Fortune Teller

Chapter 825 Golden Dragon Soul

The unicorn cub rubbed its eyes vigorously, its nose twitching one after another, but still couldn't see anything unusual.

The fragments of the sacred tree in front were filled with the power of the source, and the spirit fruit powder did not look like an illusion. It trotted forward with strong and powerful hooves, licked it twice carefully, and felt that its mind was particularly clear, and even shouted: "You Lie to me, this is a real spiritual fruit, you smashed it to pieces!"

Gu Xiuyun shook his head and smiled.

No wonder Qilin is auspicious and protected by heaven and earth, but he still suffers a lot of casualties. With the brain of the black-striped golden dolphin, it is okay that no one is targeting him. Once he is targeted, he will not survive for ten days and a half.

Is it possible to destroy seven original spiritual fruits, plus a sacred tree that breeds spiritual fruits?

The Eight-Eyed Zhenzun is indeed extraordinary in his methods. Even he cannot tell whether the original spirit fruit is true or false, but there are some things that do not need to be judged as true or false. Just use your brain and you will know the problem!

After the sacred tree collapsed, the cave gradually collapsed and two paths appeared.

One is resplendent, and one can feel the rich treasure just by smelling it. The other is quiet and cold, with twists and turns, with no end in sight.

"Two ways?"

Gu Xiuyun frowned slightly, and did not rush to take steps. Instead, he carefully observed the scene of the two trails, and secretly activated the secret technique. Under the entanglement of cause and effect, the changes in the secret were blurred, and the difficulty of deduction increased a thousand times. But fortunately, He had plenty of time to think.

The black-striped golden dolphin stared at the paths on both sides, sniffed it carefully twice, and his eyes suddenly lit up. "At the end of this road, I smell the breath of treasures and the legendary magic medicine."

"As for the other road, it is ordinary, with no treasures and no dangers."

"Congratulations to both of you, you have passed the test," a voice came from the void again, "The sacred tree before was a test for you. As fellow disciples of the sect, if you kill each other for a treasure, you may betray the god in the future. Teach, this kind of person is not qualified to receive the gift from the True Lord.”

"And the two paths in front of you lead to spiritual treasures and Taoist scriptures respectively. The cultivation of external objects is extremely important, and the inheritance of Taoism is also indispensable. You can only choose one of the two paths."

"Your Excellency, you mean... we have to give up a road?" Gu Xiuyun sneered.

After talking for a long time, they were still forced to make a choice.

The Black-striped Golden Dolphin definitely wants the spiritual treasure and rare treasures. Gu Xiuyun is entangled in cause and effect, and he hopes to find a way to solve his own predicament.

"What if I want to choose both paths?"

"This is not possible!" The voice in the void was extremely determined.

"That's not necessarily the case!!"

With a wave of one hand, Gu Xiuyun sent the unicorn cub into the Baoqi Path. Then, he took a step forward and walked towards the direction of the Dao Book of Scriptures.

The void twisted and the path quickly became blurry, but at this moment, an extremely violent space distortion force filled the air, forcibly holding on to the path in front of him.

"The true master has been silent for a long time. You want to stop me with just the formation spirit puppet?" Gu Xiuyun snorted.

If the golden dragon is resurrected, he will still be afraid of three points.

The voice in the void is hidden, which shows that the strength is not much better. Gu Xiuyun is now the high priest of the Eight-Eyed Sect and the holder of the throne. In terms of identity and status, he is absolutely qualified to seek the inheritance of the true master. There is no need for a formation spirit puppet. To judge?

Dare you stop him?

Then fight all the way through.


The Five Elements Overturning Hand emitted the light of red flames, and the true energy of the twelfth level of Douxiao exploded with extreme power. With just one palm, the cave was torn open with huge cracks.

"Stop," an angry shout came from the void, "How can it be that a junior like you can break into the palace of the True Master without fear of angering the True Master?"

Gu Xiuyun sneered, "The Eight-Eyed True Master allows me to enter the cave in order to give me inheritance. Who are you and dare to block it?"

The figure deep in the cave was furious and quickly activated the formation restriction to bombard Gu Xiuyun.

But this is inside the golden dragon's body, and the biggest barrier is the dragon's body. After entering here, there are no powerful restrictions. Even if there are, they are enough to deal with the black-striped golden dolphin, and to deal with Gu Xiuyun...?


A strong person in the fifth realm is the top being in the world no matter where he goes. Unless the Venerable takes action himself, almost no one can suppress him.


