Fortune Teller

Chapter 702: Rescue


Gu Xiuyun's appearance made the bat beast roar angrily, and many aliens wandering around the periphery rushed forward.

Among them was an extraordinarily huge bat beast, which was five thousand feet long. When its wings flapped, its shadow covered the sky and the sun, and its pupils emitted a strange blood color.

This alien is far beyond its companions and has truly reached the eighth level.

It is also the leader of this alien group. The invisible sound wave contains a mysterious aura, and its power is no less than the true meaning of the rules.

call out!

The sound wave turned into sword light and stabbed Gu Xiuyun.

In an instant, space rules surged, and the cyan figure swayed and stepped dozens of miles away. The sonic sword light turned around and continued to pursue him.

"Eighth-grade bat alien beast?" Gu Xiuyun glanced into the distance, "I will save your life first. After the alien beast group is dealt with, I will slowly deal with you."

The power of the rules filled a ten-mile radius. Wherever the soul thought, the space was rolled up, and all the bats and beasts were blasted away.

At this moment, Yuzhu Demon King finally understood what rules Gu Xiuyun was inciting!

"The rules of void escape? He actually understood the rules of space. How is it possible?"

Yuzhu Demon King found it unbelievable. How could a practitioner of the Douxiao Realm understand the rules of space who had not yet entered the eighth level and had not absorbed the original power?

Even a true eighth-level master would have to comprehend for tens of thousands of years before he can enter the space. How long has Gu Xiuyun been practicing?

In just a short moment, the cyan figure spanned hundreds of miles and drove back all the bat beasts. Master Shangmiao from the Zhutian Sect took this opportunity to escape into the barrier passage.

The bat beast rushed over, trying to follow closely and get into the passage, but was stopped by the overwhelming sea tide.

The tide spreads over thousands of miles, and the tide contains the power of rules one after another. Like big waves crashing on the rocks, the aliens can only manage to maintain their shape and cannot move forward even half a step.

Compared with Taoist secret arts, the coverage area of ​​the demon clan's magical powers is much larger. Most of the magical powers are derived from the physical bloodline. They do not need to rely on soul thoughts and are naturally not suppressed by the divine array space. Only the demon king Tu Hao can Soul-like magical powers require the help of soul thoughts.

"Yuzhu, put a batch in."

Gu Xiuyun shouted, "If you don't deal with the bat swarm, there's no way you can get through this place."

The Yuzhu Demon King snorted coldly, and the waves of the sea weakened a bit. Suddenly, a large number of aliens rushed towards the barrier passage. Master Shangmiao on the other side had already been waiting for him, laying out regular Taoist talismans and eighth-grade spiritual treasures. Hundreds of superiors The power of a wonderful combination cannot be underestimated.

Nearly three hundred aliens passed through the passage and bit into the masters of Shangmiao. Compared with the void creatures, these aliens are more terrifying. They have extremely low intelligence, but they feed on practitioners. Whether they are monsters or humans, as long as they Anyone who steps into the path of spiritual practice can become a powerful resource for others.

What alien creatures need is not the flesh and blood of practitioners, but the original power contained in the deepest part of life.

While the bat beast passed through the passage, the void barrier was also repairing rapidly. In just a few dozen breaths, it shrank to about three inches. The Yuzhu Demon King could no longer bear it and turned into a spiritual light and passed through the barrier passage. Escaped to the other side.

Without the obstruction of the magical power of the sea tide, the alien groups were no longer hindered, and their speed skyrocketed, like leeches all over the sky pounced on Gu Xiuyun.

"No, so many strange bat beasts are swarming up, I'm afraid Taoist Xi Ming cannot stop them." Fairy Jade looked pale.

"Yu Zhu actually escaped alone, completely ignoring the safety of fellow Taoist monks. He is really a greedy person who is afraid of death." Taoist Qi He cursed in his heart.

The two eighth-grades working together can resist the alien tribe for a period of time. If they retreat together, the bat alien beasts will be unable to do anything to them.

But now, the Yuzhu Demon King escaped alone, and the pressure on Gu Xiuyun increased tenfold. Not to mention that he was only in the early stage of the eighth level. Even if he had already entered the eighth level and had profound achievements, it would be difficult to resist the attack of thousands of bat beasts. siege.

What's more, there is a heterogeneous leader inside that is no less than an eighth-grade one.

"Idiot, are you so afraid of death?"

Master Shangmiao from Zhutian Sect could not help but curse in his heart.

Without Gu Xiuyun's Five Elements Heaven-shaking Hand, it would be difficult for the Yuzhu Demon King alone to kill the bat alien beast. Three hundred alien creatures would be enough to cause heavy casualties to the All-Heaven Sect.

Just when everyone was in despair, Gu Xiuyun actually stepped out of the shadows. The bat beasts could not touch him at all, as if they were not in the same space.

"what happened?"

"Can't the bat beast hurt Taoist fellow Taoist Xi Ming?"

"What a man who cherishes his life. I knew he couldn't be dealt with by just a few bats."

Everyone was surprised and happy, with a bit of doubt in their expressions.

What secret technique is it that can actually turn oneself into an illusion that cannot even be touched by bats and beasts?

"Taoist Xi Ming has understood the rules of void escape and is now in the void space," Yuzhu Demon King explained with a cold face, "With the power of space, he can save his life even without my help."

"The rules of void escape?"

"Space rules!"

Master Shangmiao of Zhutian Sect couldn't help but exclaimed, not even caring about the three hundred bat beasts trapped in the middle of the battle formation.

This news is really shocking. It is simply a fantasy to master the rules of space with the body of Douxiao Realm. There are nine avenues of time and space in the Five Elements, Wind and Thunder. Time is the most mysterious and weird. It is inaccessible to those who are not in the Venerable Realm. Space is the second best, even if it is the eighth-level true artistic conception. , and it’s also difficult to get started.

Wind and thunder are equal, and the five elements are the weakest.

How many years has Gu Xiuyun been practicing? How many years did it take to understand the true meaning of the rules? He actually mastered the rules of void escape.

"Do you all think that I am cowardly and afraid of death, so I escaped alone?" Yuzhu Demon King squinted his eyes and looked around everyone, "Tao Ximing possesses the rules of space, and has the nine-color dragon pattern nail in his hand, so he can pass through it at any time. I can't overcome the void barrier. If I don't try my best to protect myself, I'm afraid I will be trapped and die there!"

"Fellow Taoist Xi Ming has always made a distinction between public and private affairs, and would never harm his companions at this time." Fairy Yu sneered, "Yuzhu, don't think that everyone in the world is like you. You are a shameless villain and you just treat others like you." Think of it as a low-level job.”


Yuzhu Demon King stared at Fairy Jade twice, his eyes filled with murderous intent. After hesitating for a moment, he did not take action.

Jade Fairy is a direct descendant of Qianbao Mountain. If she kills people in front of practitioners of various sects, she is declaring war with Qianbao Mountain. After she goes out, there will definitely be a powerful person who wants to settle the score with her.

"What Taoist Fellow Yuzhu said makes sense. Fairy Jade doesn't need to be angry. Let's discuss how to deal with these strange bat beasts!" A real person who was close to Yuzhu Demon King said.

"What Master Jin Ru said is that the bat alien beast is the key at present," another person said, "We must work together to solve the bat alien beast and find out the hidden source in the divine fire crack."

Just as he was talking, there was a roar in the void barrier, and a hairline-thick passage was drilled out by the nine-color dragon pattern nails. Gu Xiuyun walked through, followed by four or five bat beasts.

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