Fortune Teller

Chapter 827 Entering the WTO

No wonder Dragon Soul sneered at this.

Gu Xiuyun thought for a moment and had an idea in his mind. The story recorded by Patriarch Tianji was not just a path to practice.

Those stories may seem chaotic, but in fact they have hidden connections, but once they do so, the consequences are unpredictable.

"Try it in the world of Tianjipan first."

"Mainly with mortals, it shouldn't involve too many causes and effects."

Thinking of this, Bai Kongze, who was wandering in the world of Tianjipan, floated towards the realm of living beings and flew towards the human city.

On the streets of Dingyang City.

A fortune teller in tattered clothes, holding a crude cloth flag, shouted as he walked, "Testing words and telling fortunes, every penny counts."

"Compete with what I had back then."

Gu Xiuyun smiled, and the shadow transformed by Bai Kongze penetrated into this person's body.

The fortune teller's body trembled suddenly, and then the expression on his face became calm and deep, and his eyes were as black as ink, as if he could see everything in the world.

Diagonally across the street, a rich man in rich clothes walked leisurely.

"I'm from a famous family, but my family is in ruins. It's pitiful, pitiful!" Gu Xiuyun glanced at the rich young man and shouted, "It's a pity that the Gao family can be regarded as a third-generation official, but he can't survive the disaster of a hundred years."

"Physiologist, who are you talking about?"

The rich man looked over immediately, and two servants stepped forward quickly, grabbed the fortune teller's lapel and wanted to beat him.

"Wait a minute, young master, don't you want to resolve the disaster?" Gu Xiuyun said repeatedly.

"What's the explanation? The Gao family is a famous family in Dingyang City. Who doesn't know my young master? People come to our door every now and then to trick him. We've long been tired of hearing about it!"

"They are liars, I am different," Gu Xiuyun shouted, "The Gao family is really in great trouble. If you don't believe it, you will find out in five days, but within these five days, please treat me with good food and drink. If there is no resolution in the future, I would like to sacrifice my head.”


The two servants looked at the young master.

"Take him back first!"

The rich man thought for a moment and said in a deep voice.

They have seen a lot of fortune tellers, but this is the first time they have seen one so courageous. Will he risk his life just for five days of food?

The two servants twisted the fortune teller's arms and walked towards the Gao family's mansion.

Along the way, Gu Xiuyun kept chattering, "Young Master Peng is lucky enough to meet me. I heard that your sister has not yet left the court. How about a match with me?"

"Gag his mouth!"

The rich man said impatiently.

The servant immediately tore off a piece of the cloth flag and stuffed it into the fortune teller's mouth.


The fortune teller twisted around and was sent all the way to the execution chamber of the Gaofu family by his servants. As a prominent family, the Gao family had its own execution chamber for practicing family law.

That night, the rich man made Gu Xiuyun realize the severity of Gao's punishment.

Then a good meal was delivered. Just as Gu Xiuyun said, Mr. Gao really treated him well.

at night.

There was silence all around, except for the fortune teller, who lowered his head and seemed to be thinking about something.

"The actions of Patriarch Tianji may seem chaotic, but in fact there is a clear trajectory... to change the future."

Gu Xiuyun whispered to himself.

"From the ordinary world, he changed the future of others, and even the future of a city or a country time and time again. During this period, the cause and effect he was infected with became bigger and bigger, and at the same time, his understanding of the road of destiny became more and more profound."

"It can be seen that changing the future has indescribable benefits for those who practice destiny."

I believe that not only he understood this context, but also the Eight-Eyed Master and the Master of Time and Space Palace, but none of them acted on it.

Because every time the future is changed, it will be contaminated with cause and effect.

The two true masters would not destroy their own path for a Taoist book, but Gu Xiuyun was different. He had no choice but to believe in the Patriarch Tianji.

What's more, he still has the world of Tianjipan in hand. For the initial stage of cultivation, hundreds of millions of miles of earth is enough!

Four days later.

At dawn, several servants rushed into the house with pale faces, "Something is going wrong, something is going wrong!"

"What's the matter? You're screaming so early in the morning?"

The high house butler came out.

"Chief steward, I have been impeached by the imperial censor. I have been imprisoned and will be interrogated at a later date."

"What did you say?" The butler's expression changed.

The maid on the side had already hurried to the backyard to report the matter to the madam and the uncles in each room.

A moment later, the front hall of Gaofu.

The queen's wife, uncles and cousins, as well as the principal wife and the prince of the high house were all present. They all looked pale and frightened.

"How could this happen?? How could this happen?"

The wife of the bride kept mumbling.

There were three generations of officials in the Gao Mansion, and the forces in the DPRK and the DPRK were intertwined. From the generation of the Grand Master, there were many favors. To the generation of Gao Xiang, although the official position is not high, they hold real power and have many allies in the DPRK. Logically speaking, they will not fall easily. .

