Fortune Teller

Chapter 831 Mortal technology?

Inside Dingyang City.

Bai Kongze is stationed in the physiognomist's body, observing the heaven and earth from a distance.

After the human race's true form opened the virtual barrier, the fate line in his eyes instantly became much clearer, and his sensitivity to the fluctuations also improved a lot.

At the same time, Gu Xiuyun felt something in his heart and raised his head to look to the west of the Demon Realm.

"It's been five hundred years. I don't know what Ni Ao has changed into the West. Go and have a look!"

Bai Kongze separated part of his body, passed over the Shenzhu Mountain, crossed the sand sea, and came to a strange country.

As if sensing Gu Xiuyun's appearance, the Tyrannosaurus monster flew through the void and appeared.

"Sir, why are you here?"

"I want to see how your true god is doing."

Gu Xiuyun glanced at the center of the city. The tall stone hall was full of patterns. The most eye-catching one was a sculpture of a tyrannosaurus. It was all white and had a pair of golden wings on its back. Behind the tyrannosaurus were twelve people, all with long hair. A pair of golden wings.

Ahead, there is the scene of the tyrannosaurus monster creating the world, the scene of enlightening mortals, the scene of controlling floods...

There are more than 400 small countries in a radius of one million miles. Without exception, these countries worship the Tyrannosaurus monster and honor it as the Supreme True God. The twelve people under its command are the messengers of the True God.

Every day before dinner, mortals sincerely worship the tyrannosaurus monster and thank the 'Supreme God' for giving them life and wisdom.

"You did you do that?"

Gu Xiuyun's face was full of surprise.

In just five hundred years, Ni Ao actually changed the appearance of a mortal. Not only did his hair color and pupils change a lot, but his face also changed. He even forgot everything in the realm of living beings and regarded the Tyrannosaurus monster as the supreme god.

"Sir, follow me!"

The Tyrannosaurus monster smiled mysteriously.

Two figures flew across the sky and landed on a towering mountain in the west. There was a turquoise pool on the top of the mountain, and a cooing sound came from it.

Gu Xiuyun lowered his eyes, stared at the pool, and frowned slightly, "Why is there the aura of the peak demon lord here?"

"There once was a peak demon lord who died here. Although this demon's body died, his mind will remain in the world forever. After countless years, a demon pool was condensed," the Tyrannosaurus Monster explained. "The demon pool is extremely extraordinary. There are With the magical power to confuse people's hearts and condense illusions, the little demon uses the power of the pond water to cleanse the minds and memories of mortals. "

"So you became the supreme true god who created the world?" Gu Xiuyun had an inexplicable smile on his lips.


The tyrannosaurus monster rubbed its head, feeling a little proud but also a little scared.

As early as when it was young, it longed to control a piece of land, become the supreme true god, and be worshiped by countless creatures.

Now it’s finally come true!

Gu Xiuyun turned around and looked at each country. After a moment, he frowned slightly and said, "Li Ao, there are no warriors in the country under your command? There are no practitioners either?"


The tyrannosaurus monster shook his head, "The magic pool affects the land within a million miles. All the spiritual energy in this area has been sucked dry, making it impossible to practice martial arts and immortality."

As it said, its eyes lit up, "Sir, there are some things you must not expect."


The Tyrannosaurus monster waved its claws, grabbed a handful of fruit from a distance, and threw it on the ground, "Sir, what did you find?"

"Formation?" Gu Xiuyun guessed.

The tyrannosaurus shook his head.

"Contains the original power?"

The tyrannosaurus continued to shake its head.

"Can you understand Taoist secrets by eating one?"

Still shaking his head.

"Don't be shy and tell me quickly." Gu Xiuyun snorted.

"These fruits will fall to the ground, it's magical!" the Tyrannosaurus Monster said proudly.


"Are you kidding me?"

Gu Xiuyun waved his palm and was about to hit the tyrannosaurus monster with the Five Elements Heaven-shaking Move when he suddenly remembered that he was in the form of Bai Kongze. He hummed and turned to look at the sky, too lazy to pay attention to this 'mentally retarded' person.

"Sir, please don't underestimate these fruits." The Tyrannosaurus monster waved a mirror light. There were many figures coming and going in the light screen, operating something. "Mortals rely on these fruits to create a very different kind of fruit." Although Yu Xian Dao's method is weak in power, it has many magical effects and can even have conversations dozens of miles apart."

"Mortals talking to each other dozens of miles apart?"

Gu Xiuyun was surprised. Even practitioners in the Pulse Opening Realm couldn't talk to each other dozens of miles apart, let alone some mortals who didn't even have spiritual power.

In the light curtain.

Mortals are wearing powerful clothes and playing with different tools in their hands, which look like different shapes.

"In the eyes of those mortals, these things are called technology. Their effects are average, but they are quite magical. Not long ago, they even created a weapon that was no less powerful than the early stage of Kai Pulse Realm, and used it to destroy a small country."

"science and technology……"

Gu Xiuyun narrowed his eyes, and he finally understood why he felt something in his heart.

It turns out that the method to change the future of the realm of sentient beings is here.

Technology has greatly changed mortals, and everyone from high-level officials to civilians has been affected. Moreover, it is a mundane means. No matter how it changes, it still belongs to the secular level and will not break away from the control of the rules of heaven and earth.

"You guy really created a miracle."

Gu Xiuyun pinched his fingertips and calculated for a moment, a strange color flashed in his eyes.

In the realm of living beings without spiritual power, the impact of science and technology is greater, and the population base is huge. If these methods can be spread, it won't be long before the entire realm of living beings will undergo earth-shaking changes.

And Gu Xiuyun can use this to understand the avenue of destiny.

Two days later, there were more than a dozen tourists from foreign lands in Dingyang City, each holding strange things in their hands and selling them everywhere.

At first, no one wanted to talk to them.

But it didn’t take long for many people to discover that Kit Kat objects were extremely magical. There were kerosene engines that could be used to push oxcarts and carriages, iron wire machines that could talk to each other even though they were dozens of miles apart, and magnets that contained inexplicable energy. lock up……

One by one, strange and strange things quickly attracted the attention of the court.

Half a month later, the imperial court issued a decree prohibiting the trading of such ingenious objects. Anyone who found them would be executed. At the same time, a large number of officers and soldiers went around to arrest foreign tourists, but they had disappeared without a trace.

A few days later, news spread that foreign tourists had appeared in neighboring countries, and strange things were being bought and sold everywhere. The Tiansong Kingdom had no choice but to ask innate warriors to take action and capture these people secretly.

Of course, the result was still in vain.

A few months later, foreign tourists traveled a million miles around, selling tens of thousands of ingenuity items, and also 'accidentally' leaving behind structural drawings, as well as a group of skilled craftsmen who secretly learned the craftsmanship.

At the same time, Lan Chonghe, the strongest man in martial arts, sent an order to 'invite' all innate warriors to the Immortal Law Realm to jointly practice the true understanding of martial arts. Regardless of acceptance or rejection, these innate warriors who have entered the innate realm and escaped from the fate of the world, All disappeared from the realm of living beings.

The seven great masters of the Divine Realm also issued orders prohibiting the gods from participating in secular battles. No matter what happens, they are not allowed to participate...

The water in the Realm of Living Beings began to boil.

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