Fortune Teller

Chapter 673 Surrender

"Junior human race, you lied to us!"

King Ray roared sharply, his eyes full of unwillingness.

"When have I ever deceived you? I have long said that the enchanted magic of the Divine Crow Demon Emperor is useless to me." Gu Xiuyun glanced at the mirage hiding in the distance, "The methods of the Ninth Grade Great Power are really extraordinary. , the psychedelic illusion technique has reached this level, which is enough to control the realms of the heavens.”

"But you have forgotten that Pindao has already known about the existence of the Shenwu Demon Emperor. If he is not fully prepared, how can he dare to open the Shenkong Temple and release you and others?"

Mo Qiu Demon King hummed.

How could they not know this? But when faced with life and death, if they didn't give it a try, how would they know the outcome?

"Four of you, surrender or die, you decide!"

Gu Xiuyun said quietly.

He opened the Shenkong Temple in order to subdue the demon emperor sealed in the temple. If not, wouldn't it be more convenient to directly adjust the time flow rate of the Shenkong Temple and directly exhaust the life of the god and demon.

"Surrender?? Are you kidding me?" King Ray looked disdainful.

"Junior of the human race, if you are a ninth-grade powerful person, I am willing to surrender, but you are only an early-stage eighth-grade person, relying on the power of the True Lord to fight against me and surrender to you? Impossible." said the Rhinoceros Demon King.

"I have been practicing for more than 90,000 years and have never surrendered to anyone except the Eight-Eyed True Master." Shenwu Demon King said coldly.

"In that case, you all go to reincarnation!"

Gu Xiuyun opened his five fingers, and as the divine power of the True Master surged, his black and white palms condensed and formed, and he swatted at the four demon kings.


At the critical moment, the Divine Crow Demon King raised his voice and said: "Before I die, I have a doubt. Can you help me solve it?"

"Say it!!"

Gu Xiuyun's eyes seemed a little indifferent.

Since the four demon kings would rather die than surrender, he did not want to waste any time. This result was beyond Gu Xiuyun's expectation, but it was also reasonable.

The eighth-level peak demon emperor and the ninth-level ancestor are such arrogant people. Apart from the Venerable, almost no one can make them surrender.

Perhaps lower-level practitioners are afraid of life and death and are willing to live in an ignoble existence, but the eighth-level almighty has extremely tenacious Taoist heart, and the obsession in his heart is more stable than the divine iron. Letting them put down their dignity is as difficult as climbing to the sky.

Life and the eyes of such beings, are nothing but reincarnation.

"I once heard you say that your father and uncle died at the hands of Dark Moon Mountain, and you have only practiced for more than a thousand years. I am very curious about how you mastered the five seventh-grade mysteries and integrated them into one. , and understand the rules of void escape at the same time?”

The words of the Shenwu Demon Emperor made the other three demon emperors also look curious.

Even in the face of death, their Taoist hearts are still extremely stable, and they can never let go of their obsession with the Tao.

For more than a thousand years, it is really incredible to master five kinds of seven-level mysteries and perfectly integrate them, and to understand the rules of void escape at the same time.

This kind of genius has never appeared even in the most glorious period of the Eight-Eyed Sect.

Gu Xiuyun looked at the four-headed demon king in front of him, was silent for a moment, and finally said: "The poor Taoist is good at Tianji deduction, and he has inherited a Tianji Pavilion. He can practice the same Tao Yun secret technique much faster than others."

"Tianji deduction?"

The four demon kings widened their eyes.

"Tell me again, are you good at divination?" Shenwu Demon King took a deep breath and said repeatedly, "It's impossible, you must be lying to us, unless you swear."

Tianji deduces the secret technique, which is incomprehensible to others. Even if Gu Xiuyun activates the Black Armor of the Spirit Turtle, he cannot prove that he can perform the secret technique of Tianji.

"Why should I swear? What does it have to do with me whether you believe it or not?" Gu Xiuyun waved his hand, preparing to kill the four demon kings completely.

"If you are really a divine dedulator, we are willing to follow you." Shenwu Demon King shouted.


Gu Xiuyun's eyes moved slightly, thoughtfully in his heart.

"Yes, a strong man who is good at the deduction of heavenly secrets is qualified to make us surrender." King Ray said.

Rhinoceros Demon Emperor and Moqiu Demon Emperor looked at Gu Xiuyun, their eyes full of expectation.

"I see."

Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly, "What's so hard about swearing? I cherish my life, so I swear to God today..."

After hearing the oath, the eyes of the four demon emperors became more and more joyful.

"Taoist Xi Ming, I can follow you and swear an oath," Shenwu Demon Emperor said solemnly, "Even a blood contract oath can be made, but you must also make an oath. After my death, you need to find Take my reincarnated body as your disciple.”

"I know that divination deducers can calculate the future paths of mortals. I have no other requirements. As long as you can find the one in my most intelligent life within 20,000 years, accept me as your personal disciple, and do your best to train him, how about that? ?”


Gu Xiuyun nodded without hesitation.

