For a whole day, the Don Quixote family’s transport ships were in an extremely busy state, especially the shipwrights and cooks on board, and almost everyone was tired and weak.

The former was afraid of Locke’s guilt, desperately repaired the ship, and it took only twenty hours to repair the ship, a few hours faster than the deadline given by Locke.

The latter is due to the 24-hour uninterrupted high-intensity cooking.

With the physical strength of these chefs, it is rare to be able to sustain a whole day of continuous cooking.

And what caused the cooks to work so hard was naturally Locke, who had been hungry for forty years.

Perhaps because he hadn’t eaten for forty years, or because of his physique, Locke’s appetite was like a bottomless pit.

After eating all kinds of food all day non-stop, Locke finally burped satisfied, only to feel that the whole person was full.

“Okay, clean up, you can go down.” Locke waved his hand.

Hearing this, the cooks who were waiting for the call were immediately amnestied, and they were very grateful for their kindness, and they almost left in a hurry one by one.

After meditating for a while, Locke decided to try the ‘sacrificial extraction’ function of the ‘infinite’ system.

Forty years ago, Locke Crossing actually came with a system called ‘Infinite’.

It’s just that because of various accidents, Locke was directly in a semi-slumber state.

The original ‘infinite’ system has also become a ‘finite’ system due to energy loss over the past forty years, autonomously shutting down many functions, and now there are only two left.

One is plunder or copying.

The condition for plundering is to defeat the opponent, kill and maim the opponent, make the opponent defenseless, and plunder the full ability.

Copying does not need to be so, only needs to touch the body of the designated person, in contrast, the ability to copy is not complete, there will be some minor flaws.

Previously, Locke relied on this power to plunder Diamanti’s Flying Fruit ability.

The second function left of the system is sacrificial extraction.

Sacrifice your abilities and items to qualify for the lottery.

The scope of the lottery is the entire heavens and realms, and the results can be the power or items of other worlds.

In order to test this feature, Locke prepared a total of 3 things:

1. The cooking skills of the plundered ship’s senior chef

2. A small piece of gold

3. The ability to flutter fruits plundered from Diamanti

Without saying much, Locke immediately put the senior chef’s cooking skills on the ‘draw table’, and with a flash of light, the sacrifice began.

After a few moments, the light mass, which represented advanced culinary ability, disappeared, and in its place appeared in Locke’s hand was a knife.

A kitchen knife!

[Ding, the proceeds of this sacrifice lottery are the Yongling Dao, which comes from the Chinese Little Boss]

Locke: “??? ”

[The Yongling knife of the Chinese little master, one of the legendary eight cooking utensils, is specially designed to handle seafood, which can restore the umami flavor of the ingredients that have lost its umami taste, and be aware that once it is used for things other than cooking, they will lose their magical powers].

Locke: “I understand the truth, but what is the use of this kitchen knife?” ”

Silently putting away the Eternal Spirit Knife, Locke began to work on the second sacrifice extraction test, this time for test subject number two, a small piece of gold.


As Locke’s mind moved, the gold disappeared, and what appeared in Locke’s hand was a silk fabric, cold and silky, with heat, and seemed to have a slight sense of moisture.

Locke looked at the triangle in his hand puzzled, and at the same time, the system prompt sounded.

[Ding, the prize draw of this sacrifice is the fat time of the pirate girl Boyahan Cook in this world, which guarantees the original taste and carries the temperature! ] 】

Locke: “I… Don’t fall”

“In the future, when I meet Boyahan Cook, I will return it to her, and by the way, I can also get my gold back.” Locke tightened his hands with the warm and fragrant things and made up his mind.

At the same time, on the Nine Snakes ship thousands of miles away, the pirate woman Boyahan Cook suddenly looked at her lower body in amazement, with a confused expression.

After two improper draws, Locke roughly knew that what was obtained by the lottery was roughly equal to the sacrifice.

The next thing is the main play, I don’t know what level of things can be exchanged for a Devil Fruit ability?

The sacrifice begins!

The light flickered, and the fluttering fruit ability on Locke’s body disappeared.

[Ding, the prize winner of this sacrifice draw is Sendou X10 from the Dragon Ball world].

“It turned out to be a fairy bean! This is a good thing to last your life. Locke thought to himself.

One garbage fluttering fruit ability for ten fairy beans, this wave should not be too bad.

The lottery test is over, and Locke does not plan to continue, after all, there is no good sacrificial material around.

If it was his own three-color domineering or something, he could naturally draw something better, but Locke was not stupid enough to cut off his arms.

The abilities that he spent forty years honing were his capital to traverse this sea.

There is no good material at the moment, and when you arrive in Dressrosa, after all, the Don Quixote family is notoriously ‘rich’ and a good target for robbery.


If you have any items and abilities you want to extract, you can leave a message below the comment area and adopt it as appropriate!

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