Fortune Teller

Chapter 878 Six Realms (a thousand-word chapter)

"It turns out that the mystery of fate is the way of life, the legendary way of life..."

The green ant beast murmured, and the expression in its eyes changed from shock to surprise, and then to excitement, "Human cultivator, how do you understand the mystery of fate?"

Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly and did not answer.

The green ant beast looked disappointed, knowing that he had been abrupt. The way of living beings was not an ordinary method and could not be taught easily. Otherwise, it would be easy to be contaminated with unnecessary cause and effect, and even cause the rules of heaven and earth to backfire.

None of the venerables dared to mention this matter easily, let alone Gu Xiuyun.

"With your cultivation level, it's unbelievable that you can master the mysteries of fate," the green ant beast rolled its eyes twice and said continuously, "I just watched you fight. There is no need to test the first five levels. You will definitely be able to get through. These are As a boundary reward, you can choose five of them.”

A volume of atlas appeared in front of Gu Xiuyun.

At the top of the album is a brightly colored spiritual flower, which reveals the fluctuations of the origin of fire. When you see the portrait, you can also smell the spirit flower's breath.

'Moyang Flower - the spiritual fruit of the origin of fire, a medium-grade magical medicine. After taking it, the soul can be temporarily transformed into the true soul of fire. The effect lasts for thousands of years...'

"The Moyang Flower is a treasure of the Immortal Way," the green ant beast explained at the side. "After taking it, the true soul blends with the source of fire. Not only does the power of the fire secret technique increase sharply, but the other eight sources are isolated, allowing you to concentrate on your work. Understand the path of fire."

"Don't look at the effect that can only last for a thousand years. In a thousand years, your efficiency in comprehending the Great Way of Fire will increase at least a hundred times. Many talented practitioners can become ninth-grade ancestors with just one Moyang flower."

"It is indeed a rare treasure in the world."

Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly.

This is an opportunity!

Why are practitioners so keen on traveling around, looking for opportunities, for the sake of all kinds of Taoist secrets, spiritual treasures and treasures, such as the Moyang flower? As long as you get one of them, your practice speed will skyrocket in the next thousand years, which is comparable to immersing yourself in hard work. Tens of thousands of years.

There is no shortage of practitioners with extremely high talents and understanding in the world, but few can reach the ninth level.

Because opportunities in the immortal realm are rare, Gu Xiuyun can easily obtain the Mo Yang Flower and the Heart-Calling Fruit, just because he is strong enough to reach the peak of the fifth realm.

But these treasures are of little use to him.

He needs more precious and rare objects, such as relics, which can directly comprehend the origin of the five elements, such as the imprint of Taoism left by the strong people of the destiny lineage.

Gu Xiuyun continued to look at the album.

'Golden Bodhi - the spiritual fruit of the origin of the golden element, a middle-grade magical medicine. After taking it, the soul can be temporarily transformed into the true soul of the golden element, and the effect lasts for thousands of years. ’

"Shui Linglong - the water origin spiritual fruit, a middle-grade magic medicine. After taking it, the soul can be temporarily transformed into the true soul of water. The effect lasts for thousands of years."

The first page shows a total of six types of original spirit fruits, including three attributes: gold, fire, and water. Each one is priceless.

At the bottom of the album, there are also four longevity elixirs and various Five Elements treasures.

"The first page of the album records the rewards for the first level. You can choose one of them, or you can exchange it for a hundred pills." The green ant beast said.

"Can I keep it for now and not choose?" Gu Xiuyun asked.


The cyan ant beast turned to the second page.

There are more spiritual flowers and fruits on it, and their functions are quite complex. In addition, the two original spiritual fruits of wood element and earth element have been added.

"The magic fruit medicine on the second page can be exchanged for two hundred peace of mind fruits." The green ant beast said.

Gu Xiuyun continued to shake his head. No matter how good the elixir was, it could not break the influence of cause and effect. In his eyes, it was like useless.

The third page.

Four new origin spirit fruits have been added, all of which have wind and thunder attributes. In addition, twin stones appear at the bottom of the album.

"Is there a twin stone here?"

Gu Xiuyun was slightly startled.

Except for the secret space of the Temple of Time and Space, he has never seen twin stones in any giant void city. Such treasures are rare in the world, far exceeding the original spiritual fruit.

"How great the dead tree is, the twin stones are nothing," the green ant beast said proudly, "but the twin stones are only effective for the Douxiao realm. You have entered the true realm, and only the Taoist Jade of a higher level can Only the marrow can enlighten new life and condense the second true body.”

