Fortune Teller

Chapter 842 The End of Technology

Outside Shenzhu Mountain.

Hundreds of mortals rode in airtight armored vehicles across the miasma and poisonous fog and arrived near the mountain peak.

In addition to first-class warriors, there are also many talented scholars in science and technology in the car.

However, they only saw desolate mountains and dried demon blood, and nothing else.

"No, it shouldn't be like this," a warrior shook his head repeatedly, "The classics left by the master once said that through the miasma poisonous fog, you can see the space gaps scattered near the mountain. The other end of the gap is the legendary Why not the demon realm and the spirit realm?”

"Failed again, go back!"

An old-looking scholar shook his head and sighed. He was already old and his body would wither at any time.

In fact, this old scholar has lived for one hundred and fifty years, relying on the most advanced scientific and technological means in the world of living beings to continuously maintain the vitality of flesh and blood. But even so, one hundred and fifty years is already the limit.

Other scholars also looked old.

"Technology... has come to an end. If life cannot be extended, the existing technological means are the limit." The old scholar sighed.

He comes from the Tiansong Kingdom, and it has been six hundred years since Wang Zaifu promoted strange and clever things.

In the first two hundred years, the science and technology of Tiansong Kingdom advanced by leaps and bounds, but after that, the pace slowed down.

The reason is because the life span of mortals is too short!

A great scholar was ignorant before the age of ten, and then spent another forty years learning knowledge and reaching the most advanced level of science and technology. At this time, he was already fifty years old.

Only fifty-year-old scholars can influence the development of science and technology and continue to study higher-level science and technology.

But you must know that the life span of mortals is very short, especially scholars who forget about food and sleep and study high technology day and night. Their bodies are even more fragile, and most of them will not live past the age of eighty.

And higher-level technologies also take a long time to research.

For the next four hundred years, mortals have been studying how to extend lifespan. They have tried to modify the deepest genes in the body, tried to change brains, and even researched human cloning. Without exception, they all failed!

People gradually discovered that if they want to live forever, it is not enough to rely on themselves alone, and they need to rely on external forces.

So they once again set their sights on Shenzhu Mountain. Through various technological means, they finally passed through the miasma and poisonous mist left by the gods and demons and entered the vicinity of Shenzhu Mountain.

However, what comes into view is just an ordinary mountain peak. There is no legendary space gap, and there are no gods or monsters.

Deep in the void, Gu Xiuyun looked down at all living beings, his eyes as deep as ever.

"It seems that this road is more difficult than I thought. Without spiritual power, without Taoism, without the recognition of the rules of heaven and earth, it is too difficult to completely rely on oneself and walk out of a new system!"

Six hundred years have passed.

The lifespan of a mortal has already reached its limit, and one hundred and fifty years is the end.

Six hundred years later, technology will be so complex that it will take a hundred years just to learn the existing knowledge. How can there be time for research?

Mortals have created many special methods, and even invented technological chips similar to Taoist imprints, which can be directly injected into newborn babies, but... it's useless.

No matter how much knowledge there is in the chip, it will take time for the cerebral cortex to perceive it all and gradually digest it.

Mortals are mortals, and their mental power is incomparable to that of practitioners. Gu Xiuyun can read tens of thousands of books in one thought and memorize all the contents in his mind, but mortals cannot.

Their mental endurance is very limited.

If you want to continue to be strong, there is only one way, live forever!

While thinking, Gu Xiuyun pinched his fingers and secretly calculated. The illusions were passing by in front of his eyes, but none of them pointed to the path of cultivation.

"My understanding of destiny is not enough. If I can understand the mystery of the sixth level, beyond the scope of heaven and earth, I will definitely be able to find a way to reach the threshold of immortality through science and technology."

Gu Xiuyun whispered secretly.

Theoretically, there are countless scenarios in the future, but not every scenario can be predicted.

The Six Deduction Techniques in the early stages of Kai Mai Realm can only predict a dozen scenarios with the highest probability at most. After six hundred years of practice, Gu Xiuyun has upgraded the Six Deduction Techniques to the Dao Yun level, but he can only see two hundred futures. scene.

In comparison, the Nine Yuan Suan was much more powerful, but he did not dare to use it.

After all, the Nine-Yuan Calculation is the Taoist teaching of the Patriarch Tianji. The deeper he understands destiny, the more Gu Xiuyun feels that the Nine-Yuan Calculation taught to him by the Patriarch Tianji has a deep meaning.

This Taoism may contain inexplicable dangers.

Thousands of years passed by unconsciously.

Wuxiangtian, deep in a remote mountain range, a cyan figure appeared out of thin air, and then walked towards the gap in space.

Gu Xiuyun entered the Golden Dragon Palace again.

"Junior, you seem to be a little different from before?"

The illusory dragon soul stared at Gu Xiuyun and observed carefully for a long time, but found nothing unusual.

For some reason, it always felt that the figure in front of it was a little unreal, as if it was wandering in the past and future, changing all the time. But if it looked carefully, the cyan figure was still the cyan figure, without any change.

"In the past thousand years, this junior has been comprehending destiny." Gu Xiuyun explained.

"How can there be such a big change in just one thousand years? What have you done?" Illusive Dragon Soul was extremely surprised.

Cultivation in the Way of Life is notoriously difficult. It can easily take hundreds of thousands of years. How many true masters have been practicing it for millions of years but have achieved nothing. Gu Xiuyun, a junior, achieved a breakthrough within a thousand years?

It's incredible.

"by chance."

Gu Xiuyun smiled and shook his head, without further explanation.

"By the way, how is the Black-striped Golden Dolphin doing lately?"

"It's still the same, working hard every day to get the rare treasures left by the true master. Its unicorn body really has some tricks, and it actually got thirty-four kinds of rare treasures. The most precious one is even as good as the true soul. A supreme treasure!”

"This is its way!"

Gu Xiuyun laughed and walked toward the center of the valley.

This time, he did not rush to read Lianshan, but instead focused on the other Taoist books.


The breeze blew and he opened the Five Elements Taoist Book. The harsh and difficult-to-pronounce ancient characters filled the depths of his mind. As if he had some realization, Gu Xiuyun secretly pinched his fingertips to perform the Six Deduction Techniques.

He had read the Five Elements Taoist Book thousands of years ago, but at that time, his mind was entangled in cause and effect, and the secrets of heaven and earth were affected. He could not calculate at all, and naturally he could not understand the contents recorded in the Taoist Book.

Now that he was reading it again and deducing the execution of the Six Jue, Gu Xiuyun had a new understanding in his heart.

The Book of Five Elements Taoism does not explain the rules of the Five Elements, nor does it involve the origin. Instead, it talks about the integration of the Five Elements and how to deduce higher-level Taoism.

This is a Taoist book at the level of a true deity.

If it was just the origin of the Five Elements, how could it be qualified to be placed in the Golden Dragon Palace?

"The rules of the five elements, as one of the material ways, are the foundation of the great way of heaven and earth..."

Gu Xiuyun sat cross-legged and carefully read the contents of the Taoist book.

Once you sit down, it lasts three years.

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