Fortune Teller

Chapter 690 Oolong

After the celebration, the Shenwu Demon Emperor took three eighth-level demon emperors and began to plot to seize the Cave Heaven Paradise. Gu Xiuyun's second clone accompanied them to help them deal with some powerful people in the realm.

As for the true form of the human race, it has already returned to the cemetery space, continuing to search for the method of using the red source stone, and deducing the method of repairing the inner world. He doesn't need to evolve a perfect inner world, as long as he can barely maintain it so that the three demon kings can exert their true mysterious spiritual power, it is enough.

The three eighth-level demon emperors are all good at frontal killing, and combined with the illusion of the Shenwu Demon Emperor, they are enough to fight against the white-haired ape emperor. At that time, it will be much easier to fight for the venerable treasure.

"Most of the blessed lands of the Wuxiang Heaven are concentrated in the middle of the land and on the southwest sides. In addition, there are many caves in the northern snowfields, and the East China Sea is the most barren."

"Let us first sweep through the East China Sea and completely control the entire sea area, and then slowly map it out," Shenwu Demon King said solemnly, "Now the disciples of the divine sect have not yet broken through, and most of them only have the pulse-opening realm. Even if they capture a large number of Cave Heaven Blessed Lands, they can only If it can be left aside, it would be better to occupy less places.”

"Senior Shenwu's words make sense. We will first sweep the East China Sea, using the coastline as the boundary, and eliminate all sect disciples." Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly, "The area near the sea is occupied by human nations. As long as we control a group of demon kings, we can create demon beasts." In a chaotic situation, anyone who dares to invade the East China Sea will be killed."

"As for the human kingdom, we can openly wage war against the demon clan and secretly cultivate elite descendants, killing two birds with one stone."

Everyone quickly made plans.

At the same time that the divine sect was greatly expanding, a large number of ancestors of aristocratic families escaped from Chi Jin Mountain. After crossing dozens of mountains in fear, they found that Wuxiang Heaven had already changed drastically.

"Where have all the demon kings in Nanshan County gone? Why are there human cultivators everywhere?"

"Look, there are many cities on Hengjiang River. Those small cities don't even have walls."

"Mortals dare to walk outside, aren't they afraid of death?"

A group of Douxiao Realm ancestors were like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden and standing on the top of the clouds. They wanted to enter the human kingdom, but they were afraid.

At this time, two figures soared into the air and came to the ancestor of the family.

"Fellow Taoists, you are here to participate in the Taoist discussion on Beishan Mountain. A post station has been prepared in the city. Please follow me in!" one of them said.

"Discuss Taoism on the Monument Mountain?" The ancestors of the aristocratic families looked confused.

"You fellow Taoists don't know that Beishan Taoism Forum is unknown?" Another person looked surprised, "Who in the entire Wuxiang Heaven doesn't know that the Beishan Festival can only be held in the Hengjiang Kingdom. It has become a custom to hold a Taoism Taoism Forum every three years. "

"What is the Kingdom of Hengjiang? What is the Taoism on Beishan Mountain?"

The ancestors of the aristocratic family still looked confused.

The two human Douxiao looked at each other, with a hint of vigilance flashing in their eyes, and took a few steps back, "Who are you? You don't even know who you are from the Hengjiang Kingdom. Are you from the Four Sects of Changli?"

"The Four Sects of Changli!"

The eyes of the ancestors of the aristocratic family suddenly lit up, and one of them said continuously: "To be honest with you two fellow Taoists, I am an elder of the Ruoshui Sect, my Taoist name is Zuo Si, and my lay name is He Qingshui."

Another person also followed and said: "I am Zuoshan of the Ruoshui Sect, and my lay name is Yan Lie."

"Zuo Ming, the weak water sect, has a common name, Qu Yao."

The expressions of the two human Dou Xiao suddenly changed, and they shouted angrily: "The spies of the Four Changli Sects are becoming more and more arrogant. They dare to appear blatantly in the sky above the Hengjiang Kingdom. They are really looking for death!"

Just listen to a long cry.

The strong men in the human kingdom walked out of the quiet room one after another.

After a few breaths, a puppet beast roared and soared into the sky, followed by more than 300 Douxiao realms. The momentum soaring straight into the sky shocked the ancestors of all the aristocratic families. They wanted to escape from this place, but they were suppressed by the divine formation. Unable to move.

"what happened?"

Next to the puppet beast was a person from the Douxiao realm with a rather condensed aura. This person's name was Xu Fang, and he was also one of the ancestors of the human family. After absorbing a large amount of source power, he successfully broke through the realm and understood the mystery of the sixth grade, becoming The lord of the main city of Hengjiang Kingdom manages many affairs on behalf of Gu Xiuyun.