"Taoist chalcedony? Is it available here too?"

Gu Xiuyun quickly flipped through the album.

"On the sixth page, you can't get it," the green ant beast shook its head slightly, "Although I think highly of you, the rules are the rules. If you can't pass the sixth level test, the Taoist Chalcedony will never belong to you."

Gu Xiuyun was a little disappointed. Taoist chalcedony was of no use to him, but it was very helpful to Yan Su Shi. If he could have a second true body, and with Yan Su Shi's talent and understanding, he would at least have a great chance of entering the realm of the Venerable. Double the amount.

He turned back to the third page and looked at the twin stone album, thoughts flashing in his mind.

"The earlier the twin stones are used, the higher the hope of achieving greatness. Lan Chonghe is still in the Douxiao realm. Do you want to give him one?"

After thinking for a moment, Gu Xiuyun made a decision in his mind.

After all, Lan Chonghe is his direct disciple, and he has a high level of talent and understanding, as well as a tenacious Taoist heart, so he is qualified to refine a twin stone.

"Senior, I want a twin stone."

Gu Xiuyun said.


The green ant beast stretched out its hand to touch the cloud. After a moment, it retracted its claws, and a tiny strange stone appeared on its fingertips.

Gu Xiuyun continued to look through the album.

The fourth page is similar to the fifth page. In addition to the Origin Spirit Fruit and Twin Stones, there are also many longevity magic medicines. In addition, there are seven more Taoist secrets, including the Five Elements Immortal Body, the Wind and Thunder Immortal Body, the Flame, and the Indestructible Body. The special secret technique practiced by the Scale Protector is this kind of Taoist technique.

"The Taoist secrets are of little use to me. On the contrary, those original spiritual fruits are more useful. When I understand the mystery of seventh-level destiny in the future, I can use it to understand the rules of the five elements."

Gu Xiuyun decided to keep these treasures for the time being and only took away one twin stone.

At the same time, the black-striped golden dolphin finally passed the first level of the test and entered the depths of the clouds.

“Where is the emperor’s treasure??”

The little black pig shook his head, looked around, and then rushed toward the corner of the cloud.

"Younger of the Qilin tribe, in this land of sacred trees, how can I allow you to be so presumptuous!"

The green ant beast immediately swung its pincers and hit the black-striped golden dolphin on the head like a hammer, sending it flying away. "If you dare to act recklessly again, I won't be polite!"

Gu Xiuyun looked slightly strange.

The green ant beast's attack just now was not very powerful, but its speed was almost unbelievable. With such extreme speed, its strength had at least reached the Tianlun level. It seemed that the opponent did not use real methods during the first test.

"Junior of the human race, you have finished selecting the treasures, do you want to try to break into the sixth floor?"

"Senior, please lead the way."

Gu Xiuyun clasped his fists and nodded.

Now that I'm here, of course I have to try it.

According to the information given by the Mark of the Remnant World, every six levels of the Divine Tree Realm is an area. The first six levels are on the periphery, the middle six levels are on the inside, and the last six levels are on the core area.

The centering tree on the periphery bears fruit once every 20,000 years, and it is not far from maturity.

The sacred tree of enlightenment in the inner layer bears fruit once every 100,000 years, and few people have picked it so far. Of course, the venerables can break through the sixth level, but the dead tree world has stricter requirements for the venerables. Ordinary venerables can even refine it. Mark, is not qualified to enter the remnant world.

As for the True Lord... he will not enter this world at all.

The Dead Tree Realm is too old and there are no books on the way of life. Those Five Elements, Wind and Thunder, and Time and Space Spirit Fruits can be obtained by other means with Zhenzun's ability. There is no need to provoke the big trouble of Zhenzhen Zhenzhu.

Walked along the sacred tree for a long time.

Gu Xiuyun and the green ant beast came to a small platform with various strange beasts carved around it:

A giant mosquito with a single horn on its head and wings on its double ribs;

There are armored beasts with hideous faces and scales covering their bodies;

There are also huge ant beasts covered in purple and gold.

If you look carefully, you can see that there are thirty-two kinds of strange beasts, the most dazzling of which is the purple-gold ant beast. Its eyes are shining like two huge gems, and its whole body is purple-gold, which is particularly bright.

"The true body of the dead tree is an ancient sacred tree," the green ant beast introduced. "It was born with thirty-two kinds of strange beasts accompanying it. The sacred tree will never decline, and the accompanying strange beasts will not die. . Now that the True Lord has perished, we will stay here to find suitable practitioners and seek that glimmer of hope for the True Lord."

