Fortune Teller

Chapter 682: The Maze

Inside Hanshiling Cave.

Chu Weijun was practicing with his eyes closed. Suddenly his expression changed, his fingertips crossed his waist, and he took out a jade talisman for communication.

There is only one pair of this talisman, and there is no need to send a message. As long as it is activated, it means that something unexpected has happened. On the other end of the jade talisman is a disciple of the Tianxing Palace guarding the Four Elephants Divine Fire Array.

"What happened to the Divine Fire Array?"

Chu Weijun quickly activated the jade talisman to ask for news, but there was no response from the other end.

A moment later, another messenger jade talisman emitted a spiritual light, "Junior brother Yingche, there is a powerful person with true artistic conception who broke into the divine fire formation. The origin of the other party is unknown. He may be an ally of Tao Pavilion or a third-party force."

"Senior Brother Dushan, we can't handle the true power of artistic conception. Do you want to ask the Black Crocodile Demon King to take action?" Chu Weijun asked.

"I have rushed to Yunwuze. Junior brother, I will stay in Wuxiang Tian for the time being and wait for the changes. If there are changes in other cracks in the divine formation, you can ask the powerful Li Kongmen to take action."

"Okay!" Chu Weijun responded.

In a cave.

The powerful man from Daodao Pavilion opened his eyes, his face darkened, "There is still some time before the treasure is perfected, why is Tianxing Palace so anxious?"

"We have the White-haired Ape Emperor to help us. The Heavenly Star Palace can only rely on the Black Crocodile Demon Emperor. There is already a gap in strength. They want to strike first, which is not wrong."

"It may also be a third-party force. Don't forget, the four sects of Changli have controlled the Wuxiang Heaven for tens of thousands of years. No one would believe it if there is no true power hidden here."

"No matter who takes action, we can't sit still and wait for death. Let's invite the White-haired Ape King!"

Most of the people in the cave were gone.

Within the human kingdom.

Gu Yue's second clone is sitting cross-legged and practicing with his eyes closed.

Suddenly, the messenger jade talisman in Xumi's bag trembled and emitted a faint spiritual light.

She took out the jade talisman of communication and looked calm as usual.

"Junior Sister Gu, if you have the power to sneak into the Divine Fire Formation with true artistic conception, rush to Chijin Mountain immediately. We need your help. If possible, it's best to invite Master Ximing to come over."


Gu Yue put away the jade talisman and fled towards Chijin Mountain.

This body does not have the Thunder Sword, nor the Mixed Wind Thunder Pearl, and even the physical body is much weaker than the real body. In just a few decades, it will be difficult to practice the secret technique of body refining to the peak of Douxiao Realm.

Half an hour later.

Gu Yue came to the top of Chijin Mountain, and several apes respectfully invited her into the depths of the ruins.

Not long after, a hundred-foot-wide crack was torn open in the void, and violent aura filled the sky for thousands of miles. Wherever the aura touched, the sky almost cracked open.

Compared to the Divine Crow Demon King, the owner of this aura is much more terrifying, but he doesn't know how to restrain himself. In just a moment, he was contaminated by a lot of cause and effect.

"It is indeed troublesome to enter the Immortal Heaven with a ninth-grade body."

The white-haired ape king murmured in his mouth and galloped towards the crack in the divine fire formation. In just a few breaths, he disappeared.

"The white-haired old ape has entered the Four Elephants Divine Fire Formation," Gu Xiuyun smiled as he looked at the three demon kings beside him, "Let's go without further ado."


The four figures did not enter the phaseless sky, but passed through the Nirvana Space and directly arrived at the periphery of the secret realm of Chijin Mountain.

This secret realm is sealed by the divine formation, isolated from the world, and cannot be found by ordinary means. But Gu Xiuyun is different. His real body of Bai Kongze is currently hiding deep in the secret space. Using the real body as the coordinates, even if the venerable person left behind Even the restrictions imposed cannot stop everyone.

"I'm afraid the secret space left by Zhu Yan cannot be broken open by ordinary means. How can we sneak into it?" The Ice Rhino Demon King looked at Gu Xiuyun.

"Follow me, everyone."

Gu Xiuyun led the three demon kings forward, and after a while, they arrived near a node.


The rules of Void Escape forcibly opened a crack, and the crack was filled with strong spiritual energy, and there was also a hot breath, as if a fire was burning.


The four people passed through the crack and came to a secret world.

"This is the secret space under Chi Jin Mountain? There are many young Yin Fire Apes."

"Where is the Flame Cemetery?"

"That statue in the distance is the ancient ferocious beast Zhu Yan?"