"City Lord, these people claim to be disciples of the Four Sects of Changli, and they are sneaky and have bad intentions." The two people said quickly.

"What? The Four Changli Sects still have the guts to enter the Wuxiang Heaven?" Xu Fang's face suddenly turned cold, "The real person once issued an order that anyone who dares to claim to be a disciple of the Four Changli Sects will be killed without mercy."

After the words fell, the puppet beast's eyes flashed fiercely.

More than three hundred people in the Douxiao realm took out their spiritual treasures in unison, ready to take action at any time.

"What's going on? What happened to the four Changli sects?" The ancestors of the aristocratic families reacted.

Listening to what the other party said, the four Changli Sects have been driven out of the world and do not dare to appear at all. They call themselves elders of the Weak Water Sect. What is the difference between them and seeking death?

"Fellow Taoists, we are just the four elders of the four sects in name, but in fact we all come from the world of monsters." The ancestor of the Yan family hurriedly stepped forward, "We, this group of people, have long hated the four Changli sects in our hearts, and we can't wait to eat them." Their flesh, drink their blood.”

"You also come from a human family?" Xu Fang's eyebrows twitched slightly, "In that case, why do you call yourself the elder of the four sects? Don't you know that as early as ten years ago, the four sects of Changli were beaten out of the Wuxiangtian?"

"Have the four sects of Changli been beaten to the Wuxiangtian?" The ancestors of the aristocratic families looked shocked.

Only at this moment did they understand why the Dou Xiaojing people in front of them looked murderous.

"We have been trapped in Chijin Mountain until a few days ago," the ancestor of the Yan family explained continuously, "I am Yan Lie, a native of Chu County, and the contemporary ancestor of the Yan family in Juning City."

"Born in Chu County??" Xu Fang frowned slightly, "Pindao was originally a subordinate of Li Kongmen. He has been living in the far west and is not very familiar with Chu County. Do you know him?"

Douxiao all shook their heads.

More than 300 people in the Douxiao realm, almost all of them are rising stars in the fifth or sixth heaven. Some of them have swallowed the Immortal Fate Pill and jumped to the Douxiao realm. Before the human kingdom was established, how could these people know the old people in the Douxiao realm? Ancestor?

"I have heard a few rumors about the ancestor of the Yan family in Junning City, but I have never met him. It is said that he died forty or fifty years ago."

"The Yan family in Junning City has a very high status in the country of Youning. I have been discussing with Yan Wendan for several days and we have a deep friendship. He also said that the ancestor of the Yan family has died a long time ago!"

Yan Lie's expression changed slightly. After he was trapped in the secret realm of Chijin Mountain, the ever-light lamp was completely extinguished. Even Gu Zhen thought that the ancestor of the Yan family had died, so she went to search with all her strength. In the end, both of them were trapped in Chijin Mountain. Became a prisoner.

"Yan Lie is not dead, I can testify." Ancestor Gu Zhen stepped forward, "I am Gu Zhen, the ancestor of the Gu family in Youning City. If you don't believe it, you can find someone who has met me in the past to come here to investigate. "

The words just fell.

The expressions of more than three hundred Douxiaos all changed!

Xu Fang narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at the white-haired woman in front of him, his face uncertain.

The Gu family's status in the human kingdom is completely different from that of other families, because Master Xi Ming has only one official direct disciple so far, and that is Gu Xiuyun of the Gu family.

This matter has long been recognized by the Black Pattern Golden Dolphin and the Tyrannosaurus Monster. As a result, the Gu family has received far more training resources than others. Even Mrs. Yu and Gu Xiu Shu have received a fairy fate pill and stepped into the world. He is in the Douxiao realm and practices in a second-class cave all year round.

As for Gu Xiuyun, he has only appeared twice in ten years. His methods are no less than those of Zhenxuan Zhenren, and his aura is extremely powerful.

In the three major kingdoms of Chu County, who doesn't know about the Youning Gu family.

"Ancestor Gu Zhen? The ancestor of the Yuning Gu family who has been missing for many years?" Xu Fang spoke again.

"That's right," Gu Zhen nodded, "I have been trapped in Chijin Mountain, and I didn't escape from the Demon Cave until a few days ago."

"Ancestor Gu, please wait a moment. We will ask the ancestors of the aristocratic families to come here for confirmation." Xu Fang forced a smile on his face, "The ancestors of the major aristocratic families have made great contributions, so they all went to the Cave Heaven Paradise to practice. Only we who rely on the heaven Only Qiong Zihua Dan’s Fei Douxiao will stay in the country to handle the affairs in the city.”

