Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1321: 【1321】What nonsense are you talking about? What are our parents?

He lightly punished these two groups of people, and Ye Feng didn't stay any longer, even taking Xia Qiu out of the seafood market.

Brother Cong took a few of his men and sent them to the car all the way.

Brother Cong slowly straightened up when he watched the car go away.

At this time, the younger brothers who followed behind him asked.

"Brother Cong, who is this kid? Why are you being so polite to him?"

Brother Cong turned his head and waved to the younger brother, "Come here."

The little brother immediately leaned over, "What's the matter, Brother Cong..."

Before he could finish speaking, Brother Cong had already slapped him.


The younger brother received a solid slap, and was immediately stunned, "Brother Cong, I...did I say something wrong?"

Brother Cong stared at him intently, "What did you call Mr. Ye just now?"

"This... this kid..."


He just said three words, and was slapped by brother Cong again, "If you want to die, don't hurt me."

The little brother looked at him with an aggrieved expression, "Aren't we talking in private? He can't hear it."

Brother Cong stared at him viciously, "If you don't want to die or hurt your family, you'd better not even think about it, I'm doing this for your own good."

Those younger brothers were frightened for a moment, is that an exaggeration?

Brother Cong looked back at the direction where Ye Feng left, "Let me tell you this, this Mr. Ye is the great benefactor of our president, and both the president and the vice president have to use him as an ancestor."

Those younger brothers were dumbfounded in shock.

The president's benefactor? That was kind of scary!

But Brother Cong didn't finish his sentence, "Does the Yamaguchi-gumi know? In fact, the real boss behind the scenes is Mr. Ye."

This news was even more shocking, those younger brothers felt their legs go limp, and almost fell to the ground.

The Yamaguchi-gumi is a more terrifying existence than their Fulong Club. This young man is actually the master behind the Yamaguchi-gumi?

Sitting on the two major forces of the Yamaguchi-gumi and Fulongsha, I am afraid that even the leader of the island country has to weigh it?

The younger brother who had been slapped twice by brother Cong just now felt a wave of fear.

No wonder Brother Cong beat him, it was all for his own good.

Otherwise, he didn't know what to say, and he might die someday without knowing how.

"Hehehe, how did you come up with those means of punishing people? It's too bad, right?"

Xia Qiu couldn't help laughing when he thought of the expressions on the faces of those people who had eaten flies just now.

Ye Feng looked back at her while driving, "Am I bad? I didn't hit them or scold them, how kind?"

When Xia Qiu heard him say that he was "kind", she couldn't help curling her lips, "Your bad ideas make them feel worse than beating and scolding them. Didn't you see their expressions? You almost cried."

"That's their own fault." A sneer curled up at the corner of Ye Feng's mouth.

Xia Qiu secretly looked at his handsome side face, "I'm sorry, I wrongly blamed you just now, I thought you really wanted to hold back that tone."

Ye Feng shook his head and smiled, "Responding to other people's humiliation doesn't have to be verbal, there are many ways that are more lethal than verbal."

Xia Qiu nodded in agreement, "The couple lost such a large sum of wealth today, I'm afraid they will have trouble sleeping and eating for the rest of their lives, and your methods of torturing people are too scary."

Ye Feng glanced back at her, with a smirk on his lips, "Actually, I have some methods of torture, which are scarier than this, do you want to experience it?"

Xia Qiu was about to ask curiously, and when he saw the smirk on his face, he knew there must be nothing good to say, "I don't want to feel it."

Ye Feng stretched out his hand and scratched her little nose, "Okay, now that I'm smarter, I won't be fooled."

Xia Qiu opened his hand and rubbed his nose, "I've been with you bad guy for a long time, of course I have to learn to be smart, or else I'm still counting the money for you after being sold."

Ye Feng suddenly exclaimed, "It turns out that my effect is the same as melatonin? It can also make people smarter? Then don't buy gifts for our parents this Chinese New Year, just take me back."

Xia Qiuqiao's face immediately turned red, and she spat lightly, "What nonsense are you talking about? What about our parents?"

Ye Feng looked at her with a smile, "It's the same for father-in-law and mother-in-law."

"You... If you talk nonsense again, I will ignore you." Miss Xia's face was already red and hot, and her heart was beating wildly.

Ye Feng knew that she was thin-skinned, so he didn't continue to tease her.

The car drove for a while, and when passing a nearby village, Ye Feng's eyes suddenly lit up again.

"Go, I'll continue to take you on a treasure hunt." He turned his head and said something to Xia Qiu, and then drove the car directly into the village.

Xia Qiu stared blankly at him, but this time he didn't question him again.

Ye Feng has proved time and time again that every time he said such words, he would gain something in the end.

Although she couldn't understand why he could predict correctly every time, she already believed in his words.

Ye Feng drove the car all the way to a small courtyard and stopped, and first took a look around.

This small courtyard looks very inconspicuous, who would have thought that there is a "big fish" hidden here.

Ye Feng noticed a piece of paper with the words "This courtyard is for sale" pasted on the gate of the courtyard, and he felt a little more confident.

He stepped forward and knocked **** the courtyard door.

After waiting for a few minutes, the door was slowly pushed open, and an old man in a wheelchair came out.

This person looked to be nearly a hundred years old, but his eyes were piercing, even with a hint of murderous intent.

"Hi old man, is your yard for sale?" He immediately stepped forward and asked respectfully.

"That's right, my wife passed away last year. I feel very sad living in this yard. I want to sell it and move out." The old man immediately explained.

"Then can we take a look first?" Ye Feng made a request.

"come in."

His request was very reasonable, and the old man had no reason to refuse, and immediately invited the two of them in.

Ye Feng had to admit that this small courtyard was indeed very unique, whether it was the furnishings in the courtyard or some small designs, it could be seen that he had paid great attention to it.

If he planned to live in the island country for a long time, he really wanted to buy this small courtyard.

But he came here today because Xiang Zhuang danced the sword, aiming at Pei Gong.

"Can I go in and have a look?" He walked around the yard twice, and made further requests to the old man.

The old man hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded, "Yes."

After speaking, he led the two into the main room.

The furnishings here are very characteristic of the island country, with many small and exquisite designs with originality.

Ye Feng first looked around a few times with a fake look, and finally locked his eyes on a piece of calligraphy hanging on the wall, with many words written densely on it.

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