The three eighth-level demon emperors looked around, full of curiosity. The black-striped golden dolphin in the Xumi bag also came out of its head and looked around.

"The Flame Cemetery is on the upper floor. This is the ancestral palace of the Yin Fire Ape," Gu Xiuyun pointed into the distance. "The stone palace at the foot of the ape statue is the ancestral palace recorded in the sacred books."

"Inherited Ancestral Palace?!"

The demon kings stared at the small stone palace in the distance for several times.

The ancestral hall of inheritance at the bottom of Chi Jin Mountain fascinates countless practitioners. It is said that the ancestral hall contains the complete inheritance of the origin of the fire element. Therefore, every generation of Yin Fire Apes will have ninth-level powerhouses.

"The legendary ancestral palace, it's a pity that my major is Water Path, otherwise I would have to take a look." The Ice Rhino Demon King said regretfully.

"So what, do you still dare to compete with the white-haired ape for the ancestral palace? Aren't you afraid that it will slap you to death?" King Ray looked disdainful.

"Leave quickly, it's not a good place to stay for a long time."

Gu Xiuyun waved his hands lightly, and the power of space rules enveloped everyone, avoiding the Yin Fire Ape's detection and walking towards the corridor.

After half a stick of incense, they came to the flame cemetery space.

As soon as they entered it, everyone felt their bodies sink, and the three demon kings even let out painful wails. Although Gu Xiuyun was not unusual, he felt uncomfortable all over, as if every ounce of flesh and blood was trembling and might burst apart at any time.

"What's going on? When Bai Kongze entered this place, nothing strange happened!" Gu Xiuyun frowned.

"Bloodline, the bloodline in our bodies is trembling," Modu Demon King lay on the ground in pain, "This must be the place where the ancient ferocious beast Zhu Yan practiced. The way of body refining has gone too far, so far that the entire The space is filled with high-level aura, and any body-refining practitioner who comes here will be suppressed."

"The high priest is a human race after all, and the body-refining method he practices is only an auxiliary, and our physical bodies come from the blood of our ancestors. In this space, I am afraid that we cannot even exert half of our strength." The Ice Rhino Demon King panted violently.

The place where the ancient ferocious beast Zhu Yan practiced, suppressed the body refining lineage too much!

"But those apes and monsters didn't show any abnormality!" Gu Xiuyun pointed into the distance.

More than a dozen ape monsters were waving long whips and were forcing the human cultivators to carry the red ore.

“Perhaps they have some connection with Zhu Yan,” King Ray speculated, “Just like outsiders who enter the Divine Cult’s main altar, they will also be deprived of the realm of stars, but we can use the power of heaven and earth to perform many methods. "

"These Yin Fire Apes are probably the blood descendants of Zhu Yan."

Gu Xiuyun frowned.

The sight before him was beyond his expectation.

The three eighth-level demon emperors were completely suppressed by Zhu Yan's aura and could not even exert half of their strength. It was difficult for him alone to break through the formation restrictions in the secret space and spy on the flame cemetery.

As for those red ores, they can be taken away at any time, but if there is no way to use them, the treasures are useless.

Gu Xiuyun opened the Sumeru bag and took a look at the black-striped golden dolphin. Sure enough, the black-striped golden dolphin had fallen into a coma. Even if he had great magical powers, he could not use them!

"Everyone, please rest for a while and leave this matter to me!"

Gu Xiuyun waved with one hand, put the three eighth-level demon kings into the Xumi bag, and then looked ten miles away.

There is an invisible void there, coming from the White Sky Ze.

At this moment, most of Bai Kongze's body was hidden in the fourth layer of space, with only a small part staying outside, and they were completely separated from each other.

The stripped body was controlled by the real human body and stretched towards the flame cemetery.


Before it could be touched, the invisible flames had already surged over, and almost instantly, the void was burned away.

"What's going on? Where did Mars come from?"

"You all, please be careful and don't get too close to the cemetery."


The ape monsters waved their long whips and landed on the human cultivators around them, including ancestors of the Yan family and Gu Zhen.

Seeing this, Gu Xiuyun frowned slightly, murderous intent flashed in his eyes, but he forced himself to hold it back.

Now is not the time to save the two ancestors of the aristocratic family. Once the snake is alerted, it will be ten times and a hundred times more difficult to sneak into the secret space in the future. You must wait for the right opportunity before taking action.

"According to the current situation, it will be difficult to find a way to spy on the Flame Cemetery for a while. The Divine Fire Array must try to delay as much time as possible!"

Gu Xiuyun said to himself.

