Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 3106: Ghost fleet

"From the squatter of the ruined yellow sand, to the supreme leader of the earth's civilization, to the first commander of the great universe!"

Li Yao moved, "So magnificent, incredible life?"

His heart is full of sorrows, and he is deeply shocked by the rise of Wan Zhaihai.

It is easy to despise and criticize the despicable nature of his people. Li Yao has also reprimanded many conspirators and ambitions like Wan Zhai.

But more important than blasphemy is to come up with a solution and continue the hope of civilization.

Li Yao does not care about whether the Wanzanghai is good or bad, and there is no time to polish the dirt and dust that falls on his own heart.

Because with the demise of the dignitaries and the rich, and through the strong integration of the Wanzanghai, the new immigrant fleet has rushed out of the solar system and headed for the unknown.

The earth civilization has ushered in a brand new page, officially sublimated or "transmutation" became the Yuanshi civilization, the earth people were all destroyed by the solar storm, now, through the cold cold and the dark universe, they have a new name Yuanshi !

This is the end of the "cut-off animation", Li Yao once again faced countless options falling from the sky, such as a waterfall that shocked his soul.

On the one hand, he has to arrange the hibernation and wake-up time of scientists and engineers to ensure that all the technologies necessary for the navigation of the Xinghai can be carried out in an orderly manner, while ensuring that the new generation on board receives the best education and is born with new inspiration. Research reserve team; on the one hand, we must constantly plan and fine-tune the route, so as not to lose direction in the vast expanse of the Xinghai; on the other hand, we must always pay attention to the invasion of meteorite and cosmic radiation, even a fine sand and fine dust. It is possible to cause minor trauma to the shell and power unit of the starship. After tens of thousands of years of accumulation and increase, the small trauma may lead to the fission and disintegration of the entire starship. These are major events.

In addition, threats that are more serious and more secretive than cosmic radiation and starship damage are changes in the human heart.

Earth people originally lived under the blue sky, above solid land, bathed in warm sunshine, carefree planet race.

Now, they have completely lost their homes and roots. They have to spend tens of thousands of years and thousands of generations drifting in the darkness and despair, and may become the wandering children in the stars.

Narrow space, claustrophobic environment, deep Xinghai, I don't know where the end is, and the next second is likely to kill Huangquan... Such cruel torture is like a black venom that erodes people's hearts. , turning them into two kinds of lives that are completely different from the past.

Similar metamorphosis has occurred in the flying star world.

As Xiao Xuan, the leader of the cultivator of the celestial world, is said to be in the black sea of ​​stars, it is very easy to turn an unshakable comprehension into a cultivator, often as long as... for a second.

The people in the flying world, at least have their own history, remember the glory of the former Xinghai Empire, and know that in addition to their own small world, there are countless thousands of worlds and countless similar existences. Enough to be a comfort and hope to resist the invasion of darkness.

These earth-human Yuan Dynasty people have completely lost everything. Since then, although Xinghai is large, it can no longer find more trustworthy and similar homes that can sleep. This is how painful, how terrible, how desperate!

It is not surprising that such venoms, after centuries, thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years of unintended long-distance trek to ferment, will distort humanity into any deformity and embarrassment.

In the face of various challenges, Li Yao was quite overwhelmed and was in a hurry.

The key is that he is not trying to make the most favorable choice for the moment, but to consider the development of the immigration fleet after tens of thousands of years, making the most favorable choice for tens of thousands of years. In many cases, it is inevitable to hurt the present. The interests of the passengers are even ruthless, and many things are sacrificed.

Through such tests, Li Yao once again confirmed that he is really not a material for the commander.

Perhaps he is only suitable to play the role of a high school student, or as a flag of the wind fluttering and hunting, to shout some idealized slogans, but they need to be more calm when they encounter complicated and complicated problems. Rational and even dark characters, such as Jin Tuo, Bai Lao, Lei Chenghu, Li Linghai, and even Long Yangjun.

Li Yao felt that she had made a lot of mistakes.

Under his command, a series of serious problems broke out inside the immigration fleet, and even several infightings were launched.

On the outside, they also crossed a thick, ink-like interstellar dust belt, experienced several sudden radiation storms, and almost slammed into another wave of meteorite rain. Every time the crisis was dealt with very reluctantly, it also gave the stars The ship caused a series of damages and consumed a lot of valuable resources.

