Fortune Teller

Chapter 894 Desperate Situation

Inside the village, hundreds of gangsters dressed in fancy clothing and holding swords stood in front of a middle-aged man.

"Master, I'm in a hurry to summon my brothers. Is there any good news?"

The scarred man asked.

"I just received the news that a batch of tribute silver is about to pass by. I have sent two brothers to step on the plate. There will be news in half a day at most." The middle-aged man's eyes were ferocious. "Brothers, this is a big deal. Once you get it, , we will all have endless money to spend.”

"Tribute silver?!"

The scar-faced man looked slightly condensed.

The other bandits also showed fear.

The gangsters in the mountains are all extremely vicious people, and their martial arts skills are not bad, but compared with the masters in the army, they are still a little behind.

For example, Ji Qinghu, as a general in the imperial court, had reached the pinnacle of martial arts attainments and was several times better than ordinary first-rate masters.

As for these gangsters, they are only second-rate at best. They usually rob merchants and civilians, but they are really scared to attack Gongyin.

"What, you don't dare anymore?"

The middle-aged man looked at the crowd with a sneer, "On weekdays, he is very heroic when he robs homes and houses. But when he hears about the government paying tribute, he gets scared? What a waste."

When the bandits present heard this, they suddenly became emboldened.

Among the people in the green forest, face is more important than anything else, and they should never be called cowards.

"The master, I am willing to be the pioneer."

Ji Wenshan stepped out, still holding the handle of the knife in his left hand, and holding a fist in his right hand, "If it hadn't been for the big boss to take them in, Sanmu and my little sister would have died deep in the mountains and forests, and they wouldn't be here today!"


The middle-aged man smiled and said, "If you want to do it, do it with a big one. Brother Miki, I will assign thirty brothers to follow you this time to rob tribute silver, and the rest will take over from behind. As long as it succeeds, you will be the second in charge." "


Ji Wenshan's voice was sonorous and powerful.

The scarred-faced man and several other senior bandits looked a little blue, but they did not dare to speak out to refute.

"Let's disperse first," the middle-aged man waved his hand, "sharpen your blades and apply the poison on An Qingzi. You will rely on it to deal with those military masters!"

The bandits left one after another.

In a remote hut.

Four bandits gathered here, Scarface was among them, and the other three had green and black faces, vaguely showing signs of violence.

"The first master is too partial. Does a fifteen-year-old junior deserve to be the second master?"

"The few of us have been following him for at least ten years. We have worked hard without any merit, but we actually gave away our position as the second master. In his eyes, do we not even have the qualifications to be the master?"

"Everyone, let alone the position of the leader, haven't you ever thought about what would happen if you robbed the tribute silver?" Scarface looked at the other three people, "The people who transport the tribute silver are all masters in the military, and at least one is first-rate. Warriors, if the robbery fails, we will all die. If it succeeds, we will inevitably be hunted down by the court."

"At that time, as a first-class warrior, the Master will not have difficulty in saving his life. What about us?"

"Black Scar, what do you mean?"

The three of them looked at the scarred man.

"My point is very simple. Since the boss wants us dead, let's take the opportunity to give him a ride." The scarred man chuckled, "We are just little bandits who robbed families and homes. He is the one who has killed countless people. Even the government hates him with all his teeth." Itchy Jiang Yang is a big evil, as long as the news is released in advance, the government will definitely take the opportunity to deal with this person. "

The other three looked hesitant, and after a moment, nodded.

To protect yourself, there is nothing wrong with betraying your brothers.

On the night of the second day, a group of bandits followed Ji Wenshan and lurked near the official road.

The big boss led another group of bandits to respond from the rear.

As for Scarface and the others, they each found a place to ambush on the surface, but in fact they had secretly escaped and returned to the depths of the village.

There are still more than a dozen bandits guarding the village. As long as those people are eliminated, they can divide the wealth accumulated in the village for many years and live happily ever after.

In the clouds, Lan Chonghe looked at this scene without saying much.

He wanted to know how Ji Wenshan would respond?

As night falls, a motorcade slowly approaches.

As the birds chirped, thirty gangsters drew their bows and arrows, and arrows filled with poison flew out.

puff! puff! puff!

There was a slight muffled sound, and a large number of sergeants fell.

"The enemy attacked and someone looted the tribute silver."

"Quickly, shoot the cloud arrows!"

The survivors of the convoy screamed in surprise, and in the blink of an eye, several arrows with flashing fire shot into the sky and exploded, forming a bright fireworks.

