Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1324: 【1324】Can I see the baby in your arms?

Ye Feng's eyes sank, and he was about to step forward to argue with him.

Xia Qiusheng was afraid that he would cause trouble again, so he hurriedly pulled him back and shook his head.

The man didn't continue to pester, but turned around and said to an old man beside him: "Wait for me here, I'll go in and get some money, come out immediately, you are not allowed to leave."

The old man nodded hastily, "Okay, I won't go."

The man turned his head and glared at Ye Feng and the two of them again, and then quickly walked into a bank opposite, and went to the ATM to withdraw money.

Ye Feng looked back at the old man again, holding a black cloth bag in his hand, he didn't know what was in it, anyway, he hugged him tightly, as if he was holding his lifeblood.

With a thought in his heart, he immediately started a deep scan.

"Ming Yongle gilt sitting statue of Sakyamuni, identified as genuine... The system estimates 120 million."

When Ye Feng saw this message, he was shocked.

He said to Xia Qiu before that "the island country is full of gold" was actually just a joke.

I didn't expect to meet this kind of treasure on the street, and a casual sentence came true.

Seeing the flustered look of the young man just now, he probably also saw the value of this Buddha statue, and hurried in to withdraw money.

He immediately walked forward calmly, "Old man, can I see the baby in your arms?"

When the old man heard the words, his face suddenly turned pale with panic, "You... how do you know..."

"Not only do I know that you have a baby in your arms, but I also know that it is a Buddha statue, don't you?" Ye Feng stared at him sharply.

The old man was even more surprised now. No one else had seen the things in his cloth bag except for the young man just now. How did this person know?

Ye Feng's eyes became sharper, "Because I have opened the eyes of the sky, I can see things that others cannot see. As a Buddhist believer, you actually took out the Buddha statue of the Buddha and sold it for money. This is disrespectful to the Buddha. .”

The old man's legs were so frightened that he almost fell down, but thanks to Ye Feng's support, he regained his footing.

"I can't help it either. My son was hit by a car and urgently needs a sum of money for the operation. This Buddha statue is the only thing worth money at home." The old man wailed and told the whole story.

"Where did your Buddha statue come from?" Ye Feng continued to ask.

"My ancestors were in business, and they used to be a wealthy family, but in my father's generation, the family was in decline. All the previous things were sold out, and only this Buddha statue remained." The old man's face was miserable, and Xia Qiu looked at him I can't bear it.

"Ye Feng, let's help him."

Ye Feng glanced at the bank again, "What price did that person offer you?"

The old man hesitated for a moment, but he stared at him and answered honestly, "500,000 island currency."

That is equivalent to more than 26,000 yuan. Compared with the real value of this Buddha statue, there is a world of difference.

No wonder the young man was so anxious, he wanted to catch a big leak.

"How much does your son need to treat his legs?" Ye Feng was not in a hurry, and continued to ask.

"The doctor said at least one million island currency." The old man replied again.

"Then why don't you ask him for one million?" Ye Feng asked curiously.

"He said, my Buddha statue is made of copper, and he can give me 500,000 because he wants to help me." When the old man spoke, his face was still full of gratitude.

Ye Feng cursed secretly in his heart, that person is even more black-hearted than him, and he even discounted the money he gave his son to save his life without conscience.

Thinking of this, he immediately said to the old man: "You Buddha statue, I want one million."

The old man was stunned when he heard his offer, "One million? You...Are you kidding me?"

Ye Feng showed a harmless smile, "As long as you agree, I can transfer money to you now."

The old man immediately shook his head, "I just want cash."

Ye Feng looked back at the bank again, as if he saw that the young man had finished withdrawing the money and was about to come out.

"Okay, I'll take you to withdraw money, follow me."

After speaking, he led the old man to walk in the opposite direction.

Kazuya Kamiya hurried out of the bank with the cash, feeling extremely excited.

He was wandering in the street today, when he was bumped by an old man carrying a black cloth bag, he was about to lose his temper.

But suddenly, he caught a glimpse of gold in the black cloth bag in the old man's arms.

With a thought in his heart, he immediately apologized to the old man with a pleasing face, and made out some words in a circumstantial way.

Knowing that the old man urgently needs a sum of money to save his son, he wants to sell the only valuable Buddha statue at home.

When he saw the Buddha statue, his heart almost jumped out.

It turned out to be a priceless gold-plated Buddha statue. Although he couldn't judge the specific value, he knew it must be priceless.

Afterwards, under his continuous coaxing and deception, the old man actually agreed to sell it to him at the price of cabbage for 500,000 island national currency.

This made him very excited, and hurriedly took the old man to the bank, preparing to withdraw cash to trade with him.

But when he walked out of the bank, he found that the old man had disappeared, which frightened him, and he hurriedly looked around.

"Where is the person? Where did the person go?" He was about to go crazy, and hurriedly asked the passers-by.

Soon after inquiring about the news, someone saw the old man being taken away by a young man and woman.

He suddenly thought of the beautiful girl he bumped into just now.

It must be them, it must be them!

Bastard, don't let me find you, or I won't spare you!

After Ye Feng started the deep scan, he quickly found the nearest bank.

The bank was off work at this time, but there was an ATM next door. In order to avoid making the same mistake as the young man, he directly brought the old man in.

Then, in front of his face, he took out one million island national currency from the ATM.

After thinking about it, he took another 200,000 more.

Then he turned around and handed it to the old man, "Your son will probably have to recover for a while after the operation. You can use the remaining 200,000 yuan to buy some nutritional supplements."

When the old man heard this, he was so moved that he immediately knelt down to thank him.

Ye Feng hurriedly supported him, "Okay, take the money and go to the hospital quickly, I hope your son recovers soon."

The old man then took out the gold-plated Buddha statue inside and handed it to him, then put the money into a black cloth bag, thanked him a few times, and then turned and left.

Until then, Xia Qiu stared at the Buddha statue in his hand and asked curiously, "Why did you buy such a Buddha statue?"

Ye Feng stared at the Buddha statue and admired it repeatedly, as if admiring a peerless beauty, "This is not an ordinary Buddha statue, but a Buddha statue worth 120 million."

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