Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1361: 【1361】Boy, we are waiting for you at Jiangzuo Station

The passengers in the carriage were so frightened that they didn't dare to take a breath, for fear that if they took a breath, they would be targeted by this demon.

As for Pan Dalong's subordinates, they were even more frightened.

They have seen many ruthless people, but this is the first time they have seen such a ruthless person.

Ye Feng didn't care about Pan Dalong anymore, but turned his attention to these people, "Since you all like smoking so much, then I will let you smoke enough today, and light up your cigarettes for me."

With Pan Dalong as a lesson from the past, none of these people dared to talk nonsense anymore, and lit all the cigarettes in their mouths very neatly.

Ye Feng then winked at the student again, "Just put the plastic bags on their heads and let them enjoy themselves."

The student shivered suddenly, apparently he did not expect Ye Feng to entrust him with such a difficult task.

He saw all the menacing looks of those people just now, and now it was a bit embarrassing for him to do such a thing.

Seeing his cowardice, Ye Feng immediately kicked him on the butt, "Don't forget, you are also a man. When you get married and have children, you will be the pillar of the family. If you don't even dare to do such a small thing, you can still do it." doing what?"

Those students said tremblingly: "I... I am still young, only nineteen years old this year."

Ye Feng glared at him, "Nineteen is not too young, I'm only two years older than you, act like a man, don't make me despise you."

The student stared at him in a daze. He didn't expect that this man with such a ruthless method was only two years older than him.

But comparing the two, the gap is really too big.

He looked at the group of men who bullied him just now, and immediately gritted his teeth, picked up a plastic bag, put it on the little crew cut head, and tied a knot.

This kind of thing is the first time to be born and the second time to be familiar with. With the first experience, it will be much smoother later.

Soon a plastic bag was placed over everyone's head.

"Cough cough cough..."

There was a violent coughing sound inside the plastic bag, and someone immediately wanted to tear the plastic bag open.

At this time, I heard Ye Feng's voice without any emotion, "If anyone dares to tear open the plastic bag before the cigarettes are finished, next time it will not be as simple as smoking a few cigarettes."

When those people heard this, they hurriedly put their hands down.

Ye Feng walked up to Pan Dalong, who was still crying in pain on the ground, and kicked him, "Don't **** play dead, get up."

Pan Dalong was really scared now, he hurriedly endured the severe pain and got up from the ground.

"Pick up the cigarette and light it." Ye Feng continued to order.

Pan Dalong hesitated for a moment, but finally put the handful of cigarettes into his mouth and lit them with a lighter.

Ye Feng winked at the college student again.

The student immediately put the plastic bag on Pan Dalong's head skillfully.

"Cough cough cough..."

Apart from the violent coughing of Pan Dalong and others, there was no other sound in the carriage.

"Okay, good job little brother!"

I don't know who was the first to applaud, and then there was a burst of cheers and applause in the car.

Everyone looked at Ye Feng with fear and reverence.

The wicked have their own grind.

Ye Feng is definitely a villain in their eyes.

But he is a good villain.

Villains like Pan Dalong and the others need to be punished by such villains.

Although there was a lot of smoke coming out of the plastic bags at this time, many people coughed after choking.

But everyone was overjoyed, wishing they could smoke a few more boxes for these bastards.

These people quickly finished their cigarettes, scrambled to remove the plastic bags, and then lay down on the ground coughing violently, it sounded like they were coughing up their lungs.

Two of them were even foaming at the mouth and teary.

It looked like a scene from hell.

Just then, the train arrived at a transfer station.

These people got up one after another and rushed out.

Before getting out of the car, Pan Dalong suddenly turned his head and stared at Ye Feng. "Boy, we'll be waiting for you at Jiangzuo Station. If you don't let you kneel in front of me today and call me Grandpa, I, Pan Dalong, will be a **** son of a bitch."

After finishing speaking, afraid that Ye Feng would catch up again, he ran outside without looking back.

Because he ran too fast, he almost tripped over a dog eating shit.

Seeing this funny scene, Ye Feng couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

It's really a dog who can't change eating shit.

Try it if you have one.

After hearing Pan Dalong's harsh words, the passengers in the carriage all looked at Ye Feng worriedly.

Two kind-hearted old people came over to persuade them.

"Young man, I think you'd better get out of the car earlier, that group of people are not easy to mess with at first glance, we don't need to be familiar with them."

"Yes, you vented your anger for everyone today, and we all thank you. But you must not provoke those people again."

Everyone else nodded in agreement.

Ye Feng smiled kindly at the two old people, "Don't worry, I will pay attention to safety."

The two old men heard the perfunctory from his words, so they shook their heads and returned to their seats.

At this time, a new passenger got on the bus.

Seeing the mess in the carriage, they were all a little surprised.

After hearing what happened from the mouths of other passengers, when they looked at Ye Feng again, they were also full of fear.

The train will stop at this station for more than ten minutes, and passengers will come up here and there.

At this time, the cleaning staff on the high-speed rail came to clean the carriages.

Ye Feng thought of a scene in "Kung Fu" for no reason.

A group of club members slashed at the entrance of the tolerance hall, and then shouted inside, "Tiaozi, come out and wash the floor!"

How was this scene similar?

Seeing the smile on his lips, Xu Jingxin immediately asked curiously, "What are you laughing at?"

Ye Feng told her the scene he thought of.

After Xu Jingxin finished listening, she couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing, "It's really similar. If you yelled 'who else' at those people just now, it would be even more similar."

When Ye Feng thought of the image of the leader of the society that Director Feng played as a cameo, he immediately pinched her little nose, "Okay, Miss Xu, don't you use dirty words when swearing?"

Xu Jingxin was obviously hurt by his pinching, and tears immediately appeared in her beautiful eyes, and she thumped his chest angrily, "You are too annoying, it hurts me when I pinch you."

Seeing her naive look, Ye Feng laughed immediately.

Seeing that he was still smiling, Xu Jingxin immediately complained to Liu Wenyuan, "Uncle Liu, can't you just take care of your apprentice? He bullied me."

Liu Wenyuan opened his eyes a little, glanced at the young couple, and then slowly closed them, "I can't control it. The strength of the apprentice has surpassed that of the master. I don't dare to control it."

Miss Xu's pretty face turned pale with anger, "I'll tell my brother when I get back that you two, master and apprentice, have teamed up to bully me."

Ye Feng curled his lips fearlessly, "My uncle is a man of righteousness, he must know that I am the one being bullied by you."


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