Gu Xiuyun waved one hand, and the huge palm print forcibly swept away the surrounding formation. Void wind blades emerged one after another, but they could not even break through the skin of the physical body.

In another path, the unicorn cub looked back at the scene behind him, his scalp was numb with fear, and he hurriedly walked deeper into the path.

According to the rules of the voice in the void, Gu Xiuyun sent the black-patterned golden dolphin into the Baoqi path. He chose that path. It complied with the rules and naturally could not attack.

Therefore, all the formations in the cave gathered around Gu Xiuyun.

The power of metal turned into a long sword, constantly chopping; the sea of ​​fire rolled, filling the void for hundreds of miles; the cold air turned into thousands of silver needles and pierced into the pores; the two forces of earth and wood were entangled together, forming chains, sealing Cyan figure.

But everything collapsed in front of the Five Elements Heaven-shaking Shou.


Another palm print blasted out.

Gu Xiuyun finally reached the end of the cave. In front of him was a valley with dense trees and beautiful mountains and clear waters. There were many classics scattered above the rocks, and there were also many books by the stream.

Each Taoist volume exudes a mysterious aura, which shows that its material is extremely special and will not decay even after tens of millions of years.

These Taoist books are the true inheritance of the Eight-Eyed True Master.

"The Eight-Eyed Divine Religion has unexpectedly produced people like you. It seems that the situation of the Divine Religion is not as bad as I guessed." An illusory dragon soul appeared in the valley, with a faint evil aura between its brows. "The world of immortality has always been about the weak and the strong. If you can get in all the way, you are qualified to read the Taoist book here."

"Eight-Eyed True Master?" Gu Xiuyun looked suspicious.

"You can say that, but it's not right." Illusive Dragon Soul shook his head slightly, "I am the last body of the Eight-Eyed True Lord's nine transformations. As for this ray of soul coming from the body of a golden dragon, compared with Li Kong, it is nothing. Far from it!”

"Nine transformations? Li Kong??" Gu Xiuyun's brows furrowed slightly, and there was a vague guess in his heart.

"It seems you don't know yet," Illusory Dragon Soul smiled lightly and pointed at the eight-eyed statue in the center of the valley, "Before the true master became enlightened, his body was actually an eight-eyed golden silkworm. The golden silkworm tribe was born with a magical power. , called True Form Shelling, each time the shell is shed, the strength of the physical body increases greatly. "

"After the True Lord entered the realm of the Venerable, he practiced hard on the body lineage, so that the golden silkworm's body was completely transformed, and changed nine times in succession. The last time was the true dragon form, and used this to deduce a top secret. Chuan - Nine Transformations of True Form."

"Unfortunately, the True Master was still dissatisfied. Finally, he gave up his golden silkworm body, rebuilt his human body, and once again reached the ninth level."

"The two meridians merge together, and finally one can refine the body and achieve the realm of the Venerable."

"Senior, that golden dragon aura shouldn't be the ninth grade, right?" Gu Xiuyun asked doubtfully.

"Yes, Zhenzun later re-sacrificially refined the dragon body, allowing it to break through the threshold of the venerable. The same is true for the human body," Illusory Dragon Soul explained, "Since then, I have been in charge of the golden dragon body, and Li Kong has been in charge of the human body, serving Zhenzhen. Respect your left and right."

"Unfortunately, my Taoist understanding is not high enough, and I have not been able to integrate the five elements. On the contrary, Li Kong has broken through the bottleneck early. With the human body, my strength has increased by leaps and bounds. I must be not far from the True Master level!"

"I see."

Gu Xiuyun took a deep breath, and he finally understood why the Li Kong Sect wanted to trap him and kill him despite the huge risk of karma.

Among the four sects of Changli, the other three venerables are just pawns. The one who really wants to seize the inheritance of the divine sect should be Venerable Likong. No, this person's goal is definitely not the thirteen stars.

Gu Xiuyun suddenly thought that Li Kong and Longhun were both the remnant souls of Zhenzhen. The three of them were originally one body. How could Lord Likong not know the contents recorded in the notebook of the Lord?

PS: The Eight-Eyed True Lord is divided into two bodies: the demon body and the human body. There was foreshadowing a long time ago, and I guess no one remembers it.

When Gu Xiuyun first entered the secret world, the priest of the divine sect once said that the Eight-Eyed True Master was half human and half demon, so the sect was also divided into two branches: human and demon.

Lord Li Kong is in charge of the human body, and what is hidden in the Golden Dragon Palace is the demon body, which is the remains of the Eight-Eyed True Lord after he became enlightened.

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