Fortune Teller

Chapter 818 Disadvantages of Tricolor Fruit

"This guy is really not polite at all."

Gu Xiuyun shook his head helplessly and put the black pig into the Lingbao flying boat. "The talisman mentioned by the flame and scale protectors should be these two jade tokens."

The two of them each held a jade plaque and moved forward.

The next moment, an inexplicable fluctuation appeared in the void, leading him and Gu Yue to fly to the first island in the south.


As the light fell, the two came to the edge of the island. In front of them stood a gorgeous palace gate, with three entrances and three exits. Each gate tower was nine feet high, exuding strong fluctuations in divine power.

A puppet beast with a slightly broken body walked out from the depths of the gate tower, its eyes cold and indifferent, "To enter the Yulin Temple, you must make an oath not to tell outsiders the secrets in the temple, and to become a disciple of the Banshan Sect. If you don't If you wish, you will have to endure the blows of wind and thunder.”

"Let's go!"

Gu Xiuyun was too lazy to pay attention to the puppet beast.

If it weren't for the black-striped golden dolphin sleeping, they wouldn't have needed to go through the main entrance, directly across the formation seal, and enter the area where the three-color vines of the fairy dome are located.

Two figures entered the palace gate, and the next moment, the wind roared and thunder roared.

The sound of wind and thunder echoed through the void, and thunder and lightning struck down one after another, with power no less than the peak of Tianshu Realm.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

The thunder pillar was annihilated by the black and white palm prints before it touched the physical body. The two of them walked directly towards the depths of the island without any hesitation.

As if angered by their actions, the thunder above the island became more and more intensive, and the wind and thunder roared, as if a sea of ​​thunder had gathered. At the same time, the ground was filled with ghostly aura, trying to completely annihilate Gu Xiuyun and Gu Yue.

"Where did the thunder come from?"

Master Feiyu flew up into the air, looked into the sky, and saw the outermost island covered by thunderclouds. His expression suddenly changed, "No, the strong men from the Ghost Mansion must have arrived. Let's go quickly and collect enough three-color fruits." , let’s leave here.”

The five guardians' expressions tightened, and they activated their Taoist secrets one after another, transforming into strange forms one by one.

The Golden Protector gave a low scolding, and as if his whole body was coated with a layer of copper oil, he rushed towards the formation light curtain in front.


The light curtain trembled slightly.

Protector Lei pulled out an ancient spear and chopped it down. The rules of thunder he practiced were known for their domineering power. At this moment, combined with the secret technique of Taoism, the tip of the spear turned into an electric light, instantly piercing the formation barrier.

Several other guardians also took action.

As for the deputy sect master Fei Yu, he held a feather fan and fanned it seven times in a row. The entire formation came to a standstill and the formation barriers shattered.


The six people passed through the formation barrier and entered the next area. As for the Taoist secrets recorded around the formation, they no longer paid attention to it.

The first five floors of the temple are all left by Zhenzun Yulin for future generations. In addition to tests along the way, there are also many rare treasures and Taoist secrets as gifts to future generations.

Deep in the island, Lianming Guijun also saw this scene, and his expression changed slightly.

"Thunder light is all over the island. Someone is trying to break into the temple?"

"To be so bold and capable, it must be those two people!"

"You even dare to break into the temple of Zhenzun Yulin. Aren't you afraid of being chopped to death by the power of wind and thunder?"

There was a look of fear on Lian Ming Guijun's face. As a strong man in the ghost mansion, he rarely feared people, but Gu Xiuyun really scared him!

Although they only fought for a moment, the opponent seemed to be born to restrain the ghost. Any palm could hurt the soul. The ghost's best method of reducing ghosts was unable to avoid the opponent's strange energy.

"First get the physical body of Zhenzun Yulin, and then find a way to deal with the group of people outside. If it doesn't work, then run away."

Lianming Guijun rushed towards the deepest part of the island, and no obstacles along the way could stop him.

Before heading to the chessboard realm, Master Guifu had already investigated the internal layout of the Yulin Temple and made a special response. He walked in the body of a soul, much faster than Master Feiyu.

Half a day later.

Gu Xiuyun and Gu Yue arrived on the third floor. The lightning above their heads was still there, and the surrounding formations were densely covered, but they couldn't stop them at all.

Shit! !

A ray of sword light slashed across the void, tearing open the formation barrier, revealing a slightly messy palace building. There were many damages between the pavilions, and it was obvious that someone had just passed by not long ago.

"The other party will not leave this place for more than two sticks of incense."

Gu Yue pinched her fingertips and said.

"So, they didn't get the three-color fruit either?" Gu Xiuyun raised his eyebrows lightly.

"should not."

The two of them continued on their way.

"Thunderclouds are getting closer!"

"What should I do? The formation illusions in the Jade Palace are extremely complicated. Unless the formation base is forcibly destroyed, it will be impossible to walk through it in a short time."

"The formation foundation cannot be broken. Doing so will only benefit the disciples of Guifu."

Master Feiyu frowned. Deep in the sea of ​​consciousness, the imprint left by the Venerable flickered, as if he was telling something.