A ninth-grade patriarch is willing to follow him, which will be of great benefit to his next plan. Even if he faces the white-haired ape king, he can fight.

"Taoist Xi Ming, I also have this request," said the King Ray. "I have been a monster for tens of thousands of years in this life. I have long been tired of it. I hope my future reincarnation will be human."

"no problem."

Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly.

The Rhinoceros Demon Emperor and the Moqiu Demon Emperor each spoke up and had similar demands. They both hoped to be accepted as his disciples as human beings.

The four demon kings understood in their hearts that although the demon clan had more physical advantages than the human clan, they could also succeed by losing blood. The powerful bloodline always affected the minds of the demon beasts. Even if they reached the ninth level, they still could not get rid of it.

Practitioners must have a pure mind and a harmonious will in order to understand the five elements of wind and thunder and become a venerable person.

The four demon kings all want to enter the path of cultivation as human beings. There is a great master of the True Intention Realm as their master, and he is the holder of the divine throne. There are almost no obstacles in the early stage of the cultivation path. After entering the True Intention Realm, the human race is better than the demon tribe. The advantages are many! !

Later, Gu Xiuyun took out four low-grade blood contract jade slips and signed a contract with the four demon kings.

The oath combined with the blood contract also has a certain effect on the demon emperors. Even if it cannot harm their lives, it can cause their origin to collapse and their combat power to be reduced by 50%.

Of course, the four demon emperors are obsessed with the path of cultivation and cannot waste the great opportunity within their reach for this life. Being accepted as a direct disciple by a heavenly secret deduceer is a dream that many people have.

In the future, if he becomes Gu Xiuyun's personal disciple in a human body, he can still receive the inheritance of the divine religion, so why fight for this life?

Outside the palace.

Gu Yue held the Thunder Sword in her hand with a serious look on her face.

There were constant roars in the Shenkong Temple, the sounds of collisions were heard from time to time, and a miasma filled with crazy sounds shrouded the land for thousands of miles.

"Brother Xi Ming holds two spiritual treasures and is protected by the divine power of the True Lord. Those severely injured and weak Demon Emperors are no match for him." Gu Yue whispered to herself.

Although the Shenwu Demon Emperor is at the ninth level, he mainly uses the Psychedelic Illusion Technique, and what Gu Xiuyun is not afraid of the most is the Psychedelic Illusion Technique.

No matter what psychedelic method you use, what effect will it have on stones? Gu Xiuyun is now half a stone.

Even so, a trace of worry still flashed in Gu Yue's eyes.

It was not appropriate for her to participate in this battle.

The Shenwu Demon Emperor's enchanted sound magic can't do anything to Gu Xiuyun, but it can seriously injure Gu Yue. Although Gu Yue's wind and thunder sword energy is powerful, its defensive methods are weak. Facing the ninth-grade ancestor, if he is not careful, it will be a life-or-death crisis.

So Gu Xiuyun asked her to guard outside the palace gate to prevent the Demon Emperor from escaping.

After a long time, the collision subsided, the Shenkong Temple was silent for a moment, and the green figure stepped out.

A hint of joy flashed in Gu Yue's eyes, and just as she was about to ask about the situation in the palace, she saw four demon kings following closely behind her, their aura almost extinguished, leaving only a weak source of power.

"Girl, this is the Divine Crow Demon Emperor, the ninth-grade ancestor, and the ancestor of the mirage dragon demon beast. He ranks among the twelfth highest rank in the divine lineage." Gu Xiuyun introduced.

"Shenwu has met fellow Taoist," Shenwu Demon Emperor said solemnly, "fellow Taoist has mastered the Yin Yang Wind and Thunder Sword at a young age. My descendant died unjustly that day."

"I am a poor white-haired disciple of Dao Pavilion who has met the Shenwu Demon Emperor." Gu Yue bowed slightly.

There is a gap between the eighth grade and the ninth grade. Although they share the same true artistic conception, they still greet each other with the courtesy of a teacher.

"This is the King Ray. He is at the peak of the eighth level. Both the body refining line and the rule line have reached the true state of mind. His magical powers are extremely powerful..."

"This is the Ice Rhino Demon King, the eighth-level peak..."

"This is the Black Poison Demon Emperor, the peak of the eighth rank..."

Gu Yue clasped her fists repeatedly.

Three eighth-level pinnacles and one ninth-level ancestor were actually following behind Gu Xiuyun. Gu Yue was so surprised that she couldn't help but secretly send a message to ask about the passage in the hall.

"...The four Demon Emperors have all made a contract oath with me. In the future reincarnation, I will accept them as my direct disciples and do my best to train them." Gu Xiuyun explained.

"I see."

Gu Yue suddenly realized.

Heavenly secret deducers will indeed be sought after by the realms of the heavens, but at the same time, they will also be coveted. If not, Master Tiangu would not have been hiding in the secret world, and he has not dared to step out even now.

If Gu Xiuyun was weaker, the four demon emperors would not have this attitude!

They probably forced Gu Xiuyun to make an extremely harsh blood contract oath, and even forced him to explore the secret realm of the void and deduce many dangerous places in order to seize more opportunities.

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