Fortune Teller

Chapter 978 Thorn Flower

"It really doesn't work, I can only sacrifice some ninth-grade products!"

The woman in red glanced at the team in the distance and thought about it.

Since the Venerable Alien Beasts do not appear, then take the initiative to lure them out. As long as the strategy is right, it is not impossible to temporarily resist some of the alien beasts with fifteen Heavenly Star Realm and thirty-five ninth-level ancestors.

But doing so will inevitably lead to the death of many founders of the Heavenly Wheel Realm, and even casualties in the Tianxing Realm.

In the past, Emperor Ming would not have dared to do this, because those Patriarchs and the Heavenly Star Realm were still of great use, and she needed to rely on these people to complete the mission of the True Master.

"As long as I can step into the realm of the Venerable, I can grab any treasure at my fingertips, so why do I need them?"

Emperor Ming made a decision in his mind.

Millions of miles away.

Five figures were running fast against the ice, and the light was looming. If you didn't pay attention, you would have thought it was a snowstorm.

But no matter how they restrained their aura, they could not avoid being attacked and killed by the alien beasts from the Source World, because there were many alien beasts from the Source World hiding deep in the ice and sensing the outside world through supernatural powers.

The camouflage of appearance is of little use against strange beasts.

Gu Xiuyun was at the front of the crowd, comprehending the Taoist secrets while escaping.

Two years have passed, his mind and will have become stronger and stronger, and the mysterious improvement of his destiny has caused his Taoist heart to transform again and again, improving a lot compared to two years ago.

With his current state of mind and will, it is common for him to do two things while distracted.

What's more, the realm of the source of all laws is isolated from cause and effect, and the divine power of destiny has little impact on the mind, and the mind is always at its peak.

It is extremely efficient to understand the mystery of fate in this state.

After walking for a long time, everyone saw a slender blue glacier, like a ribbon, dividing the ice field into two parts. Strangely, the water in the glacier was undulating, but there was no sign of freezing.

"After traveling for so long, we finally arrived at Glacier."

Looking ahead, Patriarch Guchang reminded solemnly:

"This is the first dangerous area, and it is also the dividing line between the inner area and the outer area. After crossing the glacier, Venerable-level strange beasts can be seen everywhere, and they come in groups. We must be more careful. If we are careless, we will die. Eliminate the calamity.”

Old Man Guanshu, Patriarch Luoyin, and Demon King Jinchen nodded in response.

Faced with the siege of the venerable-level alien beasts, Gu Xiuyun might be able to escape, but the four of them would definitely die. Apart from anything else, the beasts' bloodline magical power alone was not something that the four ancestors could resist.

"The road after the glacier is too dangerous. How about the four Taoist friends enter the cave Lingbao and wait until they get to the Luoshen Ancient Temple before coming out?" Gu Xiuyun suggested.


Patriarch Guchang and Old Man Guanshu looked hesitant.

The cave is also a Sumeru space, which is exclusive of the storage space. Entering the cave means handing over the storage treasure in your hand to Gu Xiuyun.

In addition, they have no chance to see the wonders and phenomena of the Source Realm of Ten Thousand Dharmas. The Source Realm is vast and vast. Along the way, there are not only the Shouyuan Sacred Tree, but also many ruins inscribed with Taoism.

For hundreds of millions of years, countless techniques have been carved from those glacial stone walls. What is circulated in the world are only versions modified and copied by later generations. The real original books have always been deep in the source world of all laws.

"The back is too dangerous, and it is really not suitable for poor Taoists." Patriarch Luoyin nodded slightly and handed the stored spirit treasure to Gu Xiuyun, "Gu Taoist friend, be careful. I heard that there are many venerable-level beasts in the inner layer of the source world. If you are alienated If the beasts are following, I’m afraid there will be a lot of trouble.”

"I will also enter the cave space."

Demon King Jinchen followed.

Patriarch Guchang and Old Man Guanshu looked at each other and shook their heads slightly. The two of them did not want to enter the cave for the time being. The world of the source of ten thousand dharma was only opened once every 40,000 years, which only lasted ten years.

For the Heavenly Star Realm, this is a rare opportunity. If you grasp it well, you can hope to become enlightened in the future.

In this regard, Gu Xiuyun didn't say much.

He only has a cooperative relationship with Huangliang Academy and Samsara Ancient Palace, and he has no right to comment on other people's decisions.

The three of them walked towards the glacier.

The river is wide, and a huge black shadow can be vaguely seen in the water, which is thousands of feet wide and full of terror.

There was more than one black shadow, thirty or forty places within a radius of just a hundred miles.

"Although the glacier is dangerous, there are also many treasures," Patriarch Gu Chang pointed at the black shadow thousands of feet in the distance, "Do you know what that is, Fellow Daoist Gu?"

"Exotic beast?"

Gu Xiuyun examined it for a moment and guessed.

The black shadow swayed slightly with the river water, like water plants, but it had a unique rhythm. Even though it was hundreds of miles away, one could still feel an inexplicable fierce aura.

"That is the unique thorn flower of Glacier," Patriarch Guchang said with a smile. "The thorn flower is both a magical medicine and a strange beast. In other words, it is a magical medicine that has become a spirit. Its strength is not half inferior to that of the venerable-level strange beasts, and even Even more terrifying, their vitality is ten times and a hundred times more powerful than the alien beasts."

