Fortune Teller

Chapter 678: Killing Li Jiang’s clone

The periphery of the secret world.

The condensed light of the Shenwu Demon Emperor is looming, and three eighth-level demon emperors are waiting aside.

Only Gu Xiuyun disappeared without a trace.

"It's really weird. Where did this secret realm come from?" Shenwu Demon King was a little curious.

They originally planned to sweep out all the secret worlds that did not contain the origin, solve the true realm of power, and then slowly clean up the ordinary secret realms.

Unexpectedly, something unexpected happened in the third secret realm.

The secret world in front of them actually gave birth to an original force. Before entering the space, the four demon kings felt an inexplicable sense of rejection. They knew that if they broke in forcefully, they would not be damaged, and the secret world would definitely collapse immediately.

A small secret realm cannot withstand the pressure of the inner world and the four true realms.

In the end, they decided that Gu Xiuyun would go into the secret world alone to explore, while the four demon emperors were waiting outside.

"Perhaps it was the work of the Four Sects of Changli. Fellow Daoist Xi Ming is so powerful, and protected by the Blue Sky Armor and Fantasy Sky Hammer, one person is enough to sweep the entire secret realm." King Ray said leisurely.

"Let's wait!"

The Ice Rhino Demon King panted heavily, looking around with round eyes, and his hooves couldn't help shaking twice, as if he wanted to run wildly in the storm space.

It's been held in for too long!

Deep in the secret world, a small figure appeared on Gu Xiuyun's shoulder, his dark head looking around.

"Gu Xiuyun, I have used my magical powers several times. I am sure that there are no living beings in this world. What are you still looking for?"

"Just because there is no living thing, doesn't mean there is nothing else."

Around Gu Xiuyun, one hundred and eight spirit turtle black armor sticks were circling and dancing, and he was counting with his hands uncertainly. At the same time, the life span in his body was constantly being consumed.

He is displaying the blurred phase of the past.

It was just a small boundary, and even if the Nine Elements Calculation was used to deduce its past, the backlash against Gu Xiuyun would be very weak.

After a long time, he exhaled a breath, "So that's it. No wonder the source of space appears in this secret world."

"Have you found the reason?" The Black-striped Golden Dolphin asked quickly.

The source of the void is completely different from the ordinary source of power.

The origin of a complete world contains all the rules of the world, including time and space, the five elements, wind and thunder, and all the rules derived from the nine origins. Only such a world can maintain stability and exist in the world forever.

The ordinary source power is very chaotic. When the fire rules are running, it shows the fire attribute. When the thunder rules run, it shows the thunder attribute. There is no certainty.

The changes in the Wuxiang Heaven will not cause the origin of a world to be born. The two levels are the same, but there is an essential difference.

"It's just a guess, it may not be correct."

Gu Xiuyun stepped towards the deepest part of the secret world. Under the wind and sand, he came to the bottom of a cracked canyon.

The stone walls on both sides of the canyon were red in color, vaguely filled with aura, the air was quite humid, and there were a few grass blades sprouting out.

"Did you see it?" Gu Xiuyun pointed forward, "After the source is condensed, the pure and turbid qi disperse, and life will be born. This is the only place where vegetation is born in the entire secret world, and it is also the place where the source is first born."

The black-striped golden dolphin blinked its eyes, looking confused.

What about the place of birth?

Gu Xiuyun couldn't help but knock the black-striped golden dolphin on the head, "I want you to read more classics. There are so many books in the side hall of the Holy Land. How many have you read today?"

The little black pig spread its hoof and counted silently, "1, 2, 3, 4." It switched to the other hoof again, counted twice, lowered its head, and stopped talking!

Gu Xiuyun shook his head, with a look of helplessness on his face, "The origin of the void should not appear in the normal space. It stands to reason that only the fourth level of space can breed the origin and then disperse the entire secret world."

"Those plants and trees will also appear in various places at the same time, especially in the sea where the water vapor is rich."

