Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1336: 【1336】It turns out that this young man is the real hidden boss!

Aoki Yu was completely stunned, he couldn't figure out what was going on.

Nakane Riku, who had been very friendly to him before, why did his attitude suddenly take a 180-degree turn?

And according to what he meant, he no longer wanted to meddle in his business.

In the end is which part of the problem?

He is Nakane Riku's God of Wealth.

How could he give up on him?

Lu Daoquan looked at him with a sneer, "I just wanted to break one of your legs, but now I suddenly changed my mind, I'd better break both of your legs."

After speaking, he immediately waved his finger towards his subordinates.

"wait a minute…"

Aoki Yu wanted to say something more, but it was too late.

Two members of the Fulong Club rushed out of the side, each holding a baseball bat in their hands, and slammed it down towards his leg.

Hearing two crisp sounds of "Kacha Kacha", Aoki Yuu's two legs were broken, and there was a very obvious bend at the fracture site, which made people's scalp numb.

"throw it out!"

Lu Daoquan didn't bother to look at Aoki Yu who was like a dead dog, so he waved his hand immediately.

The two subordinates immediately dragged Yu Aoki out.

This newly emerging investment genius in the island country's investment community was thrown out of Fulong Commercial Building like a dead dog.

Not only that, when the news spread, no one in the entire island country dared to cooperate with him.

Even if he gave money to others for free, others would not dare to accept it.

A rising star in the investment world fell like a meteor before it could fully shine.

The crowd watching at the scene looked at Ye Feng in surprise.

There was only one reason for those three people to end up in such a miserable situation, and that was because they offended this young man.

They all wanted to know who this young man was.

Why did the president of the Fulong Society come to help him with this matter in person?

Why did the vice president of the Yamaguchi-gumi back away immediately when he heard his name?

It turns out that this young man is the real hidden boss!

"Brother Ye, are you satisfied with my brother's handling?" Lu Daoquan immediately looked at Ye Feng anxiously after dealing with the three people.

Ye Feng nodded in satisfaction, "Very satisfied, thank you bro."

Lu Daoquan let go of his hanging heart, and immediately asked with a smile: "Brother Ye is here today to pick out gifts for Miss Kazama?"

As he spoke, he looked at Mai Kazama next to him.

Kazama Dance was still immersed in the shock at this time, and did not recover.

At this time, she felt infinite emotion in her heart, unknowingly, Ye Feng already had such a huge influence in the island country.

Even the heads of the two top clubs, the Yamaguchi-gumi and the Fulong club, are so afraid of him.

Thinking about it carefully, in fact, he has already made all the heroes bow their heads in less than a month since he came here.

Such a man is worthy of entrusting her for a lifetime.

"Uh...not just buying gifts for Xiao Wu, there are a few more." Ye Feng cast a "you understand" look at Lu Daoquan.

Lu Daoquan understood immediately, and immediately pointed at him and laughed and joked: "Brother Ye, brother Ye, you are really young and romantic, young is good. Well, to express my apologies, you can pick whatever you want in this commercial building. Any money is mine."

"Then I will be disrespectful."

Ye Feng didn't refuse. Although he didn't care about the money, it was Lu Daoquan's wish after all, and he couldn't shirk it.

There are not only fights and killings in the arena, but also a person's sophistication.

Lu Daoquan gave him enough face today, and even ran over to deal with it himself, so he should also save enough face for the other party, so that he can continue to deal with it.

"Brother Ye, I will hold an apology banquet for you at the best hotel in Edo tonight, I hope you can show me your face?" Lu Daoquan then suggested.

"I accept Brother Lu's wishes, but the banquet will be skipped. I just got hurt a few days ago and cannot drink." Ye Feng found an excuse to prevaricate.

"Brother Ye, you need to take care of your health. If you need anything, just call me. I promise it's my duty." Lu Daoquan immediately patted his chest to promise.

Afterwards, the two chatted for a few more words before Lu Daoquan led them away.

The crowd of onlookers who watched the fun had ended and dispersed one after another.

Ye Feng and Kazama Wu went to pick out some gifts, and then returned to the car with the big and small bags.

Along the way, Kazama Wu kept secretly looking at him with her beautiful eyes.

Ye Feng couldn't bear it anymore, and looked back at her, "What are you looking at? Is there a flower on my face?"

Kazama Wu's pretty face flushed immediately, "I just think the master is too powerful to make a big man like Lu Daoquan take the initiative to apologize. Kazama did not follow the wrong person."

Ye Feng stretched out his hand and scratched her little nose, "It's not been a day or two since your master is amazing, did you just find out?"

Kazama Mai immediately rolled her beautiful eyes, "I said that Aoki Yu was narcissistic before, but I think you are more narcissistic than him, Master."

Ye Feng suddenly laughed, "A person without strength is called narcissism, and a person with strength is called self-knowledge."

"Cut!" Kazama Wu immediately cast a disdainful look at him.

"Ah, I see that you are getting more and more arrogant now, it seems that you have to be punished properly." Ye Feng started the car while talking.

"How will master punish Kazama?" Kazama Wu looked at him curiously.

"Didn't you say you wanted to play wild last time? It didn't work out, so we will continue today." Ye Feng showed her an ambiguous smile.

Kazama Wu's pretty face immediately blushed, "Master, you are good or bad."

Ye Feng stared straight at her, "Then do you like it?"

Kazama Dance lowered her head and rubbed her skirt, finally nodded, "I like it!"

"Hahaha, the master will take you to the jungle!"

Ye Feng and Kazama Dance came home very late.

Xiao Nizi couldn't even walk steadily, and needed to support him on his shoulders to move forward.

The two found a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters to play wild all afternoon.

When you are tired, just lie down and look at the sky, the mountains, and the water.

When you get tired of watching, continue playing wild.

Even Ye Feng felt that his waist was sore and weak, and he needed more calcium.

"Cough cough."

Just as the two of them tiptoed back to the yard, they heard a cough coming from behind them.

The two looked back and saw Chizuru Tsukahara standing there.

"Aunt Tsukahara, are you still awake so late?" Mai Kazama asked guiltily.

"Why did you come back so late? Where did you go?" Chizuru Tsukahara asked nonchalantly.

"We... went to buy gifts." Kazama Dance was referring to the large and small bags in Ye Feng's hand.

"Bought it all day?" Tsukahara Chizuru stared at the two with scrutiny.

Kazama Wu was very uncomfortable being stared at by her, and finally became angry out of embarrassment, "Can you control it?"

After speaking, he left quickly.

Ye Feng also smiled at Tsukahara Chizuru, and went back to his room.

Tsukahara Chizuru looked at Mai Kazama's limping appearance, and she was suddenly curious. he really that strong?

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