Fortune Teller

Chapter 846: High Priest Shen Fan

"Senior, won't these words violate taboos?" Gu Xiuyun asked.

Previously, he was entangled in cause and effect, and no matter what he asked, the gold insect refused to answer. Why did he answer so simply today?

"You have already violated it, so what are you afraid of?" Jin Chong chuckled, "The way of living things transcends the rules of heaven and earth and is a taboo method. If you want to fight against the karma, you can only rely on the way of living things. But these words cannot be said in advance. , otherwise when the rules of heaven and earth punish you, part of the cause and effect will be passed on to me."

Gu Xiuyun nodded suddenly.

It turns out that the way of life is all about illegal crimes. The person who instigates the crime must bear at least half of the responsibility. But now that he has already violated the law, there is nothing to cover up!

Thinking of this, Bamu Zhenzun hid all the classics on the Tao of Life in the Golden Dragon Palace because he did not want to be contaminated with too much karma.

Only those who are truly capable can access those books.

"Senior, do you know about my predecessor?" Gu Xiuyun thought for a moment and continued to ask.

As expected, Jin Chong shook his head. The meaning was very obvious. Maybe he knew, maybe he didn't know, but he definitely wouldn't tell.

Another taboo was violated... Gu Xiuyun muttered in his heart.

He was at least certain that there was something wrong with his predecessor, otherwise he would not have aroused such hatred from the rules of heaven and earth.

As Jin Chong said, there are certain considerations in the rules of heaven and earth. Low-level creatures are simply not worth the energy expended by the endless void. Even if the predecessor was a true master who once caused great troubles and reincarnated again and again, he should not continue to target them.

After reincarnation, he will be an ordinary practitioner unless he steps into the realm of the Venerable again, but now he is still far away from the realm of the Venerable.

"Boy, have you finished asking? I want to watch the fight between your apprentice and Jin Heng's son. Douxiao realm warriors fight against Master Miao. It's a good show!" Jin Chong rubbed his fat palms with a look on his face. excited.

Is this the legendary Eight-Eyed True Master? He doesn't look like a true respecter at all... Gu Xiuyun secretly cursed in his heart.

"Senior, there is one last question," Gu Xiuyun asked, "You should be very clear about the thoughts of Lord Li Kong and Golden Dragon Soul. If so, why do you leave them in the world?"

This question has been lingering in his mind for a long time!

Both bodies are the remains of the Eight-Eyed Golden Silkworm. They are essentially of the same origin. They are also the only ones who can hope to seize the power of the Eight-Eyed True Master and replace him.

It is impossible for the Eight-Eyed True Master not to know this, otherwise he would not be qualified to stand at the pinnacle of immortality!

"I can't figure this out either," Jin Chong shook his head slightly, "I'm not hiding it from you, I really don't know. Before the Eight-Eyed True Master took that step, I had already been divided, so I just The remaining soul of the True Lord, not all of it.”

"Maybe he really had an accident and didn't have time to deal with Li Kong, or maybe he had other plans."

Gu Xiuyun was a little disappointed.

The struggle between the Eight-Eyed True Master and the Master Li Kong directly triggered the tragedy of the entire Wuxiangtian. Generation after generation, billions of living beings live at the bottom of the dark city. It can be said that life is worse than death. This guilt is far worse than massacre. Hundreds of billions of living beings are much more serious.

In any case, millions of mortals die without any pain. No matter how serious the karma is, it is still better than the long years of torture.

As for the mortals of Wuxiangtian, tens of thousands of years have passed since the collapse of the divine religion, and they have been living in a city cage. This kind of torture is simply outrageous.

Gu Xiuyun didn't understand why Lord Li Kong did this? ?

He also didn't understand why the Eight-Eyed True Master wanted to keep Li Kong around when he knew what he was thinking.

"Thank you for your guidance, senior."

Gu Xiuyun bowed, turned and left.

"We're leaving now. The position of Star Lord is quite helpful to your disciple. Don't you want to help?" Jin Chong asked.

"The position of Xingjun depends on his own ability. This junior can't help him." Gu Xiuyun replied.

"That's not true!"

Jin Chong said repeatedly, "I just heard that High Priest Shen Fan proposed a best-of-three game method, competing on Taoist understanding, formation attainments, and own strength. Your disciple only has one zhenqi worthy of praise. In this game Definitely lose!"

"Win two out of three games?? Who is Shen Fan?"

Gu Xiuyun frowned slightly.

"A newly promoted Zhenyijing is now the holder of the throne. In addition to Yan Su Shi, Gu Yue and you, he is the fourth holder of the throne." Jin Chong said.

Gu Xiuyun raised his eyebrows.

So, the other party is a human being.

The four demon emperors had already promised that they would never refine the throne. The black-striped golden dolphin and the tyrannosaurus monster only occupied the divine thrones and did not refine the throne.

The nine sacred thrones have always been occupied by Yan Sushi, Gu Xiuyun, and Gu Yue.

Now there is a fourth one?

Gu Xiuyun was naturally happy when a new high priest appeared in the divine sect, but by doing so, he was clearly suppressing Lan Chonghe, which was a bit too much!