"Human cultivator, I am very optimistic about your ability to understand the mystery of destiny in the true realm, so I tell you so much. Choose one. As long as you defeat any strange beast here, you can enter the inner area."

"Senior, please help me pick one!" Gu Xiuyun glanced around and said with a smile.

"Aren't you afraid that I will choose the hardest one for you??" The green ant beast narrowed its eyes.

"Don't be afraid!"

Gu Xiuyun looked calm.

He is very clear about the purpose of establishing the remnant world of the dead tree. After understanding the nine origins, the mind of the true master will not sink immediately, and can generally sustain it for hundreds of years.

Therefore, Zhenzun Kushu built this world and left various original divine trees, longevity divine medicines, and Taoist books here in order to find a way to escape.

Gu Xiuyun's mastery of the way of living things is exactly what Zhenzong Kushu needs. How could the green ant beast deliberately embarrass him? I wish I could give you more benefits and create a deep enough relationship between each other.

"I have also seen your Taoism. It combines the rules of the five elements and cooperates with Yuanxian Taoism. Logically speaking, the power is only at the Heavenly Wheel Realm. However, you have reached the peak of the Tianxing Realm. It is indeed extraordinary."

The green ant beast thought for a moment and pointed at the one-horned mosquito and amber jade silkworm:

"The black mosquito is extremely fast, has weak defense, and is best at soul sound waves; the jade silkworm has many changes and has tough vitality, but its attack methods are slightly inferior. These two companion beasts are not good at defense, and they are the ones you have the best chance of defeating. , choose one!”

"Senior, do you also know about the Six Illusion Realms?" Gu Xiuyun did not rush to choose his opponent, but noticed the words in the blue ant beast's mouth.

The Six Realms Illusion Realm in Langhuan Realm was originally a place where a Realm Master recruited disciples. Later, the Realm Master disappeared and the Six Realms Illusion Realm became an open secret realm. Any practitioner can go there, and the Six Realm Illusion Realms gradually increased. It has become a recognized way of dividing the endless void.

The first realm: Heavenly Stone Realm;

The second realm: Tianfang realm;

The third realm: Tianshu realm;

The fourth realm: Heavenly Wheel Realm;

The fifth realm: Heavenly Star Realm;

The sixth realm: the realm of heaven.

As long as an eighth-grade powerful person reaches the Heavenly Stone Realm, he can be called an eighth-grade peak powerhouse.

However, this is just the threshold to enter the Six Realms Illusion Realm. If you want to become a disciple of the Realm Master, you must enter the Heavenly Wheel Realm with an eighth-grade cultivation level, or enter the Heavenly Dao Realm with a ninth-grade cultivation level.

And it does not rely on any external spiritual treasures.

"The Six Illusions Realm was long before the time of the Dead Tree True Master. How could I not know about it?" The green ant beast curled its lips slightly, "Unfortunately, the Realm Master became a Taoist too early and did not leave any classics on the way of living beings. Otherwise, Kushu Zhenzun would not be in such a hurry to break through that he would sink into ruin.”

"May I ask, senior, how many years has Kushu Zhenzun been practicing?" Gu Xiuyun frowned slightly.

"About 180 million years!!"

The green ant beast said.

One hundred and eighty million long ago!

Even at the level of Kushu Zhenzun, no one knew the existence of the path of living beings. It can be seen that the path of living beings was not spread at that time. At most, only a few people knew how the great power of opening up the Six Realms of Illusion could transcend step by step. ?

As far as he knew, it was an extremely long and distant road to comprehend the path of life... until entering the Realm of Realm, and it required the help of countless external forces.

For example, Patriarch Tianji traveled to every place in the world and studied the Taoist imprints left by the powerful Destiny, as well as various living Tao classics, before finally making a breakthrough.

That Realm Master back then had no previous experience and relied entirely on himself, and he actually reached the end of the Master Realm step by step?

Gu Xiuyun could not imagine that it was like a person who started from evolving words and wrote worldly articles, and then became proficient in all changes in mathematics, Chinese, foreign languages, physics, and chemistry, and developed a complete Tao system by himself.

Millions of sages are not as good as him?

What a hell!

"When you arrive in the Langhuan Realm, you must go to the Six Realms Illusion Realm to see what the legendary first Realm Master of the Endless Void looks like."

Gu Xiuyun whispered in his heart.

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