Deep in the flame alley.

Endless flames burned every space, and the alleyway extended to no one knows where. Gu Xiuyun and the Shenwu Demon King walked forward for a long time, but still could not see the end.

"This alleyway seems to be much longer than before," Gu Xiuyun said in a deep voice, "Senior Shenwu, let's speed up our pace. This trip is not just about moving the tiger away from the mountain. If we can find out where the treasure of Tianji Pavilion is, it will be much easier to seize the treasure in the future. "


The Divine Crow Demon Emperor took Gu Xiuyun and fled at high speed.

In just a few moments, they had covered hundreds of thousands of miles, but they still had not seen the end of the flame lane.

"Something's wrong, there seems to be a layer of confusion here," the Divine Crow Demon King's face slightly condensed, "The Four Elephant Divine Fire Formation is mainly for fire-based killing, and it doesn't have any psychedelic effects. I'm afraid this place is different from the Five Elements that blocks Wuxiang Tian. The attributes are merged into one!"

"Five attributes fusion divine array!"

Gu Xiuyun looked around, thought for a moment, and said, "Since we are trapped in a maze, the White-haired Ape Emperor will not be able to get out. This saves a lot of trouble."

"Oh? There was an accident at Chijin Mountain?"

"The secret space is filled with the aura of the ferocious beast Zhu Yan, and it suppresses the demon clan greatly. The three demon kings can hardly exert any strength, and the black-patterned golden dolphin is also unconscious!" Gu Xiuyun said.

"How could this happen?"

The Divine Crow Demon King frowned.

Without the help of three eighth-grade peak experts, and without the formation-breaking magical power of the Black Patterned Golden Dolphin, could Gu Xiuyun alone find the method to use the red ore?

"Every place where the true masters practice has their own special features. The true master Zhu Yan is on the path of body refining. It is not surprising that his aura has a suppressive effect on practitioners of the body refining lineage," Gu Xiuyun said, "Fortunately, the power of the Divine Formation of Tianji Legacy is not weak. I think it can trap the White-haired Ape King for a long time. I will ask Gu Yue first how the situation is in the Pavilion!!"

"Okay, I will continue to look for a way out."

The pace of the Shenwu Demon Emperor slowed down a lot, and he carefully observed all the lanes.

At the same time, there was another place unknown how far away.

The white-haired ape king's whole body formed a three-foot space with fluff, cutting off all flames. Master Shangmiao and Gu Yue from the Taoist Pavilion stood in the three-foot space and were carried forward by the white-haired ape king.

"We are trapped in the maze. We have walked for a long time and traveled millions of miles. There is no way we can still stay deep in the alley."

The Ape King said.

"Senior, what should we do now?"

"Don't worry, we can't find a way out, and other strong men may not be able to find it either. Besides, there is still the obstruction of Tianji's legacy. The Supreme Treasure of the Supreme Being will not be taken away so quickly." The White-haired Ape King looked indifferently.

But not long after, its expression suddenly changed, and a fierce light flashed in its eyes, "Damn it, someone took advantage of the emperor's departure and sneaked into Chijin Mountain!!"

"Who is so bold? The ruins at the bottom of Chijin Mountain were left by the Venerable. Who dares to go there to seek death?" said a real person from Taofao Pavilion.

"Hmph, no matter who he is, he must die," the white-haired ape emperor said with cold eyes, "How powerful the ancestor is, the prohibition methods left by the old man, let alone the true artistic conception, even the venerable ones dare not touch. bump."

"The person who came here can actually walk there. He should be a human cultivator."

The white-haired ape king whispered to himself.

Gu Yue's eyes were calm and she didn't seem to care.

The team from Tianxing Palace were also walking in the lane.

The Black Crocodile Demon King looked ferocious, and was followed by two Douxiao Realm masters, one of whom was a mountain-shaped beast—Mr. Dushan.

The three teams, far or near, were walking in the alley, not knowing where they were.

In a special space.

Master Tiangu is sitting cross-legged, with a bronze mirror placed in front of him. The light from the mirror flickers, and three pictures appear at the same time, namely the Divine Crow Demon King, the White-haired Ape Emperor, and the Black Crocodile Demon Emperor.

"Interesting, really interesting."

"I didn't expect that in addition to Daodao Pavilion and Tianxing Palace, the Eight-Eyed Sect would also appear!"

"Shenwu Demon King, you have disappeared for so many years, and now you can't bear it anymore?"

An inexplicable smile appeared at the corner of Master Tiangu's mouth, and there was endless murderous intent hidden deep in the smile.

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