Fortune Teller

Chapter 911 Starry Sky

In front of the quaint inheritance temple.

The cyan figure sat cross-legged. I don't know how long it had passed. Suddenly, the figure stood up and looked behind him.

A faint mist of blood filled the air.

"You dare to come in front of me, do you want to die?" The human true form said softly.

"Jie Jie," Xue Wu's voice was sharp and harsh, "I can disappear into the air and leave at any time. What is condensed in front of you at this moment is only part of my body. Junior human race, what can you do to me?"

"Cowardsless people."

The human real body gave a soft drink, and the true energy surged in the palms of its hands.


The Five Elements Heaven-shaking Hand turned into black and white and slammed into the blood mist, annihilating it.

But just for a moment, another blood mist appeared thousands of feet away, lingering, seemingly provoking the true form of the human race.


Gu Xiuyun was too lazy to pay attention to Bai Kongze and continued to observe the lotus diagram and comprehend the Five Elements Taoism.

The real body of the human race can't deal with Bai Kongze, and Bai Kongze can't deal with the real body.

After all, both sides share the same consciousness, and the distance is so close at this moment. Even if Bai Kongze wants to make a sneak attack, the real human body will sense it before he can make a move.

When activating secret arts and supernatural powers, there is no way the transmission of thoughts can come quickly.

"Juniors of the human race, don't waste your efforts. Integrating the rules of the five elements is not easy. Don't say that you haven't understood the mystery of seventh-level destiny. Even if you understand it, you may not be able to integrate the origin of the five elements and step into the realm of the venerable within 30,000 years. "

"Throughout the ages, which venerable person has not been blessed with great fortune, and has integrated the rules of the Five Elements early on, and has stepped into the ninth level step by step."

"Your path has been interrupted by me. It is your best choice to obey me and achieve the position of World Master through the way of killing."

"It's ridiculous," the real human being sneered, "Slaughter Lian Tianjun himself is a Realm Master. At most, he can make a puppet and cultivate a Realm Master equal to himself. Who are you fooling with this?"

"If you are stubborn, I will destroy you sooner or later!"

Bai Kong Zeqi roared angrily, turned into void and rushed towards the inheritance palace.

During the moment of confrontation with the real human body, the bloody mist had already explored the surrounding area, and no traces of space rules were found. This shows that the space inheritance is hidden deep in the palace.

Relying on the perfect magical power of transforming the sky, Bai Kongze passed through the square in front of the palace and entered the depths of the palace. The real human being looked at him and admired him.

The perfect immortal void body is indeed very powerful.

"I am just curious as to what is hidden in the palace that has kept the four venerables here for so long." Gu Xiuyun observed the interior of the palace through Bai Kongze's perspective while meditating on the Five Elements Lotus.

Passing through the palace door, you see a simple wall in front of you, which is covered with patterns and patterns, like a spider web, spreading from the middle of the wall to the four walls.

"There is only one wall?" Bai Kongze and the human real body said at the same time, "In that case, where have the four venerables gone?"

The bloody mist carefully stretched out a thread and extended to the surface of the wall.

In an instant, the simple wall turned into a whirlpool, and a violent swallowing force swept through the void, covering the entire palace.

"what happened?"

Bai Kongze looked shocked and wanted to cut off the bloody mist, leaving only the empty part, but the suction force seemed to be omnipresent, and even the void could not resist it.

The mist and the void completely disappeared deep into the palace.

Outside the palace, the real human body suddenly opened his eyes, his face full of shock.

He finally understood why the four venerables had not come out yet.

"Even Bai Kongze's magical power of transforming the sky can't resist that swallowing force. What kind of method is it?"

Gu Xiuyun couldn't imagine it.

The Immortal Void Body has reached the perfect level and can be called immortal. While it has completely lost its ability to attack and kill, it has also taken life-saving measures to the extreme.

The only way to save life that is stronger than the Void Immortal Body is probably the space-time barrier!

At that moment, Bai Kongze couldn't even use a glimmer of time and was swallowed into an inexplicable space. It was simply unbelievable.

At this time, the real body of the human race saw a vast starry sky through Bai Kongze's consciousness.

"Another starry sky remnant world? A world within a world?"

In the vast starry sky, the blood-colored mist condensed and formed, exactly like the human race's true form, except that the whole body was filled with red blood, which looked a bit weird.

"Can't be emptied?"

Bai Kongze looked around, his eyes slightly focused.

This was not the first time he had encountered this situation. Previously, he could not use the magical power of transforming the sky in the blood mist space, but that was the space of the mind of the Heavenly Lord Slaughter, which was similar to the illusion created by the mind, but condensed into a physical entity.

What's going on with the starry sky in front of me?

Bai Kongze looked into the distance.

The starry sky is vast and endless, and the stars are embedded in it like chess pieces, moving slowly according to certain rules.

Suddenly, a message came into the depths of Bai Kongze's mind.

"I have been practicing for endless years, and I thought I had found the way to transcendence, but I never thought that this way is not something that the true Lord can practice. Now my mind has been assimilated by heaven and earth, and I am about to sink. I am not willing to give in. I have arranged for countless years and finally succeeded in embarking on the path to transcendence. This road has failed miserably.”

"Where is the right path? How can we truly transcend?"

"The five elements, wind and thunder, and time and space are the ultimate principles of heaven and earth, but living beings like us cannot bear their power. Before I died, I felt something in my heart. I seemed to have found an opportunity, but I didn't know what to do!"

"Later, if you can transcend, please look at the immeasurable Taoist teachings and many treasures left behind by this deity, so that I can escape from sinking and return to the path of cultivation..."

"Sure enough, you are another fake world leader," Bai Kongze sneered, "Your life and death have nothing to do with me. If you want to wake up and let the juniors of the human race help you, I don't have the time."

As he spoke, the bloody figure looked deep into the starry sky.

The stars move along a fixed trajectory, which seems ordinary, but if you observe carefully, you will find that each star represents a complete Taoist pattern, and combined with each other, they form the rules of space.

"No, the space rules here seem to be a little different from the Void Monument, and they are also very different from the endless void." Bai Kongze observed the surroundings carefully, his eyes becoming more and more solemn, "It shouldn't be like this, the space rules are completely wrong, the space established It should just collapse."

"This starry sky is too stable!"

Outside the palace, the human race's true form was also a little confused.

Whether it is the world of Tianjipan or the endless void, he has understood the rules of space. Compared with the starry sky where Bai Kongze is located, the space rules of the two worlds are much simpler, but extremely pure.

The so-called simplicity.

The space itself is complicated, but the complete space avenue appears extremely simple.

The starry sky in front of us is completely different. The space is twisted and turned. Each star has more than three orbits. The wormholes in the void form rainbow bridges one after another, stretching between the sky and the earth.

The entire starry sky is extremely complex, with dense patterns almost filling every inch of space.

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