"How did the censor impeach him?" the lady asked in a deep voice.

"It is said to be a bribe," a servant who was summoned bowed and said, "Not long ago, the imperial court conducted a strict inspection of the household department and found many shortfalls. Later, it was implicated on the master. The censors have a grudge against Wang Zaifu, so naturally they will not let this go. Chance."

The madam nodded slightly, her face slightly relaxed.

It's just a bribe, not a big deal.

The forces in the DPRK were divided into three parties. Mr. Gao followed Wang Zaifu, while the censor belonged to the Prime Minister of Qin. The two sides were in conflict, and it was not surprising that the censor started to impeach.

"Madam, the Prime Minister just sent someone to bring the news. I'm afraid this matter is not that simple."

The housekeeper whispered in the ear of Mrs. Qin, "Prime Minister Qin has been preparing for a long time. It is impossible that he only has such a small means. The master is the most powerful right-hand man around the prime minister. If we don't respond properly, I am afraid that not only the master will lose his official position." , the entire Gaofu must be sent into military exile.”

"how so?"

The madam's face changed slightly.

The uncles and gentlemen on both sides were all smart and saw that something was wrong. They all proposed countermeasures, but they were all rejected.

Sitting on the edge of the seat, Gao Peng, a young man from a wealthy family, had a serious look on his face. He was a second-generation ancestor who had no worries about food, clothing, or housework. Anyway, with the support of the Gao family behind him, he had a lot of money to spend.

But if Mr. Gao falls, what else will he have?

Thinking of this, Gao Peng frowned even more.

"Sir, do you still remember the fortune teller you met five days ago??" A servant whispered, "That man said that the Gao family was going to be in catastrophe and that the family was in ruins, and he was tortured by you. "

"That fortune teller!"

Gao Peng's eyes lit up.

Yes, since this person can tell that the Gao family is about to encounter a disaster, and can clearly point out the five-day period, it shows that he really has the ability to spy on the secrets of heaven, and maybe he can save the Gao family.

"Let's go find the fortune teller."

Gao Peng glanced at both sides and walked towards the hall door.

Before she even crossed the threshold, she heard the Madam snort coldly, "Your own father is in jail, do you still have the heart to hang out in a brothel? Sit down for me."

"Grandma, I'm not going to a brothel," Gao Peng said quickly. "Five days ago, I met a fortune teller on South Street. The man said at that time that the Gao family was about to encounter a disaster..."

"It happened."

After hearing Gao Peng tell the whole story, everyone in the hall looked surprised.

There are many swindling fortune tellers, but it is rare to see someone as accurate as Gu Xiuyun!

This person is most likely a real fortune teller... everyone guessed.

"Invite this person here quickly," the lady said repeatedly, "By the way, don't say anything along the way."


Gao Peng left in a hurry with his servants.

Half an hour later.

Several servants supported Gu Xiuyun, who was covered in scars, and entered the front hall. The uncles on both sides had cold eyes, and the madam's face was as serious as water, and her face was full of anger.

Just now, Wang Zaifu sent another message. The censor found new evidence, which was related to forming a clique for personal gain. This time, even if the Gao family was not exterminated, their family would have to be ransacked.

As for Wang Zaifu, he can no longer protect himself.

"Are you the one who slandered the Gao family? Do you know your guilt?" The lady looked coldly at the fortune teller who was dressed in rags.

"What's my crime??" Gu Xiuyun looked around and said with a smile, "Hasn't Minister Gao been impeached? I'm afraid the Gao family won't be able to survive this calamity."


The madam shouted angrily, "Drag this man into the torture chamber and give him three hundred punishments."

As soon as he finished speaking, the expressions of everyone in the hall suddenly changed. The rich man looked frightened and shouted, "Grandma, no, this gentleman really has the ability to spy on the secrets of heaven. Now he is the only one who can save us!"

The madam looked at the rich man helplessly and said, "You kid, I just wanted to deceive this man. Who knows if he is a spy sent by Prime Minister Qin?"

"I admire the old lady's astuteness." Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly.

Indeed, it is more likely that Gu Xiuyun is a spy than a real fortune teller. What Mrs. Tai did is not surprising.

"However, there are some things that Prime Minister Qin could not guess. For example, three hours later, Wang Zaifu presented a memorial to Chen, accusing the Lord of Lu Gao City of secretly bribing him and giving Prime Minister Qin seven boxes of gold and silver jewelry and thirty white beads." Gu Xiuyun said leisurely.

"Wang Zaifu's memorial!"

The madam narrowed her eyes.

If this thing is true, it means that the person in front of them does have the ability to tell fortunes. It only takes three hours, and they can afford to wait.

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