Fortune Teller

Chapter 857 Six magical powers

"The defense formations in each palace have been activated, and the mountain and sea air defense formations previously refined by Shenwu Yao Shen have also been activated, including the formation map spirit treasures in each place."

A slightly older-looking priest from Tianxingtai said respectfully.

When the Shenkong Temple and Zihua Pond were operated, a group of Tianxingtai priests were crazily created. Among them, the talented and intelligent ones entered the Douxiao realm after only practicing for a hundred years. After that, they went a step further and most of them became Daxuan masters.

But not every disciple of the divine religion has high enough talent and understanding.

Those priests with less qualifications can only stay in the lower caves. They have not absorbed enough original power and their lifespan is also very limited. After two thousand years and the time spent in the Shenkong Temple, they are on the verge of their end and have to enter early. Tianji Pan World.

In the Immortal Law Realm, there are more than 4,000 priests of Tianxingtai, all of whom are such practitioners.

"Where's the Jue Xing Mountain Formation?" Madam Yu asked.

"It has also been activated, and the clone of the white-haired high priest is guarding nearby, so there should be no problem." The old priest replied respectfully.

Mrs. Yu nodded slightly and breathed a sigh of relief.

Juehang Mountain is quite special. The formation map treasure left by the Patriarch Tianji destroyed the Shenzhu Mountain and penetrated the realm of gods, living beings and demons to form a ten thousand-foot passage. The foundation of the mountain in the demon realm became Juehang Mountain.

Since then, the space in that area has become heavier and more solid, and even walking below Douxiao Realm is quite difficult, so it is called Juehang Mountain.

Gu Xiuyun was fighting with the one-horned giant beast. It was better to say that in other areas, Juehang Mountain directly penetrated the three worlds. The aftermath of the battle could easily spread to the other two worlds. If there was no divine formation to resist, the consequences would be disastrous.


Inexplicable fluctuations hit like a wave, causing the earth to tremble. Invisible fluctuations could be vaguely seen in the void. From this, we can see how fierce the battle in the Realm of Living Beings was.

"Sir, will the fighting in the world of sentient beings destroy the entire three realms?" The old priest looked a little pale.

One void wave after another seems to be endless. If this continues, the Shenzhu Mountain will continue to collapse, and sooner or later the aftermath of the battle will destroy the Demon Realm.

"Will not!"

Mrs. Yu shook her head and said, "The high priest has been prepared for it. Besides, the spiritual power of that giant beast is not infinite. It will eventually be exhausted."

The western land of demon territory.

The million-mile area was blocked by the divine formation, but it still could not stop the invasion of the void fluctuations. The tyrannosaurus monster stood in the air, and the spiritual energy around it fell like a tide, protecting the creatures under its feet.

On one side, Bai Kongze lowered his head and looked down at the creatures below, his eyes slightly focused.

"Mortals are mortals after all. If you don't enter the path of spiritual practice, your ability to resist natural and earthly disasters will be too weak!"

"Ni Ao, after playing for two thousand years, it's time to have enough. After this battle, let's hand over the mortals to the human race in the realm of living beings!"

The Tyrannosaurus Monster was a little reluctant to give up, but after thinking for a moment, he nodded.

The number of human races in this land of millions of miles is limited. Although the development of science and technology is hundreds of years earlier than that of the sentient realm, it is far from reaching the limit of scientific and technological civilization, let alone exploring the road to immortality.

These mortals survive within the divine formation and rely on the air and moisture condensed by the formation to survive. Once they step out, they will immediately turn into withered bones.

Only by integrating into the human race in the realm of living beings and transforming into a person with superpowers can one travel across the three realms, and even step out of the world of heaven and explore the endless void.


Another roar.

Bai Kongze looked into the distance, "The third Shenzhu Mountain collapsed!"

The realm of living beings.

The void has long turned into black and white. The white is the fragments of space, and the black is the dark cracked abyss.

Destroying space again and again, the self-repair ability of the sentient realm can no longer keep up with the collapse.

The earth sank into a depth of 14,000 feet, which was a depth that even Fairy Yu and others found difficult to explore, but it was suddenly collapsed by two five-level masters.

No, it shouldn't be said to have collapsed, it should be said to be more solid.

Every stubborn rock on the ground has become extremely hard and heavy, and even the most basic particle structure has been forcibly changed. Douxiao Realm practitioners are unable to destroy any rock even with all their strength.

Deep in the void, the giant unicorn roared furiously.

The purple-red horn is filled with thunder and flames, and there is even a faint tendency to merge. The power of thunder and the power of fire merge. It is impossible to imagine what kind of magical power this is!

After all, in the concept of immortal practitioners, wind and thunder are a great road, and the five elements are a great road. There are insurmountable barriers between the two, but the unicorn monster broke the barrier.


The thunder arrow light traveled across the void, splitting into two arrow lights, attacking two figures at the same time, and the huge beast body crashed into the third figure.

The arrow light was almost unfettered by time and space, and as soon as it appeared in the world, it came to Gu Xiuyun's eyes.


One figure collapsed, and the other figure was protected by the Tianji Pan.

The third figure had collapsed and dispersed. The impact of the unicorn behemoth was not something Gu Xiuyun could withstand.

At the same time, the Five Elements Heaven-shaking Hand cooperated with Yuanxian Taoism to tear open the beast's body again, golden-red blood spilled, and the scales fell to the ground.

"hold head high……"

The giant unicorn was furious and mad. Without wisdom, it only had instincts. In its eyes, Gu Xiuyun was like a clown, who did not dare to confront him head-on, but hurt himself again and again.

This pain mixed with anger turned it from a wild bull into a mad bull, completely blinding.


The light of thunder and fire flashed, and the void thousands of miles away was filled with thunder flames. A giant beast three thousand kilometers high stood between the sky and the earth, and the void around it was almost collapsed.

"It looks like we are going to fight for it!"

Gu Xiuyun's eyes flashed slightly and his fingertips secretly pinched.

Since the fight, the unicorn behemoth has used a total of six magical powers. Except for the threat of the void domain and the thunder and flames, the other magical powers are slightly weaker. However, in Gu Xiuyun's deduction, these magical powers are not separate individuals, they can be condensed into one. A special magical power.

This is also the unique practice direction of the Body Refining lineage.

The single horn on his forehead contains the power of thunder and fire, his eyes are filled with bloody evil energy, his limbs contain ripples of sharp edges, and the scales all over his body are as unshakable as mountains. In addition, the magical power of space covers the void for thousands of miles, and the roar of the one-horned beast.

The six magical powers represent the six directions. If they can be combined into one, it is unimaginable what kind of power will explode!

And this is the direction of practice for warriors and body refiners.

Gu Xiuyun only has a martial arts body and true energy, and his domain magical powers are also gifted by warriors. He does not specifically cultivate special magical powers. His fighting methods are still based on immortal methods.

This is not surprising. After all, compared to magical powers, the increase in Taoist rules is far ten times greater. With his early cultivation of True Inspiration, even if he spends time cultivating magical powers, he can only compete with the fourth realm at most. How can he reach the fifth realm? Peak state?


The inexplicable sound sounded, not from the giant unicorn, but from the depths of the void.

The space is shaking, the sky is cracking, and the earth is humming.

The ultimate magical power of the unicorn giant has not yet arrived, but it makes the entire realm of living beings wail.

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