"For countless years, the glacier has divided the Wanfa Source Realm into two areas. Most of the alien beasts live in the inner area. Only a handful of them can cross the river to the outer area because of the obstruction of the thorn flower."

"The elixir that becomes a spirit?"

Gu Xiuyun looked surprised.

The source world of Wanfa is really weird. After the death of the alien beast, there is no skin, flesh or blood, and only a few broken bones are left.

And the number of bones is so small that not even a toe can be put together.

Now there is an elixir-generating medicine. According to Patriarch Guchang, the thorn flower is very powerful and cannot even deal with the venerable-level beasts.

"Of course, the thorn flower is a magical medicine after all. No matter how powerful it is, it can't move. So as long as we avoid the area where the water plants are, we can cross the glacier."

Patriarch Guchang glanced around, seeming to determine his location. After a long time, he spoke again, "We are lucky. There is a passage two thousand miles to the left."

Gu Xiuyun and the old man Guanshu nodded slightly.

The ancient palace of reincarnation is undoubtedly the most experienced in crossing the glacier.

Regarding the understanding of the Source Realm of Ten Thousand Dharmas, the Ancient Palace of Samsara ranks second, and no one dares to claim it as the first. For countless years, countless peak Heavenly Star Realm and Sixth Realm powerhouses have crossed the glacier and headed for the inner realm of the Source Realm. At least 20% of them follow Samsara. Related to the ancient palace.

The ancient palace of reincarnation obviously has more than one passage across the glacier.

The three of them walked along the river bank for two thousand miles before setting foot on the river. The route was winding and winding, and dark shadows kept appearing along the way.

As they got a little closer, the black shadows immediately started to riot.

The vines like water plants stretched straight, like the tip of a spear pointing directly at Gu Xiuyun and the others.

"There are too many thorn flowers in the glacier. Along the way, we saw at least more than 700 dark shadows."

The old man Guanshu took a deep breath, with a look of fear in his eyes.

Fortunately, the thorn flower cannot move and can only rely on its vines to control the surrounding area. If it could move, no one except the Venerable could cross the glacier.

But even so, he was still frightened by the sight. The huge glacier had long been completely covered by thorn flowers, making it difficult to find a complete passage across the glacier.

"Fellow Taoist Guchang, you said earlier that thorn flowers are elixirs. Is this what the two sages who became enlightened in the source world said?"

Gu Xiuyun looked around and asked.


Patriarch Guchang nodded slightly: "The first venerable once killed the thorn flower. It is said that these spiritual flowers are extremely powerful. Any one of them can increase the life span by one hundred thousand years, and it has a great promotion effect on the essence of life. "

"But it is extremely difficult to pick thorn flowers. Their vitality is too strong and they are rooted deep in the ice lake. Normal injuries can be recovered in an instant."

"It took the venerable two months to successfully kill the spirit flower and leave the message in the Ancient Palace of Samsara. No one has been able to do it since."

"So, the efficacy of the thorn flower is just a one-sided statement by that venerable?" Gu Xiuyun's eyes moved slightly.

With his status as a revered person, he would not lie. The thorn flower can definitely increase longevity, but it is impossible to say whether it has other effects besides that!

Maybe that venerable man was hiding something.

At least during the process of crossing the glacier, Gu Xiuyun clearly sensed that the fluctuations of thorn flowers were somewhat similar to those of white bears. The life essence of these spiritual flowers must be related to soul power.


Patriarch Guchang looked as usual and didn't care about Gu Xiuyun's question.

Did that venerable person conceal any other information that was not important to the major sects? It was just a magic medicine that could make people transcend directly?

If there really was such a miraculous effect, that venerable person would have already entered the True Venerable Realm and even become a Realm Venerable. How could it be possible for him to fall under the tribulation of Yin and Yang?

With that said, the three of them crossed the last hundred miles and arrived on the other side of the glacier.

The seemingly narrow glacier is separated by nearly five thousand miles between the two banks. Without a map to guide it, even the Venerable would have to put in a lot of effort to enter the inner realm.

Standing on the shore, looking at the sky.

Many cities, temples, and palaces appeared on the ice field. Each building was extremely tall. The smallest one was thousands of feet high, and the most magnificent one was like a star, standing on the surface of the ice field.

"Two fellow Taoists, I'm afraid the road ahead will not be peaceful."

Gu Xiuyun looked at Patriarch Guchang and Old Man Guanshu.

No matter how powerful the thorn flower is, it cannot move after all, and it will not change much in hundreds of millions of years. However, the exotic beasts can move around.

The previous information was meaningless.

"There are still 1.4 million miles," Old Man Guanshu looked into the distance with a solemn expression, "If we really encounter a group of venerable-level alien beasts, fellow Taoist, please run for your own life. I will die a worthy death."

"The same goes for poor Taoists," Patriarch Guchang nodded slightly, "Wangu Zhenzhen should have told fellow Taoists about the information about Luoshen Ancient Temple. With or without me, the result will be the same."

The two Patriarchs have already come to the realization of death.

They are all second avatars. Even if they die, their true bodies still exist in the world. It is not a loss to exchange one avatar for the opportunity of enlightenment.

Besides, the two of them are not far from their deadline.

Patriarch Guchang lived for 124,000 years, and Old Man Guanshu lived for 119,000 years. They were not far from death. There was no use keeping a second clone. It was better to give it a try.

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