Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 1101: The trap of the dead light!

Ye Changkong adjusted the battle crystal brain to the stealth sniper mode, and embedded a data chip in each of his eyes. The front of his eyes was full of brilliance, and a semi-transparent three-dimensional city emerged. It was the area where Li Yao was surrounded by four sides.

In addition to the three-dimensional structure of the underground tens of layers, there is also the most detailed three-dimensional map on the ground. Every walkway and every window in each high-rise building can be seen clearly, which makes him calm and unhurried. Study the most secure killing plan.

Although the coordinates of Li Yao have been lost, the coordinates of all the secret swords are scattered in the three-dimensional map in the form of secluded blue dots.

From their encirclement, hunt and squeeze, it is not difficult to analyze the general orientation of Li Yao. He is like a whale surrounded by countless tiger sharks. There is no way to escape!

Ye Changkong slammed the temples in an unhurried manner, and ordered the hunting ship to fly toward the general direction where Li Yao was very likely to rush out. The soul was a glimpse of the mystery, and it sneaked into the mysterious and complicated. Among the three-dimensional maps.


In the depths of his brain, he built a vivid underground labyrinth and substituted himself into the role of "Lee Yao", immersing himself in speculating the most likely escape route.

Ye Changkong, who is the first sniper of Tianyuan, is also a top assassin. In a sense, he and Li Yao are both of the same type.

The hidden form of the stagnation, the infiltration of the enemy camp, the shadows of the slaying, the tens of ambushes that can never escape, and the long-distance squatting... These are both Li Yao’s masterpieces and Ye’s centuries-old fierce battle. Daily work.

Snipers in the military are often in groups of two, a shooter and an observer.

However, after repairing to reach the realm of Yuan Ying. Ye Changkong no longer needs an observer, nor can he find a partner that suits him, even if he is an elite sniper to be an observer. I can’t talk about help, but it’s a drag.

For three or four decades. He has always been a lone wolf, like Li Yao.

After receiving the task of killing Li Yao, Ye Changkong collected all the information about Li Yao in the market and studied it for a week, especially the successful classic case of Li Yao.

He even asked Lu to be deeply immersed in the supernatural power of "Mr." and made him mistakenly think that he was "vulture Li Yao", practicing, exercising and daily life in hypnosis.

with this method. He has an in-depth understanding of Li Yao's mentality, habits and mode of thinking.

For this fellow who is more than a hundred years younger than himself, Ye Changkong is full of wonder, even in the midst of a sense of "friendship", and even more than once again, if Li Yao, then he may be qualified to make him Change the habits of decades and bring an "observer".

It is a pity that what he has to do is to ruin the young man who is in his 100s and has never been masked.

"Children, you still owe the shortcomings of the heat. Actually, you will be stupid enough to believe that a woman who has not seen for ten years, full of jealousy and anger!"

"If you are lucky enough to live to my age, you will know. I would rather believe that a beast with a lot of stimulant is injected, and don't believe in a woman who is furious, because the latter's behavior is even more unpredictable!"

"Unfortunately, you can't live today!"

"Your mode of action has been completely understood by me. You want to escape from..., right!"

The "dead light" leaves the labyrinth in the depths of the brain, and it is finally enlarged in the abandoned area full of rust in the southwest of Tiandu.

This is a factory area ready to be rebuilt.

A large number of abandoned magic weapons factories. A variety of rusty pipes and black smelting furnaces are piled together like a steel grave.

There is no entrance to the underground city. Therefore, it is not the defensive focus of ground forces, and there is no second yuan infant within five kilometers.

The terrain here is intricate. No one knows where the tangled pipes will lead, and as the pace of rapid urban development accelerates, the neighboring areas are built into a crowded, bustling business district.

Once sneaked into the business district, the possibility of escape is great.

"The vast majority of Yuan Ying are guarded at various entrances and exits, but their number is so little that it is impossible to grasp every weak link in the whole city."

“You will never choose to escape from the main entrance and exit. In these abandoned magic weapons factories, there are countless pipelines that pass through the ground, such as smelting metal coolant discharge pipes, sewage discharge pipes and gas discharge pipes.”

"Choose a pipe and drill a hole, you can climb into the abandoned magic weapon factory without knowing it."

“You don’t even need to drill the pipe, you are an explosion expert. Just calculate the exact orientation and angle. A small directional spar bomb is enough to blow up a road to the ground, at your speed, for a few seconds. It’s enough to go to the crowded business district!”

"Come on, don't let me down, show my strength, see if my bullets are fast, or your body and sword are faster! This study, I am prepared to remember for a lifetime!"

