Fortune Teller

Chapter 875 The Divine Tree Realm

The entrance to the dead tree remains.

A sacred tree that is tens of thousands of miles wide is tilted at a half-angle and inserted deep into the earth.

I don't know how high the sacred tree is, and you can't see the end at a glance. The broad trunk is covered by layers of clouds and mist. At a rough look, it can be divided into eighteen layers, like a sloping ladder to the sky.

At the bottom of the first floor, the black-striped golden dolphin transformed into a giant mountain beast. Its forehead was filled with the sky wind, its feet were filled with flames, its whole body was filled with five elements, wind and thunder, and it crashed towards the clouds.


The tough clouds blocked it below, and no matter how much magical power was used, it could not be broken open.


The black-patterned golden dolphin roared, and its aura rose sharply. After refining the Kirin bloodline, it absorbed enough power of the golden dragon. Its physical body has reached the peak of the eighth level. Even if it has not understood the true meaning of any rules, its strength has already entered the sky stone. threshold.

However, the violent aura combined with the magical power of blood still failed to break through the clouds.

"Xiao Hei, don't try," Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly, "The Dead Tree Realm is not an ordinary secret realm. It has a complete five-element wind and thunder space-time avenue. The clouds are connected to the origin of the world. Unless it passes the test, it will never be broken."

Ordinary venerables open up the Sumeru space.

The True Master can open up the secret realm of the void.

And pseudo-realm masters such as Zhenzun Kushu, who have mastered the five elements, wind and thunder, and time and space, have opened up a complete small world and possess the origin of the world.

In terms of grade, the Dead Tree Realm is on the same level as the Tianjipan World, but it cannot exist independently and has no rules of its own.

But no matter what, this is indeed a complete world.

No matter how fierce the Qilin beast is, it cannot ignore the origin of the world and break through the clouds.


The black-striped golden dolphin gasped for breath and stared at the clouds for several times. Its face was full of unwillingness. It clearly sensed that there were countless rare treasures hidden in the sacred tree, but it could only peek through the clouds. This kind of The pain is worse than killing it.

"Gu Xiuyun, there are many valuable treasures in that cloud," the Black-patterned Golden Dolphin shouted, "Not only the longevity magic medicine, but also ninth-grade spiritual treasures and even true soul-level treasures. If you tear it open, the treasures are all ours. "

"Not urgent."

Gu Xiuyun smiled and shook his head, looking around and twitching his fingertips slightly, as if he was observing something.

"In the past thousand years, a total of six fate lines have appeared in the residual world. One of them is Patriarch Changning, and the other five... are somewhat unfamiliar, but they are all quite powerful. They should also be ninth grade."

"Girl, haven't you been here before?"

"That's right. She has the inheritance of Tao Dao Pavilion and the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect, and she also has the two original stars of wind and thunder to comprehend. Why risk going to the endless void?"

Gu Xiuyun looked in front of the sacred tree.

Lying there was a strange-looking blue ant beast. The ant beast was only a hundred feet in size. It was resting on the sacred tree, with a faint white air current coming from its mouth and nose.

The black-striped golden dolphin roared and charged for a long time, but it did not attract the attention of the cyan ant beast, because the black-striped golden dolphin did not have the mark of the residual world and did not enter the dead tree residual world through normal means.

The green ant beast is the first level of test in the sacred tree realm.

"Defeat this ant beast and you can enter the depths of the cloud."

Gu Xiuyun looked at the ant beast and stepped forward.

As soon as they stepped onto the sacred tree, the sleeping blue ant beast suddenly opened its eyes, its eyes shining brightly, "It's been really lively recently. Another practitioner has arrived. You should know the rules. If you defeat me, you can enter the second level."


Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly.

The moment he entered the withered tree realm, the brand in his body sent out a message, informing him of all the rules of the realm and describing the benefits of the sacred tree realm.

The Dead Tree Remaining Realm is the inheritance left by the Dead Tree True Master before his mind was annihilated, and every arrangement is for the purpose of cultivating future generations. As a pseudo-realm master, Kushu's strength is terrifying, much stronger than the Eight-Eyed True Master. No one in his era can compete with him.

Therefore, there are countless treasures hidden in the world of dead trees, so precious that even the True Master covets them.