"By the way, isn't Fellow Taoist Gu Mingde a guest in the Hengjiang Kingdom?" Someone suddenly said, "He is Gu Xiuyun's great-uncle. When he was stationed in the Weak Water Sect, he was already at the fourth level of Kaimai. He must have met his ancestor. "

"Yes, yes, go and ask fellow Taoist Gu." Xu Fang said repeatedly.

Ancestor Gu Zhen had a strange look on his face, and all the ancestors of the aristocratic families were also puzzled. Among the more than 300 strong men in the Douxiao Realm, Xu Fang's aura even exceeded that of the early Douxiao Realm. Such a huge force would actually attack the fourth level of heaven. Are you so polite?

Not long after, four figures soared into the sky, the leader of which was clearly Gu Mingde, Taoist Jingde of the Ruoshui Sect, and Gu Xiuyun's great-uncle.

"Fellow Daoist Gu, that person calls himself Patriarch Gu Zhen. We don't recognize him, so we can only ask you to identify him!" Xu Fang said.

Before he finished speaking, he saw Taoist Jingde kneeling down with tears in his eyes, "Ancestor, you are finally back. Gu Mingde, the unfilial descendant, has met my ancestor."

If others don't know Gu Zhen, how could Taoist Jingde not know that familiar face and familiar aura? When he was in the Ruoshui Sect, Taoist Jingde stayed with the ancestor all year round, listening to her preaching and preaching, and every look in his eyes was... Engraved in my heart.

"Child, get up," Patriarch Gu Zhen hurriedly stepped forward and helped Taoist Jingde up. "I haven't seen you for decades. I didn't expect you to have entered the Douxiao Realm. The Gu family has a successor. Okay, okay!"

Taoist Jingde's face froze slightly, "Ancestor, don't you know what has happened in Wuxiang Tian these years?"

"I only know that the four sects of Changli were driven out of the world of monsters," Patriarch Gu Zhen shook his head and said, "In just a few decades, the situation in the world has changed drastically. What happened??"

"Yeah, what happened in the world of monsters and beasts?"

"It's been going on for a long time and no one has explained it."

The ancestors of all the aristocratic families looked aggrieved.

Hearing this, more than 300 people turned their heads at the same time and looked at the two Douxiao who appeared first, with sullen expressions on their faces.

Xu Fang's face turned blue and he shouted angrily: "You two idiots, you didn't even ask me questions clearly, you just shouted to fight and kill. If you really kill Patriarch Gu Zhen, who will bear the responsibility, old man?" "

Xu Fang shed a cold sweat on his back when he thought of the Gu family's status in the human kingdom.

"City Lord, these two guys are not doing well, let's punish them to go to Nanling to conquer the monsters!" Someone suggested.

The expressions of the two Douxiaos who were welcoming the guests suddenly changed, and there was a look of pleading in their eyes.

However, no one among the more than 300 people was willing to plead for mercy. Today's ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo' worsts comrades was completely caused by the two of them, and there were no one else but Gu Zhen, the ancestor of the Gu family.

Thinking of Gu Xiuyun's identity and the supreme status of Master Ximing in the human kingdom, Zhong Douxiao felt chills in their hearts.

"Okay, this city lord will punish you two to go to Nanling. Each of you must kill at least three demon kings before you can return to Hengjiang Kingdom." Xu Fang said in a deep voice.

North of Chu County.

Yan Lie, Gu Zhen and Taoist Jingde walked into the kingdom of You Ning along the entrance of the divine formation.

"Two ancestors, this is the You Ning Kingdom, and it is also the foundation of the Gu family, the Yu family, and the Yan family. Now there are sixteen cities controlled by the three families." Taoist Jingde pointed forward and said.

"Jingde, I heard you mention the junior named Gu Xiuyun earlier. I wonder where he is?"

The two ancestors looked around, their eyes full of curiosity.

Decades ago, Wuxiangtian was still desolate, with monsters and beasts everywhere, and the human race could only hide in the city, not daring to step out.

Even the ancestors of the Douxiao Realm had to avoid the mountains and rivers occupied by the demon kings for fear of causing disputes. The four sects of Changli would not let them make the decision, but the demon kings came in groups, fighting one and running around in groups.

Now everything has changed. The demon kings are hiding in Tibet, for fear of being found by the strong humans.

Official roads have also been established between the major countries, and there is no hindrance to each other. A large number of practitioners patrol around every day. Not to mention the monster beasts in the open pulse realm, even the demon king dare not approach the official roads.

When they found out that all of this stemmed from a Master Xi Ming, and that Gu Xiuyun, a descendant of the clan, was actually the only direct disciple of Master Xi Ming, they were not only shocked but also deeply curious.

What kind of junior can actually become the direct disciple of such a peerless powerhouse?

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