Fortune Teller

Chapter 871: Changes in the Tianjipan World

A void passage appeared out of thin air near Wuxiang Tian, ​​and the jadeite flew out, and then penetrated into the secret realm of the divine religion.

Deep inside the main altar.

Two alien corpses lay in front of the holy land, lifeless for a long time, surrounded by hundreds of priests from the cult.

"The ninth-grade alien leader, his body can be used to refine regular spiritual treasures." The Shenwu Demon King stood in the air, transformed into an old man, and caressed his long beard.

"The high priest's methods are becoming more and more powerful. He can even capture the leader of the ninth-grade aliens alive. These two corpses can be used to refine hundreds of eighth-grade spiritual treasures."

Just as he was talking, a flash of light flashed through him.

The jade stone fell in front of the Holy Land Palace and was held tightly by the human true form.

"After a long series of scrolling, I finally got it!"

Gu Xiuyun activated his soul thoughts and began to read the volume at the bottom of the mountain.

As expected, the records in it are all complicated and trivial things, such as the Patriarch Tianji walking in a certain realm, relying on fate, discovering a method of using rare treasures, and spreading it.

Or he could deduce a new immortal method and spread it to the world.

Every story changes the endless void of the future and is contaminated by massive cause and effect. At the same time, the means of destiny are also constantly improving.

After entering the seventh level, Patriarch Tianji found it difficult to make any further progress. After many considerations, he established the Tianji Pavilion, instructing his disciples with the mysteries of destiny, and ordered his disciples to open up the virtual gates of destiny one by one.

Since then, Tianji Pavilion has become famous all over the world. There are hundreds of thousands of disciples in the pavilion, all of whom are Tianji practitioners.

Countless sect forces have turned to Tianji Pavilion for help. How can those disciples of Tianji Pavilion know how to restrain themselves? They madly give advice to the world and use Tianji means to influence future changes.

With the push of countless sect disciples, Patriarch Tianji finally understood the rules of destiny and took the final step.

"It turns out that the founder of Tianji didn't understand the rules of destiny until 250,000 years ago," Gu Xiuyun said with a strange look on his face, "Soon after the breakthrough, Tianji Pavilion fell apart and completely declined. The so-called sect was just a means for him to break through. "

At this moment, Gu Xiuyun thought of the Moro Realm.

Isn't it the same with the Zen sect behind Bu Se Monk? On the surface, establishing a sect and preaching to the world is actually cultivating relics as materials for the advancement of the venerable.

"Could the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect be a means for the Eight-Eyed True Lord to be promoted?" A thought flashed through Gu Xiuyun's mind.

After talking to Jin Chong, he has been wondering why the Eight-Eyed True Master left Master Li Kong alone and allowed him to destroy the Eight-Eyed Cult and kill the descendants of the Cult, even mortals.

If all this has something to do with spiritual practice, it would make sense!

After thinking for a moment, Gu Xiuyun shook his head.

It no longer matters what the truth is, the most important thing now is to understand the rules of the Five Elements and enter the realm of the Venerable.

Today, karma still has a great influence on him.

The efficiency of comprehending Taoist secrets is a hundred times lower than before, and the mind is always tortured by cause and effect. To solve all this, comprehending the mystery of seventh-level destiny is the key.

The seventh level of mystery is enough to break the influence of cause and effect, and at the same time, the efficiency of practice will be increased a hundred times. The gap between the two is huge.

"Now that I have obtained the lower volume of the mountain, it's time to leave the chessboard realm!"

Gu Xiuyun sighed softly and looked through the barrier of space to see the endless void in the distance.

Leaving the chessboard realm was, firstly, for cultivation, and secondly, to avoid Lord Li Kong.

In any case, the chessboard realm is a place that is far away from the four sects. It can be avoided for a while, but cannot be avoided for a lifetime.

In the past, Gu Xiuyun was not afraid, but now he has to fight against the rules of heaven and earth. He cannot lose the spherical spiritual treasure in his hand, so naturally he can hide as far as he can.

"Practice here for three hundred years first, and when the Golden Dragon Palace appears, leave with the Black Pattern Golden Dolphin." Gu Xiuyun sat cross-legged, immersed in meditating on the rules of the Five Elements.

Tianji Pan World.

The aircraft of the human race in the Realm of Living Beings crossed the gap in Shenzhu Mountain and sped towards the Realm of Spirits.

Hundreds of years have passed, and human technology has made great progress. Aircraft can traverse the three realms with almost no difficulty.

In one of the aircrafts, Gu Xiuyun was dressed in a smart outfit, flanked by Yan Suqing and Yan Sushi.

After High Priest Shen Fan, the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect gave birth to another Yaoritai priest. After that, all affairs of the Divine Sect were placed under his control. Yan Sushi's real body practiced in the place of origin, and his avatar came to the world of Tianjipan.

"Incredible, some ordinary materials can actually travel through the world after being simply put together, and there is no need for formations, patterns, or immortal restrictions." Yan Sushi was surprised, standing in front of the window frame of the aircraft, looking into the distance, "Those are The god in your mouth?"

"Technological means are not simply put together."

Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly, "The aircraft under your feet was finally formed after countless studies by scholars. It is a path to the sky, no less than an immortal path."

"It's so long-winded." Yan Sushi puffed up her mouth and snorted.

"Technological means are more suitable for the human race," Yan Suqing said in a deep voice, "To be precise, this is a path with endless potential and almost impossible to fail, because there are countless people who have tried before, no matter how many times they fail, as long as they succeed, One step at a time.”

"Miss Yan is right."

Gu Xiuyun smiled slightly.

He is quite proud of the technological path he has evolved. Martial arts is just picking up wisdom from others, while the immortal path follows the footsteps of his predecessors. Only the technological path was completely deduced by him.

The aircraft flew through the void and came to a suspended island.

Countless gods live here, and even some human beings with supernatural powers travel through it.

"Hundreds of years have passed, and the gods have finally accepted their status." Gu Xiuyun sighed as he looked at the scene in front of him.

Thousands of years ago, gods were high and worshiped by the world.

Now he is just one of many ethnic groups.

After the divine realm completely collapsed, ordinary gods had no place to live and could only enter the realm of living beings to coexist with the human race. Since then, the two major ethnic groups have been in constant friction.

At the beginning, the gods had an absolute advantage. Both the god king and the god master were far beyond the power limit of the superpowers, and super-large destructive weapons such as nuclear energy shock waves and dark energy annihilation machines were also helpless.

But as time goes by, the human race has absorbed the characteristics of immortality and martial arts, and its strength has increased day by day, while the gods have lost the power of believers, their strength has decreased, and they have become weaker and weaker.

In the end, many gods cooperated with humans and used technological means to maintain their divine power.

The world of Tianjipan has entered a new stage.

"Xiao Shi, this is the Island of the Spirits. It was built entirely with human technology. It has only been established for a hundred years, but it already has a radius of thousands of miles and is still expanding."

As Yan Suqing narrated, she took her little sister to look at various scenes. When the gods and humans around them saw their clothes, they didn't dare to stop them.

Gu Xiuyun followed behind, his eyes flickering as if he was thinking about something.

He was forced to come here by Yan Sushi.

At this moment, only one part of the mind is outside, and the other nine points are devoted to understanding Taoism and secrets. Hundreds of years have passed, and the Five Elements Taoism has made a lot of progress, but there is still a long way to go from the origin of the rules.

After wandering around for several days, the three of them returned from Shenzhu Mountain and flew towards the Demon Realm.

Compared to the Realm of Living Beings and the Realm of Spirits, the Demon Realm is the most lively because it is the only place filled with spiritual energy, and the headquarters of the Eight-Eyed Sect, the Wuzong, and the Human Race are all established here.

Only the gods dare not enter.

Gods and demons are naturally opposed to each other. Even though thousands of years have passed and the demons have long since disappeared, the suppression of the gods by the demon realm still exists.

Any spirit that dares to enter this place will gradually weaken until it is annihilated.

"Little sister, let's go to Wuzong first," Yan Suqing said, "Wuzong has been competing for the position of the third-generation sect master in recent years. Various branches and factions are fighting endlessly. The scene is very exciting."

"Fighting for the third generation of sect leader? Why didn't I know?"

Gu Xiuyun looked confused.

"How dare you bother the Patriarch with trivial matters within the Wuzong?"

Yan Suqing glanced at the young man next to her, "Xiao Fu has been tired of being the sect master for two thousand years. He originally expected to enter the immortal world like Lan Chonghe, but two thousand years have passed without any movement."

"Enter the fairy world..."

Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly, "Lan Chonghe, this idiot, has nothing to do. The endless void is not a fairyland. It is a dragon's pond and a tiger's den."

The three of them flew through the void and came to the vicinity of Wuzong.

In the distance, a blood-red mountain stood on the plain, surrounded by human beings, most of whom were warriors, as well as some immortal practitioners and people with supernatural powers.

Before they even got close, they felt an inexplicable sense of oppression.

"What is that?" Yan Sushi asked curiously.

"A mountain of blood."

Gu Xiuyun replied quietly, "I removed the scales and bones of the giant unicorn beast in the void underground, and the blood condensed into this mountain. It has no effect. It just sharpens the mind and will."

The three of them crossed the plains and came to Wuzong Mountain.

A number of famous warriors are fighting each other. Their cultivation levels range from the third level to the sixth level. At the highest point, there are several warriors above the ninth level who are looking down.

"Thousands of years have passed, and there have been more and more powerful martial artists. Unfortunately, no genius has emerged." Gu Xiuyun glanced around, feeling a little disappointed.

"Almost all mortals in the Realm of Living Beings are people with superpowers. Few people choose martial arts and immortal ways. Compared with these two methods, the road to science and technology is indeed much easier," Yan Suqing explained quietly, "Humans always like to follow the trend. It’s easy to take refuge, that can’t be changed.”

Gu Xiuyun frowned slightly.

If this is the case, something needs to change!

As a avenue, the road of science and technology does require countless mortals to maintain it, but martial arts and immortality are the foundation of the Eight-Eyed Sect and the foundation of the prosperous sect. If this continues, fewer and fewer humans will join the Wuzong and the Divine Sect.

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