"However, this world is completely different. There is nothing in the sea water. Instead, there are plants and trees sprouting from the depths of the canyon. It seems that they have been growing for a long time, at least thirty years!"

The black-striped golden dolphin blinked, still not understanding.

"More than thirty years ago, there happened to be a problem with the Four Elephants Divine Fire Array. If my guess is correct, this place used to be the alleyway of the divine array. The alleyway cracked, the divine array collapsed, and part of the power escaped and evolved into The origin." Gu Xiuyun's eyes flashed.

"Although the Four Symbols Divine Fire Formation is a four-attribute fusion divine formation, it does not evolve its origin. It can be seen that the treasures deep in the formation contain endless origin power and are extremely pure. They are even a special realm."

"You mean, Patriarch Tianji refined a world?" The Black Pattern Golden Dolphin asked repeatedly.

"Of course not. It's easy for the Venerable to evolve into the world. Why bother with so much effort?" Gu Xiuyun shook his head, "There is no need for Chu Weijun to lie to me. What the Patriarch Tianji refined must be a Tianji treasure, but I also want to I don’t understand, why does a spiritual treasure require a massive source of power?”

After walking along the canyon for a long time, Gu Xiuyun still couldn't find the answer, so he could only turn around and leave.

Two days later, the Shenwu Demon Emperor brought the three-headed demon and Gu Xiuyun to the seventh secret world.


The moment the soul thought surged, the endless illusion suddenly suppressed, pointing directly at a human race powerful man in the center of the secret realm.

"Do it!"

There are layers of psychedelic illusions, which instantly pull the human race's powerful mind into the depths of the illusion, and the consciousness is almost fainting.

The Ninth Grade Patriarch took action with all his strength, and the power of the illusion was terrifying.

At the same time, the Divine Crow Demon King took a few steps, crossed a distance of thousands of miles, and came to the human race's powerful body.

In the gray light, four figures appeared out of thin air.

The Ice Rhino Demon King was breathing heavily, and his single horn emitted a silvery luster. It penetrated the void like a sharp arrow, pointing directly at the mighty human race.

The Black Poison Demon King condensed black poisonous thorns and stabbed forward.

Gu Xiuyun held the Phantom Void Hammer, and the endless power of the void poured into it, condensed into a ball, and smashed it out.

Only the King Ray has not taken action, but it has opened its huge mouth, and its sea-swallowing magical power is ready to explode at any time. If the opponent can really save his life, he will definitely escape from here immediately. At that time, he will use the sea-swallowing and violent suction power, even if it is Even the eighth-grade powerful one cannot resist it.

Poof! !

The silver horn arrived first, and with a flash of silver light, it pierced the eighth-level powerful body.

As the strongest bloodline magical power of the Ice Rhino Demon King, the horn is by no means as simple as penetrating power. The depth of the silver light contains a cold and dead breath. Although it is only a trace, its power level is at the level of a venerable.

Under the aura of death, the flesh and blood of any cultivator will fester rapidly, and the ninth-grade patriarch is no exception.

Moreover, this aura will also spread to the sea of ​​consciousness, and it is possible for those with slightly weaker souls to fly away.

The moment the silver horn pierced the body, the eighth-level expert was awakened by the severe pain and broke away from the illusion. However, before he could see the enemy clearly, the black poisonous thorn had arrived.


The poisonous thorn penetrated the forehead bone, and the ink-colored aura filled the whole body. His eyes fell into darkness, his ears were dead and silent, and his limbs and even all his flesh lost their sensitivity.

The only thing that can be used is soul thought.

However, in front of the Shenwu Demon King, it was impossible for the eighth-level powerful soul to see Gu Xiuyun and others clearly...

"You are so brave, how dare you take action against the Likong Sect!" The eighth-level powerful soul thought roared.

What greeted him was a huge hammer.

The power of the endless void crashed down, and Gu Xiuyun's strength reached its extreme at this moment. Almost instantly, the power of the Li Kong Sect was smashed into pieces.


The body, including the soul, is completely annihilated.

"What a killing spirit treasure!" Shenwu Demon King praised.