"Take action and fight quickly."

Ji Wenshan shouted sharply.

Dozens of bandits armed with machetes rushed out of the forest.

At the same time, the big boss also led a group of bandits to surround the official road in front and behind, to prevent anyone from escaping.

The location they chose was very good, far away from the post stations on both sides. The officers and soldiers had no time to support them. In addition, as night fell, many soldiers escorted them for a day. It was at this time when they were tired that their combat power was a bit weaker than in its heyday. .

call out! !

The light of the sword cut through the air, making a hissing sound.

The boss laughed loudly and charged towards the convoy.

Blood splattered and more than a dozen soldiers fell. But then, everyone noticed something was wrong. Those soldiers actually had tattoo marks on their faces.

Only prisoners can get married, not sergeants.

"No, I've been fooled. Get out now!"

The leader screamed in surprise and hurriedly fled to the mountains, but it was too late. Arrows coated with poison were shot from the depths of the mountains and forests.

At the same time, the sound of fighting resounded through the mountains and forests. Looking up, there were nearly a thousand soldiers coming to kill them from all directions.

"Yang Hu, today is the day you die!"

"Whoever kills Yang Hu and cuts off his head will be rewarded with a thousand taels of silver and appointed as a general."

There were loud shouts.

"There is a traitor!"

The headmaster's eyes were red, and Yang Hu was his real name. Those sergeants were ambush secretly, and they knew his origin clearly. There was no other possibility except for someone in the village to tip him off.


The sword flashed.

Thirteen military masters rushed to the headmaster's side and joined forces to surround and kill him. As for the ordinary bandits, they ignored him.

What the court wanted to solve most was Yang Hu. This man also came from the military and was powerful. He had become a first-rate warrior and had caused a lot of losses to the court. As for ordinary bandits, they can only rob homes and homes and let the officers and soldiers deal with them. There is no need to trouble the military experts.

"Run away!!"

"The one that rushes out is one!"

The bandits fled each other, without any masters to stop them. They quickly rushed out of a hundred feet and entered the depths of the mountain forest.

There are only a dozen or so people left in the officialdom. Apart from the headmaster Yang Hu and thirteen military masters, there is only one Ji Wenshan.

call out!

The sword was sharp and powerful, and Ji Wenshan's martial arts was so high that even the leader Yang Hu and the thirteen military masters were surprised.

In just a few moments, he seriously injured one person and rushed to Yang Hu's side. "Master, leave quickly. I will cut off the rear for you."

"Brother Miki!"

Yang Hu's eyes trembled slightly.

As the saying goes, a friend in need is a friend indeed. Faced with the encirclement and killing by the sergeants, the bandits fled each other. Only Ji Wenshan stepped forward to help. This move moved the leader deeply.

"Don't worry about me. Mr. Yang has killed many corrupt officials and has always been hated by the court. The person they want to kill is me and has nothing to do with you. Leave quickly!"

Yang Hu waved his long sword, and the light of the sword turned into a strong wind, which caused pain to the skin and flesh of the people, and forcefully forced a dozen military masters to retreat.

"Brother Miki, leave quickly!"

"No, Master, you gave me my life. Let's fight out together today."

Ji Wenshan looked determined, "If I die, please help take care of my little sister. If possible, let her marry a good family and stop being a bandit!"

"Good brother, it's worth it to Yang to get to know you in this life!!"

The leader, Yang Hu, laughed and waved his long sword to kill the thirteen military masters. His aura was as majestic as fire, as if he had unstoppable power.

However, no matter how strong the momentum is, it cannot change the outcome.

Among the thirteen military masters, there are three first-rate warriors, and the other ten are also the best in the second rate. If they were not worried that Yang Hu would counterattack before death and drag them to death together, they would have eliminated the big master long ago!

Poof! !

The sword flashed across his throat.

Yang Hu died.

Immediately afterwards, another long sword pierced Ji Wenshan's chest, and blood spurted out.

When he was dying, besides despair, Ji Wenshan also had a sense of resentment in his eyes. He hated himself for not being strong enough to take revenge.


Ji Wenshan suddenly widened his eyes and thought of Scarface. He had been fighting for a long time without seeing this man. It was obvious that he was the one who tipped off the news.

So... Ating, has she been brutally murdered?


A strong wind blew by, and Ji Wenshan disappeared.

The thirteen military masters looked puzzled, then forgot about this person, and rushed forward excitedly to fight for the corpse of the leader.

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