Fortune Teller

Chapter 814 The Black Qi Abyss


The Tyrannosaurus Monster escaped at an extremely fast speed, and the void was filled with a strong Yin Qi, which would cause damage if touched. Fortunately, Gu Yue used secret techniques to protect his body, allowing the Tyrannosaurus Monster to move forward unscrupulously.

After walking for a long time, Gu Yue finally spoke, "The two people stopped, a million miles away from here."

"A million miles? It's really fast!"

Gu Xiuyun looked surprised, "Ni Ao's escape method is quite extraordinary, and with your Yin Yang sword energy opening the way, they can actually escape millions of miles away. These two foreigners have extraordinary origins!"

"With an eighth-level cultivation level, you can master the immortal body of fire. Another person's scale shield can withstand even the yin and yang sword energy. This ability alone is not something that ordinary sects can do."

Gu Yue raised her eyebrows, "Master once told me that there are more than a hundred realms in the endless void. The chessboard realm is not the strongest, but it can be ranked in the top ten. There are some weaker realms, even Zhen Zhen. Zundu doesn’t.”

"Those two people are so powerful and their escape speed is unbelievable. In the entire endless void, I am afraid that only the Langhuan Realm can cultivate such strong men."

Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly.

Of course there are elites in all the major realms, but those beings who are not arrogant and arrogant will definitely not be able to block the door of Jiyin Sea Eye and plunder everywhere.

Thinking of this, Gu Xiuyun frowned slightly. The Langhuan Realm and the Chessboard Realm were extremely far apart. There were three or four realms in between, and there was endless void blocking them. How did those two people get here? And why come here?

Walking in the void is simply not something that the eighth grade can do.

Not to mention the endless stream of alien creatures in the depths of the void, the loss of spiritual power alone is enough to overwhelm the peak of the eighth level.

A strong person like the Black Crocodile Demon King only dares to circle around the chessboard boundary. If he goes a little further, his energy will be exhausted and he will be in a dilemma.

Only the ninth-grade Patriarch has enough original elixirs to support him, and he can travel in the void and enter all major realms.

As he thought in his mind, Gu Xiuyun's brows gradually became serious.

He vaguely felt that the two people coming here might really have something to do with the black-striped golden dolphin. Xiao Hei has always been greedy for treasures, but he is also very timid, making him willing to put himself in danger to seize the treasure. , certainly extraordinary.

This kind of treasure is enough to attract the strong men in the Langhuan realm to break through many obstacles and come to the chessboard realm!

"Ni Ao, speed up." Gu Xiuyun reminded.


The tyrannosaurus monster roared, and its body doubled again. The huge body meant that the distance of each step was doubled, but at the same time, the spiritual energy consumed was even more astonishing.


The lightning flashed away.

The Yin Qi surged in the void, and the violent air currents shocked some of the people walking on the second level of the Extreme Yin Sea, carefully searching for treasures.

"Who is so bold that he dares to run rampant on the second floor without fear of being surrounded by psychic Yin zombies?" A white-haired true spirit master muttered.

Before he finished speaking, he saw a group of broken figures shrouded in the depths of the black air, chasing away along the wind. The true artistic conception master quickly restrained his aura, with a frightened look on his face.

at the same time.

On the outskirts of the Extreme Yin Sea, a group of phantoms covered in raw materials and holding long whips entered the depths of the Aurora with light steps.

Behind each virtual shadow is a tombstone. The surface of the tablet is recorded in ancient writings, exuding a strong ghost aura. Above the shadow, there is a ten-foot-sized golden wooden coffin, which spreads over a hundred miles, covering up all the secrets of cause and effect. Even the true master cannot detect it.

Invisibly, the sound of crying and howling gradually spread out. As soon as the sound came, the faces of the wandering void creatures showed fatigue, then turned into sadness and anger, and finally showed signs of despair. One by one... they actually committed suicide one after another!

The tyrannosaurus beast moved forward at great speed, but it didn't care about the overwhelming black energy behind it.

Hidden in these black air are the psychic Yin corpses of the Extreme Yin Sea. Of course... they are different from Venerable Li Kong.