When the test time went forward for thousands of years, they only sailed for tens of light years, but they have already lost more than half of the immigration starships. More than 30% of the hibernators have mechanical failures, insufficient resources and civil strife. In the sleep of his life, even the "leader" played by Li Yao was also killed in the chaos by the insurgents who suffered from claustrophobia.

People who are still alive have long lost their spirits and vitality when they rushed out of the solar system thousands of years ago. Their unshaven, fluffy skin, deep eye sockets, dull look, sluggish face, like a group of people trapped in steel coffins. Walking dead, but driven by the last instinct to survive, numbly squatting forward.

Li Yao was fearful and thought that he had made a series of wrong choices, and the performance must be very bad.

But the voice is always silent, and his performance is irresponsible.

Even when the "leader" he played was killed by the rebellious crew, he also comforted Li Yao, saying that this is not a "wrong" because in the real history, as the commander of the immigration fleet, the first "Yuanshi" The patriarch’s Wanzanghai also fell to such a situation.

Wanzhai's dominance is naturally a hundred times higher than Li Yao, but the numerous practical problems and deadly threats he faces are more complicated and arduous than the options in the test.

Wan Zhaihai is just a kind of mortal and wise. It is only a mortal. After decades of lurking minions and cultivating wings, he has already approached the limit of the physiological life of the Earth when he left the solar system. It is impossible to stay awake for a long time to control. The fleet can only enter hibernation and wake up every five to ten years to deal with the problems that have occurred in the last five years.

Such a method of **** is doomed to rule for a long time to rule the group of violent, unruly radiation, transformants and superpowers.

Time can change a lot of things, including eroding the prestige of a **** commander.

The immaturity of the first generation of hibernation technology has also had a serious impact on the wisdom and character of Wanzanghai.

Gradually, he became cloudy, moody, and even with many crew members, suffering from claustrophobia and paranoia.

He once pointed to the deep martyrdom on the starship and said that he saw countless ghosts from the earth, wandering and wandering there.

He also ordered the fleet to disregard all the speed, even if it was exhausted, on the grounds that he saw the burning soul of the earth, the soul of all people did not annihilate, but was condensed into a brand new by the solar storm and the psionic magnetic field. ... Ghostly civilization, and this ghost civilization is quietly following them, in an attempt to carry out the most cruel revenge to them.

He didn't even dare to go into hibernation, because as soon as he entered hibernation, he would be overwhelmed by the eyes of countless souls. He was caught by the dark hands of the tragic deceased and smashed into the deepest part of Jiuyou Huangquan.

In this case, the fierce conflict between the commander and the crew is only a matter of time.

Wan Zhaihai died, was shredded by his former loyal crew, and put into the power furnace, completing his ideals of continuous implementation and becoming a small spark to promote the progress of civilization.

The voyage is still going on, and in the dark and cold vacuum, there is no power to stop them.

In the tests that followed thousands of years, Li Yao felt that his performance was getting worse and worse, and all the crew members were becoming more and more desperate, more and more cruel and more and more violent.

They even feel a little self-defeating, and they are eager to smash their heads and want to completely destroy themselves in a violent riot or natural disaster, ending this never-ending nightmare.

This is not an expedition or escape. It is only a 10,000-year "death penalty". Many crew members think so.

When Li Yao squeezed out his last brain cell, overdrafted all the computing power, and tried his best to keep the immigration fleet for 10,000 years, they only had forty-nine shards and terrible starships. About 14 million people are disheartened, full of anger and resentment passengers, empty fuel and resource compartments.

At this moment, they have not yet mastered the ability to shuttle four-dimensional space, how to improve the speed of conventional navigation, but just flew 500 light years, in the galaxies with hundreds of thousands of light years, the speed is slower than the snail, the distance to find the spirit The source of the slate can be nowhere in sight.

The mountains are running out of water, and they are full of food. This is where they are buried.

"Has it failed?"

Li Yao is not a contemptuous person, but he has not been able to continue the test by going to such a poor situation.

Maybe at the beginning, should he be more ruthless?

No, useless, even if you squeeze out the crew's potential, but the distance to explore from 500 light years to six hundred light years, what is the difference?

Li Yao is just a strange voice. Doesn't it mean that he will give him three chances? But he clearly got a suggestion, and he has no way to go. Is the voice to be fattened?

As he was hesitating, Li Yao’s knowledge of the sea suddenly presented an incredible and shocking picture!

I saw the end of the immigration fleet, and the empty sea of ​​stars suddenly picked up a lavender ripple. The ripples rushed to the sides like a tidal wave, but it was torn open a huge crack, and it was drilled from the crack. A fat tentacle!

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