Fortune Teller

Chapter 836 Mountaineering

The sound of gold and iron clashing continues.

Unconsciously, another six hundred moves passed, and Yuan Ke's sword tactics also had the effect of accumulating momentum. The farther back, the more powerful they were. Defense was mixed with attack, one sword after another...

Finally, Cui Ping's flesh and blood were torn apart by the sharp sword energy, and he fell to the ground seriously injured.

"Six hundred and fifty-four moves, I accept!" Yuan Ke took back his sword.

"I lost!"

Cui Ping's face was filled with unwillingness. If he had met Yuan Zhen, he would not have lost this battle. In the end, he could withstand a thousand moves. In terms of move skills, he was much better than Hu Shan!

"I wonder who will take action next?" Yuan Ke looked up at everyone.

"Come on, old man!"

Mr. Yu stepped forward and said with a smile, "If you lose early or late, you will lose. Instead of watching others fight and feel uneasy, it is better to accept the reality early."

"Senior is joking!"

Yuan Ke raised his sword with a solemn look on his face.

Opposite me, Mr. Yu, is in the fifth level of innate realm. Not to mention his cultivation level, he has been honed over many years and has become extremely proficient in his mind, will, and move skills. Facing this person, even with the cooperation of Tao, magic, and secret techniques, it is difficult to defeat him with thousands of moves. Defeat the opponent within.

"Senior brother, let me do it!" Yuan Zhen said.


Yuan Ke shook his head slightly.

The other two are only at the fifth level. Yu Lao once received guidance from Lan Chonghe, and even if he hasn't mastered Taoism, his skills have probably reached an astonishing level.

According to the message from the gods, this person is far more powerful than Su Wen and Qin Xiangsi, and among all the innate warriors, he is the most promising one to become a disciple of the Martial Saint.

As for meeting the Patriarch... it is almost impossible, unless the other party is self-taught and masters a Taoist secret technique. There are only a few such powerful people in the entire history of the realm of living beings.

"Senior, please take action!"

Yuan Ke's whole body is filled with strong innate innocence. Facing Yu Lao, he will use all his methods without any reservation.

"I will devote all my strength to this battle," Mr. Yu's eyes gradually became cold and serious, "Martial Saint Chonghe taught me a sword technique back then. For hundreds of years, I have been practicing hard day and night, but I have never been able to get a glimpse of its true meaning. , now I understand that it is not just a technique, but also a 'Tao'."


The sword glowed brightly, and as soon as it appeared, Yuan Ke's expression changed drastically.

Yu Lao's sword energy is still at the level of skill, but it already contains inexplicable power, which is a breath of Tao.

Taoist secrets are at least double-restricted.

As for Yu Lao's sword energy, it contains a basic restriction. The power has not been improved much, but it is completely different from ordinary moves.

when! when! when!

The dense clash of gold and iron echoed through the void like a heavy rain.

As soon as they met, the two fell into a fierce battle. One was in the fourth level of innate realm and used Taoist secrets. The other was in the fifth level of innate realm and had skillful and perfect moves.

Their extremely high cultivation level allowed them to change their moves very quickly. After more than ten breaths passed, the two of them had already fought hundreds of moves.

Many warriors at the first and second levels of Xiantian Realm cannot even see clearly the changes in their moves.

"It's amazing, it's amazing!"

Shan Yang was amazed in his heart, "As expected of Mr. Yu. Facing the disciples of Wuzong, he can still remain undefeated. He can execute dozens of moves in one breath without making any mistakes. He is exquisite and meticulous. Is this a master of the fifth level?"

Yuan Ke's sword energy is extremely powerful, while Yu Lao uses fast to fight slow. You make one move, I make three moves, relying entirely on exquisite moves and speed to compete with the opponent.

This battle left all the innate warriors speechless. Su Wen and Qin Xiangsi's eyes were fixed, not daring to let go of any process.

After a long time, Yuan Ke stepped back quickly and took back his sword.

"Congratulations, Senior Yu, you passed the test!"

"It's not easy, it's not easy!"

Mr. Yu chuckled, "Because of my old bones, I should have lost the nine hundred and eighty-sixth move. It was just good luck!!"