Venerable Li Kong has already given birth to a complete spiritual consciousness, which is no different from any living thing.

As for the psychic Yin Zombies in the Extreme Yin Sea, except for a very small number, most of the Yin Zombies were corroded by the infinite Yin Qi as soon as they were born spiritually. They lost their nature and became walking zombies who only knew how to kill.

But even so, there are still many eighth-grade great masters, ninth-grade ancestors and even venerable sages who have left tombs here, because the endless Yin energy is both a threat and an opportunity. Anyone who can successfully get through it is expected to awaken the memory of his life and use it in an alternative way. Way to live a new life.


The escaping light was like lightning, and the black energy surged violently, following closely behind, but still unable to break through Gu Yue's sword energy barrier, approaching a thousand miles away.

After walking for a long time, the Tyrannosaurus Monster finally arrived at the location Gu Yue mentioned.

Ahead is an abyss of black energy, with countless psychic inferi gathered in the depths. Even if you stand on the edge of the abyss, you can hear continuous roars.

"Master White Hair, are those two people really in front?" There was a hint of fear in the eyes of the Tyrannosaurus Monster.

Mrs. Yu and Gu Xiushu looked at the scene in the distance with pale faces.

Yan Suqing remained calm, but she had never experienced such a scene before, and her body began to tremble slightly.

"It's too dangerous here. Mother, eldest sister, Miss Yan, you'd better rest in the cabin first." Gu Xiuyun waved his hand and sent the three of them into the inner cabin of the Lingbao Flying Boat, and then put them into the body.

After doing all this, he and Gu Yue walked to the shoulders of the Tyrannosaurus Monster and shrank into a hundred-foot-sized Tyrannosaurus Monster. Its neck was still dozens of times thicker than the two of them.

"This is it, go in!"

Gu Xiuyun said quietly.

The Tyrannosaurus monster bravely walked into the abyss of black energy. In an instant, cries followed one after another. The endless black energy turned into weapons and stabbed around the body. There were also ghostly sounds that resounded through the soul and penetrated into the depths of the mind. .

"Compared with the power of cause and effect, monsters and monsters are far behind!"

Gu Xiuyun's eyes were as calm as water, and with a wave of his sleeve, the Five Elements Overturning Hand turned into a millstone of life and death and pushed it downwards.

The energy of life and death circulated, and the power of the Heaven-turning Hand was incredibly strong. It swept out a passage thousands of feet wide and a hundred miles long, and neither the black energy nor the psychic corpse remained.

"Brother Xi Ming, we are both in the twelfth level of Douxiao. Your energy seems to be more than twice as powerful as mine." Gu Yue commented.

"This is the power of will," Gu Xiuyun said, "Girl, the twelfth level of Douxiao is just the starting point of martial arts. From then on, you need to continue to temper your will to raise your energy and spirit to a higher level. If I The calculation is good, you must master at least 10% of the particle power before you can enter the true realm, otherwise you will be in danger of death. "

"Even if you are lucky and do not die, it is possible that like alien creatures, your consciousness will be suppressed by martial arts cultivation, and even your spiritual intelligence will be wiped out!"

Gu Yue nodded slightly.

She has also noticed that when she was at the eleventh level of Douxiao, she could still fully control her body's power. After entering the twelfth level, she condensed black hole particles and her control over her body was drastically weakened, to less than one percent.

In terms of will, Gu Yue is indeed inferior to Gu Xiuyun. After twenty thousand years of practice, Gu Xiuyun's will has been honed to be extremely strong, almost as strong as the ninth-grade patriarch.

And Gu Yue's years of practice only lasted four to five thousand years.

In the black abyss, the tyrannosaurus beast stepped forward.

The millstone of life and death continued to wipe away the surrounding black energy and the mountains of psychic corpses. The deeper they went, the more serious Gu Xiuyun's face became.

The abyss of black energy seems to have no end. After walking for nearly ten thousand miles, they still haven't reached the bottom. I really don't know how those two people entered it?

"Brother Cherish Your Life, they are still down there." Gu Yue reminded.

"I want to see what is hidden under this abyss?" Gu Xiuyun's eyes were cold.

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