Lan Chonghe's Taoist understanding is only at the sixth level. He has practiced for thousands of years, and his attainments in the Tao of Formation are also very limited. How can he compare with Jin Heng's thousands of years of hard training?

"Senior has been paying attention to the Divine Cult General Forum, and he must know a lot of inside information. This person must have something to do with Jin Heng!" Gu Xiuyun asked.

"Yes, he and Jin Heng come from the same human race country and have a close relationship. After entering the divine sect, his cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds. He has also received the guidance of the Divine Crow Demon King and the help of the cultivation treasure land, and he can enter the true realm in one fell swoop." The golden insect nodded slightly.

"I see."

A hint of coldness flashed across Gu Xiuyun's eyebrows.

The divine religion needs strong people to support it, but it cannot allow such people to hold power. As soon as they enter the true state of mind, they start to behave randomly. What is the best of three games? It is better to directly give the position of Star Lord to Jin Heng.

A master of the Miao Dynasty who doesn't even have the courage to face the mysterious world, what qualifications do he have to become the Star Lord of the Divine Sect?

Once this kind of person takes power, the Eight-Eyed Sect will become a mess in the future.

"Junior, go out and take a look. High Priest Shen Fan is so majestic!!"

"go Go!"

The golden insect smiled, as if watching a show.

Theistic religion - discussion platform.

The jade platform is only a hundred feet wide, but there is a cave inside, which is comparable to a vast ocean.

This place has been dusty for tens of thousands of years. Ever since Gu Xiuyun became the high priest of the divine religion and suppressed the fluctuations of the true divine power, the spiritual power in the main altar began to recover, and many cultivation treasures and special spaces were gradually restored.

The same is true for the Wuquan Secret Realm and the Lieyan Secret Realm, and the same is true for the Taoist Forum.

This is where the priests of the divine religion fight and fight. Members of the same sect are not allowed to fight with each other. However, if there are really unresolved conflicts, you can also enter the forum to decide the outcome.

Deep in the discussion platform, nearly ten thousand practitioners gathered, from the priests of Xuanguangtai to the priests of Tianxingtai, including a young man with a long and narrow face and eyes like an eagle.

“I’ve met High Priest Shen Fan!!”

The practitioners who entered the Taoist forum bowed down one by one and then dared to walk to the edge of the Taoist forum to watch the battle.

The young man looks unruly, with a proud look in his eyes, and a power that looks down on the world. He has only been practicing for more than three thousand years, and he has already entered the true state of mind. This achievement is something that few people in the world can match. .

Since becoming the high priest, Yan Sushi and Gu Yue have stopped paying attention to the affairs within the church and left everything to him.

High Priest Shen Fan was overjoyed. Not only did he formulate many regulations, but he also reactivated the rules from the past when the sect was prosperous, such as what etiquette should be performed when meeting the high priest, and whether to kowtow five times or seven times.

How should you dress when participating in religious discussions, whether you should perform the ritual of worship before speaking or ordinary etiquette, and so on.

"After this incident, we have to speed up the establishment of nine channels!" High Priest Chen Fan looked at the priests around him and whispered to himself.

As a high priest, everyone should have their own direct lineage.

The nine holders of the divine throne all have the same lineage under their command, and they compete with each other, and the divine religion will become stronger in the future.

Of course, this is just his external rhetoric.

In fact, setting up nine branches means assigning some dissatisfied disciples to a branch that does not have a leader of the throne, and his disciples are all his cronies.

It should be noted that although the Eight-Eyed Sect is now controlled by him, many rules have been set long ago, and it is difficult for him to object openly. After all, there are Yan Sushi and Gu Yue above his head.

Yan Sushi has understood the origin of the ninth level and has truly entered the level of the ancestor.

Gu Yue has even integrated the Yin and Yang Sword Qi, coupled with the cultivation of the twelfth level of Douxiao, she can kill him with just one sword.

In addition, there is a life-saving real person who has disappeared for two thousand years, but has always been famous in the heavens.

So he thought about it a lot and finally came up with the method of nine meridians.

By dividing the nine veins, you can eliminate a large number of competitive disciples and firmly control the cultivation treasure land and the cultivation treasure in your own hands. In the future, several high priests will be born in the veins and take charge of the power of the divine religion. It will be just around the corner. .

High Priest Shen Fan is very ambitious. Ever since he entered the spiritual path, he has defeated countless opponents. It took him many plans to reach a high position.

The same is true now. Yan Sushi and Gu Yue are not something he can fight against, but he has enough patience. Sooner or later, he will be able to stand at the top of the divine religion.

At that time, everyone in the world will bow their heads.

"A direct disciple of the High Priest of Cherishing Life?" The eagle-eyed young man sneered, "The High Priest of Cherishing Life has been missing for two thousand years. It is rumored that he is entangled in karma and will not die soon. I am still afraid of you?"

Before entering the true realm, he had been wandering in the realm of the heavens for thousands of years, and he still knew a lot about the scenes outside the secret realm.

"Anyone who dares to block my way will be killed without mercy."

High Priest Shen Fan's hands hidden in his robe were tightly clasped.

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