"Senior, please don't laugh at me," Gu Xiuyun shook his head quickly, "Before the Illusion Sky Hammer fell, the magical powers of fellow Taoist Ice Rhinoceros and Taoist Mo Du destroyed most of this person's body and soul. My hammer was just a formality. "

Under the illusion of the Shenwu Demon Emperor, Li Kongmen was almost defenseless. At the same time, he withstood the bloodline magical power of two eighth-level peaks. He was not far from death. With or without the Illusion Sky Hammer, the three demon emperors could easily be killed. Kill each other.

It can be seen that the gap between Gu Xiuyun and the eighth-level peak is still very large. After all, the Blue Sky Armor and the Fantasy Sky Hammer are foreign objects, and they are not as fast as the magical powers and secret arts.

“High Priest, don’t compare yourself to us,” the Ice Rhino Demon King laughed loudly, “How many years have we old guys practiced, and how many years have you practiced, I’m afraid that in a few hundred years, you will surpass us!! "

Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly.

If there is no problem of mental changes, with his bravery and diligence, he can indeed reach the peak of the eighth level in hundreds of years.

But now he doesn't even dare to comprehend the mysteries or deduce formations, for fear of accelerating his condition. How can he dare to practice?

I read classics almost every day, looking for solutions.

"The high priest's guess is correct. The four sects of Changli have indeed placed true artistic conceptions in Wuxiangtian, but I don't know how many there are!"

"Clear this secret area first, and then continue searching."

Gu Xiuyun looked into the distance with a thoughtful look on his face.

Deep in the void, there is a huge landmass, about a million miles in diameter.

Compared with other places, the area thousands of miles around the land does not have any void turbulence, nor is there any evil energy. The ground is full of palaces and attics, with human practitioners walking back and forth, and many monster slaves.

This is the real stronghold of the four Changli sects.

It is incredible to open up a piece of land in the endless void and accommodate ordinary creatures to live in it. In the realm of the heavens, only the four Changli sects have a piece of land in the void.

In the northern part of the land, the spiritual energy is as strong as clouds and mist, and the rules fluctuate erratically. Three of Li Kongmen's true artistic conceptions reside here.

Suddenly, one of the palaces exploded.

A powerful human race with disheveled hair and red eyes soared into the sky and roared angrily, "Who is it! Who is it!"

"Li Jiang, what happened?"

The other two eighth-level experts immediately flew out of the palace and chased after them.

"My clone was killed," Li Jiang's eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes, and his anger was mixed with resentment. "It was not done by one person. Although I was trapped by the illusion and my soul was covered, the other person's aura was completely different. At least three people, one of them must be a monster."

"Did you see the other party's appearance clearly, or his magical powers?" The other two people asked quickly.

"No, I just felt a chill, and my flesh, flesh, and soul fell into a cold and dead silence. Then, an inexplicable darkness enveloped my heart, and everything lost its sensitivity. Then, I died!!"


The two powerful men frowned. What's the use of this bit of information? ?

Cold and dead, there are too many eighth-level powers who are good at water-attribute secret arts, and the five elements are originally the main school.

As for illusion and darkness, it's too vague to guess the answer.

Just as they were speaking, an invisible coercion came over them, and the three of them quickly knelt down and shouted, "This disciple has seen the Venerable."

"Li Jiang, how did your clone die?"

"Reporting to you, Your Majesty, my disciple was practicing at that time. Suddenly, a psychedelic illusion enveloped my mind, pulling me into the illusion. Immediately afterwards, my body was pierced by sharp arrows..."

Li Jiang Dagong told the story of his death in detail.

After finishing speaking, there was silence in the void.

After a long time, a confused and rough voice came, "Although it was a sneak attack, your will is not weak, and you are protected by spiritual treasures. You were trapped by illusion alone. This person is probably a person." A ninth-grade ancestor.”

"Ninth-grade Patriarch?"

"Could it be that the white-haired old ape took action?"

"No, it can't be it. How could it know such a mysterious illusion method?"

The three powerful men said in succession.

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