Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1249: 【1249】Speaking doesn't count, it's time to fight!

Kazama Kazuhiko sneered, "Who is afraid? Well, I agree. If you don't want to come, then you must cut off contact with Xiao Wu, and you are not allowed to see her again. Remember, you are coming, but Not bought."

Ye Feng narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at him for a while.

Kazuhiko Kazuhiko was so scared by him, he took a step back subconsciously.

"Okay, it's a deal." Ye Feng agreed with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Hearing his promise, Kazuhiko Kazama couldn't help laughing out loud.

In his opinion, he must have the chance to win this time.

This kid thought that he could do whatever he wanted with two stinky coins, but he didn't even think about it, would the Ginza Commercial Building possibly agree to his rude request?

Don't say you want it, even if you spend money to buy it, you may not be able to buy it.

Without this kid, there will be no obstacles between him and Kazama Dance.

He can even imagine the beautiful scene of marrying Mai Kazama and inheriting the family of Kazama.

Just when he was immersed in the beautiful vision, Ye Feng took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed a number.

"I'm next to the fountain in the commercial building square, you come over right away."

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone.

Kazuhiko Kazama looked at his determined expression, and suddenly his heart started beating.

This **** can't really ask for this sculpture, can he?

No way?

Just when Kazama Kazuhiko was in doubt, he saw a group of high-level executives of the Edo Ginza commercial building in suits and leather shoes walking towards this side quickly.

There was a "thud" in his heart, and he had a bad premonition.

And Tsukahara Chizuru on the side was also a little dumbfounded, Ye Feng actually called out the senior management of the Ginza Commercial Building with a single phone call? Isn't this face too big?

"Mr. Ye, what are your orders?"

Sakamoto Gong walked up to Ye Feng first one by one, and asked respectfully.

Ye Feng pointed to the dolphin sculpture in the fountain pool, "My friend has taken a fancy to this sculpture, can you remove it for me?"

When Miya Sakamoto heard this unimaginable request, he was a little confused, and hurriedly turned to look at the three of Takanosuke Kazama.

Tsukahara Chizuru hastily lowered her head, a little ashamed to see others.

Kazama Ryunosuke didn't have so many worries, he just laughed, "I want a little dolphin, I want a little dolphin..."

But Kazuhiko Kazama secretly sneered, facing such a weird request, the commercial building would be crazy to agree.

But what Sakamoto Miyaichi said next left him stunned.

"No problem, it's just a sculpture. I'll just find someone to re-carve it and replace it with it later." Sakamoto Miyaichi said, looking back at one of his subordinates, "Contact a construction company immediately and ask them to send someone to fix it." Take this sculpture down."

The subordinate immediately took orders and took out his mobile phone to contact the construction company.

Kazuhiko Kazama and Chizuru Tsukahara looked at each other, and they both saw horror in each other's eyes.

The Ginza Commercial Building is a famous large commercial building in Edo, and it is one of the landmark buildings.

Now because of Ye Feng's words, he wants to tear down the sculpture in front of his house? This is a bit too childish, right?

This group of people couldn't be recruited by Ye Feng to cooperate with the acting, right?

But this question was quickly dispelled, because the construction company's people soon arrived and began to close the fountain and dismantle the sculpture.

Sakamoto Gong walked up to Ye Feng with a flattering expression, "Mr. Ye, where will the sculpture be sent after it is disassembled?"

Ye Feng looked back at Chizuru Tsukahara, "Where's the address?"

"Ah? Oh." Only then did Tsukahara Chizuru come to his senses, and hastily wrote an address and handed it to Sakamoto Miyaichi, a turbulent wave had already set off in her heart.

How much energy does this young man in Huaguo have?

Why even the person in charge of Ginza Commercial Building respects him so much? Even such an unbelievable request will be met?

Questions flooded her mind, making her curious about the young man in front of her.

Ye Feng didn't notice this, but turned to look at Kazuhiko Kazama, "Did you forget something?"

Kazuhiko Kazuhiko's face suddenly turned pale, "I... I was just joking..."

"Who the **** is joking with you? I take it seriously." Ye Feng didn't wait for him to finish, and immediately responded coldly.

Tsukahara Chizuru who was on the side hurriedly came out to smooth things over, "Ye Feng, Kazuhiko was just acting on his own will just now, just let him go this time."

Ye Feng cast his gaze over, "If I lost just now, would he let me go?"

Tsukahara Chizuru was speechless immediately, based on her understanding of Kazuhiko Kazama, if he had won the bet just now, he would never let Ye Feng go easily.

Ye Feng ignored her again, and turned to look at Kazuhiko Kazama again, "Please fulfill the bet immediately."

Kazuhiko Kazama's face changed again and again. If he really fulfilled his bet, he would have to kneel and talk when he saw Ye Feng from now on, and there would be no dignity at all.

In the future, in the Kazama family, I am afraid it will be difficult to raise their heads again.

In that case, the only option is to break the contract.

Forgive him for not being able to do anything to himself.

Thinking of this, he immediately sneered and raised his head to look at Ye Feng, "Anyway, I was just joking just now, you are the one who takes it seriously, what does it have to do with me?"

Ye Feng sneered when he heard him play a scoundrel, "I only bet with you because I treat you as a person. Since you don't treat yourself as a person, then I have nothing to do."

Kazuhiko Kazama had a smug smile on his face, as expected, he was shameless and invincible.

If he doesn't take his ridicule seriously, what can he do with himself?

But at this moment, there was a sudden gust of palm wind from the left.

Kazuhiko Kazama subconsciously wanted to dodge.

But that slap came fast and hard, and before he could make a move, it had already slapped him **** the face. ъ


This slap was so loud that it staggered his steps directly, and even a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.


He was about to turn around and curse, but when he saw the man's face clearly, he was startled with fright.

That person is none other than Mr. Kazama.

"Speaking doesn't count, it should be hit!" Kazama Takanosuke stared at him angrily. Although his mind is only equivalent to a six-year-old child, it doesn't mean that he has no basic judgment ability.

In order to make him happy, Ye Feng bought him a sports car and asked him to dismantle the dolphin sculpture. It was really kind to him, he could feel it, and he already regarded him as a good friend.

And this **** in front of him, not only has been coaxing him for a fool, he is not willing to spend a penny on him, but he keeps making trouble for his good friend.

Now it is even more shameless, betting with others, but unwilling to honor the bet, this kind of person is indebted.

"Second Grandpa, I..." Kazuhiko Kazama still wanted to find an excuse to fool him.

At this moment, even Tsukahara Chizuru, who was standing beside him, couldn't stand it anymore, "Kazuhiko, I think you should hurry up and fulfill your bet. If the old man gets angry, you can't bear it."

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