"Senior is too modest!"

Yuan Ke shook his head slightly.

Indeed, on the 986th move, his long sword had already passed across Yu Lao's chest, but was blocked by a piece of jade.

The jade came from the Demon Realm, and Yu Lao got it by chance when he was walking around. This jade is quite tough, and a strong person at the fifth level of innate realm cannot damage it at all, so it has been carried by Yu Lao all the time.


Yuan Zhen shouted in a low voice, looking a little heavy.

This test is not only for the innate warriors, but also for the disciples of the Wuzong. Yu Lao passed the test, which means that Yuan Ke failed once, and his chance... is gone!

"It doesn't matter."

Yuan Ke shook his head and said secretly, "According to the rules, the most I can do is help you resist another fifth-level person. Qin Xiangsi and Su Wen are about the same strength. Which one do you choose?"

"Su Wen!!" Yuan Zhen thought for a moment and replied.

The fighting at the foot of the mountain lasted for eight days and nights.

In the end, only Yu Lao passed the test, Su Wen and Qin Xiangsi all failed, not to mention the other innate warriors, who could not survive even five hundred moves in the face of Taoist secrets.

"too difficult!"

On the way up the mountain, Shan Yang kept shaking his head, "How can this be a test? It's clearly torture!"

"Senior, you are joking," Yuan Ke said seriously, "Before you arrived, hundreds of thousands of innate warriors have been tested. Among them, a total of 2,896 people survived a thousand moves, and those who won within 500 moves There are three hundred and twenty-one people, and four people win within one hundred moves.”

"Are the four of them all in the early stage of Xiantian?"

"No, there are only three of them, and one is in the seventh level of Xiantian realm," Yuan Ke said. "There are many powerful people in the realm of living beings, and there are countless geniuses from the holy land of martial arts. The state where you are located is extremely remote, so in martial arts moves Slightly inferior.”

Hearing this, everyone looked a little unhappy.

Two thousand eight hundred and ninety-six people passed the test, but only Yu Lao was the only one in this group. It was just a coincidence. It was really embarrassing!

"Seniors, don't be discouraged. After offering sacrifices to the ancestors, the Wuzong will specially send a group of strong men to guide the comrades. They will be tested again twenty years later. If you can pass the test at that time, you can still join the Wuzong."

"Twenty years!"

Everyone's eyes lit up and their hearts were eager to try.

While talking, everyone came to the mountainside. The mountain was cut in half, and a huge square with a radius of ten thousand feet was covered with jade and carved with complex patterns.

The square is facing a cliff. On the top of the cliff, there is a humanoid statue dressed in green clothes with its back to all living beings. Just by looking at it, the innate warrior feels an inexplicable sting, as if he is seeing a scorching sun hanging in the sky. .

"This is the Patriarch's Shinto Dharmakaya. Do not look directly at it," Yuan Ke reminded. "It is said that the Patriarch's Shinto Dharmakaya has reached the level of a great god and has endless power."

"The Great God Lord? The Patriarch is the Great God Lord??" Su Wen exclaimed.

"No," Yuan Zhen shook his head, "The ancestor's martial arts body has entered the realm of unpredictable gods and ghosts. This divine body is just a dharma body evolved by the ancestor's observation of the gods."

Su Wen opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but he didn't know how to speak!

Is the Divine Law Body at the level of a great god just a game created by the founder of the Martial Sect? ? What level did that Patriarch reach?

"You must be curious, why did the sect leader send out invitations to invite warriors from all over the world to gather in Filiang City? Why did the gods disappear without a trace and no longer pay attention to the worldly battles?"

"Because the Patriarch has a major event that requires the help of secular power, but cannot allow innate warriors to interfere," Yuan Ke explained, "If it weren't for this, you are still immersed in practicing in various states, and I'm afraid you won't be able to see it in this life. The hope of everlasting life.”

"I see."

Everyone's eyes were filled with joy.

It seems that they are all lucky. If the ancestor had not had something important to do, Wu Zong would not think highly of them, let alone send strong men to teach Taoism.

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