But the venerables all know that the dead tree did not fall, it just lost its mind and became a puppet of the rules of heaven and earth.

He still exists in the world. If any true master dares to break the rules and seize the treasures in the residual world, he will definitely be retaliated by the dead tree true master. Therefore, even after hundreds of millions of years, the dead tree residual world is still stable and has never been attacked. to any damage.

"According to the rules, as long as you defeat this emperor, you can choose a reward, which can be the longevity magic medicine, Taoist secrets, spiritual treasures, or even the Taoist imprint of the dead tree's past practice. "

The green ant beast said softly, "Every time you pass through a layer, there is a benefit. If you can pass through the sixth floor and enter the inner area, you will get opportunities that even the venerable will be jealous of."

"Zhenzun Kushu is so generous, he must be asking for something!" Gu Xiuyun said.

"Of course there is, but with your current level of cultivation, you are not qualified to know." The green ant beast looked disdainful.

"That's not necessarily the case!"

Gu Xiuyun smiled and clapped his hand.

The pure energy combined with the rules of earth condensed into a black cloud hammer and smashed towards the blue ant beast.

He was too lazy to use the Five Elements Heaven-shaking Spell. The first level of the Dead Tree Realm could be passed as long as he reached the threshold of the Sky Stone Realm. Using the Five Elements Heaven-shaking Spell to suppress the ant beasts was too much!


The hammer shadow was incredibly fast, and the green ant beast had no time to dodge, and was blown away by the black cloud hammer, directly smashing into the depths of the cloud.

"You're not hurt?"

Gu Xiuyun had a strange look on his face. Although he did not go all out with this hammer, it was still based on the true energy of martial arts. Combined with the secret technique of the black cloud hammer, the true energy had reached the Tianshu level, and the green ant beast was unscathed. Blocked?

How hard is the physical body?

Thousands of miles away, the man in white robe approached quietly, and at a glance he saw the figure in green at the root of the sacred tree.

"It's actually him!"

Patriarch Chang Ning clearly saw the figure in the distance, his eyes moved slightly, "I guessed it right, this person really passed the Golden Que trial. So, the white-haired Taoist probably has the second residual world mark in his hand. Plus that weird-looking pig demon, three marks?"

Patriarch Changning secretly took a breath and suppressed the excitement in his heart.

The Dead Tree Remnant World must be entered with the help of the Remnant World Mark. Other than that, no other means can break through the outer nebula. The three marks are of infinite value.

"Taoist Xi Ming is now a lost dog. Venerable Gengyang will never dare to offend all forces for his sake. Let alone Taoist White Hair, the other two marks are worthy of Venerable Gold and Silver!"

As his thoughts flashed, Patriarch Chang Ning's clone stationed in the Gold and Silver Palace rushed towards the highest point of the palace.

In addition to Patriarch Chang Ning, the five demon emperors from the Demon God Realm also rushed in from all over.

The value of the Mark of the Remnant Realm is astonishing. Naturally, the five demon emperors will not be satisfied with the treasures in front of them. They want more. Changning is powerful and has a venerable person behind him. The five demon emperors do not dare to start the war lightly.

But if it were anyone else, the demon kings would not be lenient.


The wind roared and thunder thundered.

Hundreds of thousands of miles of land, the ninth-grade Patriarch can cross it in a moment. The huge body of the five-headed Demon King appeared near the sacred tree, overlooking the Taoist in Tsing Yi.

Below, Gu Xiuyun put one hand behind his back and looked calmly.

The green ant beast emerged from the cloud, looking a little embarrassed, "Human cultivator, you passed!"

"I'd like to remind you that in the Dead Tree Realm, except for the sacred tree, fighting is not allowed anywhere else. The demon king in the sky is not a good person, so be careful."

"Thanks for letting me know."

Gu Xiuyun smiled and looked up at the five demon emperors, "You are coming with great force. It seems that you want my life."

"Who are you and where do you come from?" The harpy and bull-headed monster asked loudly.

Five pairs of eyes focused on Gu Xiuyun, and their peripheral vision occasionally glanced at the black-striped golden dolphin, filled with a faint murderous intent.

"No name, no background."

Gu Xiuyun took one step and walked out of the sacred tree area, leaving only the black-striped golden dolphin in place.

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