Fortune Teller

Chapter 696: Join forces

In Youning City, the second clone is sitting cross-legged.

Suddenly, there was a wave of spiritual power around his body, and the jade talisman in the Sumeru bag emitted a faint spiritual light. Before Gu Xiuyun could penetrate his soul, several other jade talismans also emitted spiritual light.


Gu Xiuyun smiled slightly and took out the jade talisman.

"Fellow Daoist Cherish your life, my little sister has received the order from Venerable Qianbao and wants to follow Senior Sister Qiongyi to the crack space to explore its secrets. Senior Brother Hu Guan, Fellow Daoist Chi Yuan, and Fellow Daoist Qi He will accompany us. The Venerable has personally promised that if he cherishes his life, If the real person is willing to help, Qianbaoshan will do his best to satisfy the Taoist friend's request." - Jade Fairy.

"Fellow Taoist, I have received an order from the Lord to invite colleagues from all walks of life to go to the Divine Fire Crack to explore the internal situation. The Lord has promised that as long as fellow Taoists help, the Gold and Silver Palace is willing to repay tenfold." - Taoist Sancai.

"Fellow Taoist Cherish your life..." - Taoist Lei Chi.

Each jade talisman exudes spiritual light. As the top sect's masters, most of them are wealthy. There are always one or two people who have refined the soul. Even if there is no soul, they can ask other sects to help.

Each venerable person passed an order to his disciples, asking them to explore the cracked space with all their strength.

At the same time, the sages also made heavy promises.

They understand that the one who can seal the Wuxiang Heaven with the five-attribute fusion divine formation must be Zhenzun. Counting the past, they include the Eight-Eyed Zhenzun, Tianji Patriarch, Zhu Yan, and Bai Ze.

No matter who it is, it is enough to make His Holiness tempted.

In addition, Venerable Dongchen avoided saying anything, which also made everyone suspect that there was a great opportunity hidden in Wuxiang Tian. Otherwise, why would Venerable Dongchen conceal it?

And those masters of Shangmiao all focused on Gu Xiuyun.

"It seems that the venerables from all the sects don't know what happened in Wuxiangtian," Gu Xiuyun's brows twitched slightly, "The real lords are standing behind Venerable Dongchen and Venerable Weiyang, so they can find out. They have selfish motives. , and never told anyone else.”

"Those venerables are self-aware and do not order their disciples to compete for opportunities. They only need to explore the secrets of the crack space."

Gu Xiuyun touched his chin.

He knew the secret of the Divine Fire Formation clearly, but he promised Chu Weijun not to publicize this matter.

"This matter is a bit difficult to handle." Gu Xiuyun frowned slightly.

After the Divine Fire Formation collapsed, many alien creatures appeared. Although these creatures could not compete with the eighth-grade powerful ones, they had strength that was no less than that of the top ones. Once the All-Heaven Sect entered the formation, they would all be annihilated.

After thinking for half a stick of incense, Gu Xiuyun activated the jade talisman to respond to everyone.


The Jade Fairy held the jade talisman of communication and looked hesitant.

"Junior sister, what do you say, Master Xi Ming?" Demon King Qiong Yi asked quickly.

"Fellow Taoist Xi Ming promised my little sister," Fairy Yu replied, "but he not only helped us, but also promised to top sects such as Leiyunge and Jinyin Palace. What Xi Ming means is that since all the venerables want to To find out what’s going on inside, why not go in together.”

"This real person is really thoughtful!"

Demon King Qiongyi sneered, "If we follow what he said, wouldn't all the major sects owe him a favor?"

"Sister, what should we do about this matter?" Demon King Hu Guan looked at the purple-haired woman.

With the help of the real person who cherishes his life, the certainty of saving his life is undoubtedly much greater, but when he thinks that other sects have also benefited, everyone can't help but feel unwilling.

"Please, Your Majesty, make a decision!" Qiongyi Demon King thought for a moment and said in a deep voice.

Tens of billions of miles apart in the void, a sacred mountain a hundred thousand miles high is embedded in the depths of the void.

The sacred mountain is shining with golden light, and illusions appear one after another, like a glazed pagoda. Looking from a distance, the pagoda is divided into one hundred and eight floors, and there are thousands of rare treasures hanging on the eaves and corners of each floor.

Therefore, this mountain is called Qianbao Mountain by the world.

But if you get closer, you will find that the so-called rare treasures are clearly void bubbles that are thousands of feet in size. In the bubbles, there are human beings walking, monsters and beasts fighting, and all kinds of strange and weird scenes.

Above Qianbao Mountain, clouds shrouded the sky, and a fox demon with twelve tails was resting in the clouds.

As it breathes in and out, the illusion of the void changes erratically. At every moment, bubbles burst, and then bubbles are restored.

Qiongyi Demon King knelt on the top of the sacred mountain and narrated Gu Xiuyun's reply.

After a while, a hazy and ethereal voice came from deep in the clouds, "Yes!"

Qiongyi Demon King kowtowed three times and bowed nine times before turning around and leaving.

At this moment, a figure with white clothes and white hair appeared in the distance, carrying a long sword on his back. His eyes were as sharp as the sun and the moon. Wherever the figure went, the light of the sword followed.

"Geng Yang? You have just become Taoist. What are you doing here?" The fox demon opened his eyes.

"There are some interesting things happening in the Wuxiang Heaven, and I want to find out." Venerable Gengyang said, "Besides, I want to meet an old friend by the way. Fantasy, I didn't expect that two million years later, you and I would become enlightened again, but you Now that I have become a fox, how does this body compare with the previous life?"

"It's okay. The fox tribe is naturally good at enchantment, which is quite helpful for my illusion." The fox demon raised his head, "You don't have to go to Wuxiang Tian. It has long been sealed by the divine formation, and no venerable person can detect the inside. scene."

"This is one," Venerable Gengyang said quietly, "Second, I want to ask you to do me a favor."

"What's the deal?"

"Open the fantasy sea of ​​thousands of generations."

"What?" The fox demon's eyes widened, "Do you know how much original power it will consume, enough to make my third difficulty arrive early?"

"The third difficulty cannot stop you. You have already accumulated enough to achieve enlightenment in two lives, so why should you stand still?" Venerable Gengyang shook his head slightly. "In your previous life, you majored in the water-walking illusion path. In this life, you turned to the gold-walking path. With the combination of Tao and Dao, the strength is no less than that of Master Sannan. Is there anything wrong about this?"

"As for the price, Pindao will repay it with his fantasy jade heart."

"Huan Jade Heart..."

The fox demon showed his emotions and said with a smile: "The Thousand Worlds of Illusion Sea is of no use to the Venerable, it can only affect the true artistic conception. Are you doing it for that disciple? But don't forget, he is only in the Douxiao Realm now, and is far away from the ninth level. Shang Yuan, whether he can become the ninth-grade Patriarch in the future is still a question, is it too early to make plans for him so early? "

Venerable Gengyang remained silent.

Chu County.

Masters of Shangmiao from all the top sects arrived one after another. Except for the four Changli sects, they almost all arrived in Youning City.

Among them was Chu Weijun.

"Brother Ximing, please don't tell others about this matter, otherwise Chu will be in great trouble," Chu Weijun secretly sent a message, "Brother Taoist, please forgive me."

"Brother Chu, don't worry, I just entered the Divine Fire Crack with the real people of each sect. As for whether they can detect the secret of Wuxiangtian, it depends on themselves!"

Chu Weijun breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as Gu Xiuyun does not inform the All Heavens Sect of the secret of the Venerable Treasure, Venerable Dongchen will not be able to punish him.

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