Feiyu and the Venerable Banshan Sect were both surprised by the strength of the Ghost Mansion's pursuers. You must know that the Banshan Sect dispatched twelve teams. Feiyu's team was not considered the strongest and could only be ranked in the middle of the pack.

But the person from the Ghost Mansion actually carried Feng Lei through the three-story island, and his strength was almost terrifying. How could such a strong person target Master Fei Yu if he didn't deal with the strongest teams of the Mountain Moving Sect?

"There is no other way, I can only take a gamble now," Master Feiyu said in a deep voice, "Five junior brothers, please stay here to resist. I will go in on the fourth floor alone and collect enough tricolor fruits. I will immediately activate the Great Void Movement Talisman and return to the Langhuan Realm."

"We are willing to dedicate ourselves to the sect."

The five guardians bowed with determination on their faces.

Master Feiyu nodded, and a black flying needle appeared in his palm.


The mighty Yuan Power poured into the Flying Needle, and Master Feiyu condensed into a starlight, blending with the Flying Needle.

Immediately afterwards, the flying needle emitted violent spatial fluctuations and disappeared.

The five guardians looked determined, waiting for the arrival of the powerful man from the ghost mansion.

However, this wait lasted for a long time.

Deep in the island.

Gu Xiuyun held the book of Taoism in his hand, with a look of disappointment on his face, "The so-called three-color fruit can actually reduce disasters in this way. No wonder Zuo Daoxing doesn't have any records. It's a waste of time. Girl, let's go!!"


Gu Yue nodded slightly, not showing any nostalgia for the Taoist books in the palace.

Along the way, they saw a lot of Taoist and secret arts, and the two of them almost passed by them without stopping.

At the ninth level, Taoism and secret techniques are no longer of much use. What is more important is one's own perception and secret techniques. One type is enough!

When they reached the third-level island, they finally saw the records about the tricolor fruit.

The Tianqiong three-color vine is said to come from the edge of the endless void. It was originally a incomplete spiritual root, but was later revived by Zhenzun Yulin. This vine contains the power of calamity, and the fruits it grows are naturally capable of destroying flesh and bones. Power.

According to the classics left by Zhenzun Yulin, the three-color fruit contains the power of three disasters and nine disasters. Each time you refine one, you can experience part of the disaster in advance.

As long as the number of three-color fruits is large enough, it can withstand nearly 50% of the power of the catastrophe before the tribulation is overcome. When the tribulation is actually overcome in the future, the tribulation will be reduced by 50%, which will naturally be much easier.

But this method is only effective for Lord Ernan.

Because the three-color fruit contains not only the calamity of flesh destruction, but also the calamity of burning blood and the calamity of bone erosion. The Reverend Ernan has already survived two calamities. The three-color fruit is beneficial and harmless to them, but if Gu Xiuyun swallows When this thing is dropped, both body and soul will be destroyed immediately.

Three disasters are coming at the same time. How can he bear it with his true artistic conception?

After reading the Taoist book, Gu Xiuyun was a little disappointed and took Gu Yue to prepare to leave.

Suddenly, the island shook violently.


Gu Xiuyun frowned slightly. Previously, the island had not collapsed even after being bombarded by wind and thunder for a long time, but now it was actually shaking?

"Brother cherish your life, I have a bad feeling." Gu Yue said.

"Come on, something is going to happen to this temple!"

The sleeping black-striped golden dolphin also woke up and shouted repeatedly, "The Qilin bloodline is in fear, and there is a terrifying beast deep in the ground that is awakening."

"A ferocious beast?? Zhenzun Yulin turned into a psychic Yin corpse?" Gu Xiuyun thought of some possibility and his forehead trembled suddenly.

If this is the case, the Jiyin Sea and even the entire chessboard realm will be in turmoil.

During his lifetime, True Lord Yulin was a terrifying existence no less than True Lord Eight Eyes. His physical body also reached the realm of a Venerable. If not for this, his corpse would not have been targeted by the ghost mansion.


Gu Xiuyun grabbed Gu Yue's wrist, and the Five Elements Overturning Hand suddenly fell down. The black and white light mixed with the red flame sword light instantly tore open the island barrier and rushed out of the island.

Leaving the island, the formation seal was much weaker. With just a few palms, the two of them arrived at the edge of Yulin Temple.

Spiritual power poured into the depths of the talisman, and invisible fluctuations appeared, seemingly opening the temple portal.

After a moment, a slit opened from the center of the stone wall.

But the tremors deep in the island became more and more intense.


There was a muffled sound.

Gu Yue's expression changed drastically, and Gu Xiuyun's eyes suddenly darkened.

The talisman in their hands actually broke!

Invisibly, there was a force preventing the two from leaving the Yulin Temple.

"We're in big trouble!"

Gu Xiuyun took a deep breath and took out a ball of black liquid from the storage spirit treasure. He opened his mouth and drank it. The cold and thorough taste went straight into his mind, suppressing the illusion of cause and effect, and his exhausted mental strength recovered a lot.

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