven and earth.

"There's nothing to stay at the Shenyao Star. You can get out!"

The golden insect snorted softly, and the invisible force sent the two people out of the core place. Looking at the retreating figures, it showed a thoughtful expression, "The three secret deducers have all worshiped the Eight-Eyed God Sect. This matter is too weird. Is someone plotting against me?"

"Probably not. Those who have this ability are those few people except Old Ghost Tianji, but they are all trying their best to break the situation. They have no intention of causing trouble for me. Maybe they just want to use the Eight-Eyed Sect to train a few juniors."

The golden insect muttered and dissipated.

In a corner of the Holy Land, the palace that had been sealed in dust for tens of thousands of years slowly opened with a creaking sound.

Gu Yue held the Thunder Sword in his hand, with the mixed wind and thunder beads hanging at his feet. The power of the wind and thunder surged, forming waves that spread for hundreds of miles.

Gu Xiuyun's whole body was filled with cyan light, he was holding a small jade hammer, and his face was solemn.

At this moment, golden light filled the entire world, and the earth was covered with golden veins. The void was like steel, heavy and tough.


Muddy wind blew out from the gap in the palace door, vaguely smelling of blood.

Immediately afterwards, a harsh and distracting roar sounded loudly, as if there were countless monsters hidden in the palace.

"Shenwu Demon Emperor, I know you are still alive, so stop pretending," Gu Xiuyun said coldly, "Opening the seal today is to solve your scourge. Under the suppression of the true master's divine power, you seriously injured gods and demons can still survive. How much strength can you exert?”

"There is no rush," the old voice of the Shenwu Demon Emperor came from the depths of the palace, "I have thought about this day for tens of thousands of years, but I never thought that the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect would decline to such an extent that it would have to rely on outsiders. !”

Gu Xiuyun hummed, and the ocean-like divine power of the True Master surged towards the palace, completely blasting the door open, revealing the scene inside.

This temple is called the Divine Sky Temple, and the internal time and space are constantly changing. Under the control of the person in charge of the throne, it can speed up or slow down. The more distorted the time and space is, the greater the consumption of spiritual power.

For tens of thousands of years, the spiritual power of the secret world and even the Holy Land of the General Altar has dried up, and the Shenkong Temple is the source of the disaster.

After the death of the person in charge of the throne, no one can move the Shenkong Temple. Therefore, the time flow rate in the temple is always half slower than the normal space. It is okay to carry three or four true artistic conceptions. However, a group of demon kings fell into it, and the spiritual power consumption increased sharply. So much so that the spiritual power of the entire secret world has dried up.

At this moment, the palace door is opened, the Shenkong Palace returns to normal flow rate, weak spiritual power gradually appears in the main altar, and many cultivation treasures begin to glow with life.

"If you don't come out, I'll just go in."

Gu Xiuyun stepped into the Shenkong Temple and winked at the same time, asking Gu Yue to wait outside to avoid any accidents.

The depths of the palace are strewn with dead bones.

In addition to the Demon Emperor, there were also many great demons in the Douxiao Realm who were imprisoned in the Divine Sky Temple. The Eight-Eyed Divine Religion had a total of 360 gods, among which the twelve highest-ranking ones were all nine. Product Demon King.

There are thirty-six inferior honors, at least the eighth level of true artistic conception.

Next, there is the third-level honorable position. The lowest level of cultivation is the late Douxiao realm. Moreover, the Taoist realm is profound and the strength is no less than that of the Golden Beard Ape King and the Black Bear King.

In the past, the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect stood at the top of the realm of the heavens, and there were many strong men and demons under its command. If the Eight-Eyed True Lord had not fallen silent and the four Changli sects had rebelled, the strength of the Divine Religion would have been enough to frighten the top sects.

Unfortunately, after that battle, almost all the high priests of the divine religion died, and the great gods and monsters also suffered heavy casualties. Many ninth-level powerhouses were killed directly by the venerable, without even leaving their souls.

On the contrary, there are still many remaining elements of the eighth-grade true artistic conception.

Gu Xiuyun raised his head and looked forward, looking at the scene at the end of Shenkong Temple, and couldn't help but frown, "No wonder you can survive to this day. It turns out that you rely on absorbing the essence and blood of the gods and demons. To this point, you can't even let go of yourself." pass?"

"I just want to survive."

The Divine Crow Demon King said softly.

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