Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1405: 【1405】What do special experts do?

"I'm very happy." Ye Feng felt a little puzzled.

"Then why can't I hear that you are happy?" Cheng Fei'er asked angrily.

"Do I have to show it if I'm happy? I can't be secretly happy in my heart?"

"You're making unreasonable words. Shouldn't you show your happiness? Why are you secretly happy?"

"You're too broad, aren't you?"

The two started bickering mode, grabbing a boring point to come and go.

"Ahem, Xiao Cheng, let me have a word with Mr. Ye." At this moment, a man's voice came from the phone.

I guess I couldn't stand it any longer, so I interrupted.

Immediately afterwards, I heard the man's angry voice, "Hello, Mr. Ye, I am Guo Jiliang, the deputy head of the security team. I would like to express my gratitude to you on behalf of the security team. Can you bring back the Yuzhou tripod?" , Whether it is for the country or the people, it is a great achievement."

"Is there any reward for that?"

After the other party's impassioned speech, Ye Feng asked a question that they couldn't think of.

"Uh..." The other person was silent for a long while before continuing to answer, "Yes. Our security team would like to hire you as our special expert."

When Ye Feng heard this name, he was a little curious, "What do specially hired experts do?"

"Although specially-appointed experts are not affiliated with our security team, they enjoy the same rights and interests as members of the security team. They have the right to kill people and things that endanger the people of the country..." Guo Jiliang explained the duties of this specially-appointed expert to him .

"What do you need me for?"

The special experts of the security team have so much power, Ye Feng instinctively felt that it must not be that simple.

"You can move freely at ordinary times, only when the security team faces some difficult problems, you may need your help. Don't worry, this kind of situation is very rare, and we will also give you a certain reward according to the difficulty of the task. "

Guo Jiliang was afraid that he would misunderstand that the security team wanted to prostitute him for free, so he hurriedly added another sentence.

Ye Feng thought for a while, then agreed, "Okay, I accept the position of the specially-appointed expert."

"That's really great, but it's a pity that you are far away in Jiangzuo now. We can't welcome you to join the security team in person. Please forgive me." Guo Jiliang's joy was beyond words. With a strong person like Ye Feng joining, the security team is like a tiger with wings added.

"Then there's no need, as long as the salary is paid on time every month." Ye Feng laughed and teased again, and then hung up the phone.

According to what Guo Jiliang said, when faced with something that endangers the safety of the people of the country, he, the specially appointed expert of the security team, has the right to act first and act later.

This immediately gave him the feeling of killing himself with a sharp weapon in his hand, and he really wanted to find some criminals to try the knife immediately.

But he finally put away this thought.

He didn't come to Jiangzuo this time to eradicate the violence, the most important thing is to find King Xiang's secret treasure as soon as possible.

He put away his phone and was about to go back to the house.

At this time, the phone rang again.

I took it out and saw that it was an unfamiliar number this time.

Curiously, he connected the phone and heard a woman's voice on the phone.

"Hello, is this Mr. Ye?"

"It's me, are you?"

"We are Donghuang Real Estate Co., Ltd., you just acquired a piece of land from our company, when will you have time to do the handover?"

The woman's voice is very gentle and pleasant.

It was only then that Ye Feng remembered that after completing the system navigation last night, the system rewarded him with a piece of land.

Looking at the time, it was already around eleven o'clock in the morning, so he replied, "One o'clock in the afternoon."

"Okay, welcome to Mr. Ye."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Feng went out to buy some vegetables, and then came back to cook a meal himself.

After eating, he found that Kazama Wu was still asleep, with a pair of pure white jade legs stretched to the side of the bed.

He went over to cover her with the quilt, kissed her on the forehead, and then turned and went out.

Donghuang Real Estate is not too far from where he lives, and it takes about 20 minutes to drive to the destination.

From a distance, I saw a beautiful young woman standing at the door of the office building.

He is probably in his thirties, wearing a black professional Ol suit.

There are a few people standing behind the woman, they should all be high-level executives from Donghuang Real Estate.

The moment he got out of the car, it was obvious that a trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of the beautiful young woman.

It is estimated that he did not expect that the person with the ability to buy that land would be so young.

"You are...Mr. Ye Fengye, right?"

The beautiful young woman came forward hesitantly.

"It's me, hello." Ye Feng slowly stretched out his hand.

The woman clasped her hands hastily, "Hello, Mr. Ye, I am the president of Donghuang Real Estate, and my name is Tao Xin."

"I didn't expect Mr. Ye to be so young. He is really young and promising."

Ye Feng has long been immune to this level of rainbow fart, but he nodded slightly, "Thank you Mr. Tao for your compliment."

"Please, Mr. Ye." Tao Xin was about to bring Ye Feng into the company.

"Mr. Tao, I want to take a look at the land first. Can you show me the way?"

Tao Xin's expression changed slightly, but he still laughed dryly, "Yes."

"Then let's go." Ye Feng always felt that there was something strange in her expression, as if she was hiding something.

"Get in my car."

At this time, a black Mercedes-Benz C-Class drove over, and Tao Xin took the initiative to open the rear door.

Ye Feng didn't talk nonsense, and sat in directly.

Tao Xin squeezed into the back seat next to him.

The senior executives of Donghuang Real Estate also got into the two cars behind.

The three cars drove out of the city all the way.

Tao Xin was introducing the situation of the land to Ye Feng along the way.

This piece of land was acquired by Donghuang Real Estate a few years ago, but it has not been developed, and it was recently decided to resell it.

Ye Feng was a little curious, "Is there any problem with this land?"

Tao Xin waved his hands hastily, "Don't worry about this, the location of this land is very good, and it is planning to develop a resort here. Once this resort is completed, the land price here will soar."

Ye Feng became more curious now, "Since the prospect of this land is so good, why don't you develop it yourself, why sell it?"

Tao Xin's expression was a little unnatural, "Well..."

"Does Mr. Tao have something to hide?" Seeing Tao Xin's hesitation, Ye Feng became more and more curious.

"Well, I'd better tell you the truth."

Tao Xin gritted his teeth, and finally told the story, "When we bought this land, we were really optimistic about this project. Who knows, something happened after a short time..."

"What happened?"

"I don't know where a group of homeless people came from. They built a house on that land and planted it." Tao Xin smiled wryly.


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