Ye Changkong sent his instantly planned killing plan to the battle crystal brain of all members of the hunting team.

Three seconds later, the whole group of people wore crystals, leaped from the hunting ship, and plunged away from the abandoned Fabao factory area.

Like a dozen dead-leaf butterflies, fluttering between the steel jungle.

From the information from the spring breeze, the pursuit of the underground is getting more and more tense, and Li Yao is about to flee to the underground space facing it.

The second Yuan Ying, who is closest to them, is on the exit of a dungeon city seven kilometers away.

Ye Changkong indulged in a moment, there is no need to tell his judgment to the other party, so as not to have extravagant branches.

He has already locked in the location of Li Yao’s explosion. There are more than a dozen days and nights practicing, and the partners who are proficient in the combination method, as long as they can delay Li Yao for 0.1 seconds, it is enough!


In the midair, twelve small round beads popped up behind the crystal scorpion of the sky, and the cymbals exploded, turning into twelve spar flying birds, and after a piece of brilliance flashed, Enter the invisible state.

Twelve invisible sparrows flew to all corners of the abandoned magic treasure factory and firmly monitored every corner.

The hunting team silently landed. For this hunting, everyone’s crystals were attached with invisible magic units. They were like a group of fangs with chaotic dragons. They quickly merged into the steel jungle and converge all the heat. Dissipation and psionic fluctuations, even breathing and heartbeat are compressed to the limit, crouching between the black **** and the ruins.

The deadly trap has been laid, no matter which piece of Li Yao has taken out from the abandoned magic weapon factory, they can bite him for at least 0.1 seconds!

Ye Changkong was on the southeast corner of the abandoned magic treasure factory, at the top of a giant chimney hundreds of meters high.

It is condescending, there are no obstacles in a few kilometers, it is a wonderful point of attack, and the walls of the giant chimney are very thick, and there is a circular platform above, which is comfortable in both kneeling and lying postures.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

Through the data and information that continually jumped from the retina wafer, Ye Changkong quickly analyzed the coordinates of the twenty-nine Li Yao that were most likely to burst out of the ground. Within five seconds, the firing parameters were set according to these coordinates. .

He also switched the crystal enamel to the stealth mode, and put a layer of camouflage cloth on the outside of the crystal scorpion to prevent the psionic escape. The sniper rifle that also entered the invisible state protruded slightly from the gap of the camouflage cloth. .

A crystal marrow bullet, which is hot and hot in the "Tianlu", his brain has become more and more calm, more and more embarrassing, into the mysterious and mysterious, unspeakable meditation!

In an instant, the surrounding buildings and the earth seem to melt into his eyes and become transparent. He can hide and see "seeing" not far from the underground, countless secret swords to catch up and roar, but also inductive By the way, a streamer is fleeing towards his pre-preset nineteenth coordinates!

This is the "dead light" Ye Changkong's own killing magical powers, to play the "seeing and listening" technique to the extreme, through the swaying and feedback of the gods to perceive the target, all barriers and obstacles in his eyes will be turned into invisible!

"You let me down!"

The leaves are hollow and sighing in a sigh. Every body of the meridians and muscles is driven by the lightning-like instinct, and the most perfect form is adjusted. The "Tianlu" sniper rifle instantly points to the killing point on the 19th, even in Before the other party has not burst out of the ground, gently pull the trigger!

There is no sound, no light, no sorrowful sorrow, a crystal marrow bullet that has been cherished by his blood for 981 days, tearing the sky and piercing the ground!

Just as this almost non-existent medullary bullet breaks through the boundaries of space and time, after the teleportation of the magical power spans hundreds of meters, three things happen simultaneously.

First, the ground suddenly burst without warning, a black streamer whistling out of the ground, just hit by the crystal marrow bullets, suddenly split.

If it is not "second", then this is definitely a textbook-level super classic killing case.

Second, the pupils of the leaves are contracted, and every cell in the body has a scream, especially the heart and the urine. It is like being smashed by a person, and the pain is about to make a sound. He suddenly realizes By the way, the black streamer he hits is not a person, just a kind of magic weapon that will dissipate a little faint volatility and gather adulthood!

If it is not "third", then he will now be jealous, hey, fight a cold war!

Third, just under him, in the depths of the black chimney, a smudge of the same knives as his bullets, which could not be seen or heard, flashed at a tidal speed.

The so-called "tidal-like speed" is when people find that the tide is flooding the knees, realizing that the tide is coming, and turning to want to escape, it is too late! (To be continued.)

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