Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1436: 【1436】Sorry, late

The phone rang several times before it was connected.

"Hello." Zhang Yaonan's voice came out of the microphone, but it was tired and depressed.

"Cousin, it's me. I have something to ask for your help." Liu Jinshui didn't hear Zhang Yaonan's tone, and hurriedly got to the point.

"What's up?"

"A group of people came to my coal mine just now..." Liu Jinshui explained the ins and outs of the incident, and finally added, "Aren't you familiar with the leader in charge of mining affairs? Can you help me find a way?"

"Fix your affairs yourself, I can't help you now." Zhang Yaonan's tone remained unchanged after listening, like a machine without emotion.

Liu Jinshui became anxious immediately, "I can't talk to the leader, I still have to get involved with this matter, cousin."

"Don't worry, as long as I get the mining rights of this gold mine, I will give you 50% of the share."

He knows that his cousin is a money fanatic, and he will definitely not do anything that is not beneficial.

As long as he agrees to take 50% of the share, the other party will definitely nod in agreement.

However, he obviously made a wrong calculation this time.

Zhang Yaonan's tone was still lifeless, "I really can't help you."

"Now I'm a street mouse, and those people have no time to hide from me, and it's impossible for them to answer my calls."

Liu Jinshui was taken aback for a moment, "Cousin, what happened?"

Zhang Yaonan sighed for a long time, and immediately told about the events of that day.

After Liu Jinshui finished listening, he was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a long time, "That woman's background is so strong?"

"One phone call can actually wipe out all my cousin's property and connections?"

There was endless bitterness in Zhang Yaonan's voice, "Ershui, my cousin will give you a piece of advice, don't underestimate anyone, because you never know how big they are."

"If you have to take a step back, just take a step back, don't fold yourself in."

Liu Jinshui glanced at Ye Feng and the others, and smiled disapprovingly, "Cousin, don't worry, how can you meet people with such a background?"

"It's just a small exploration team. I don't believe they can do anything to me."

When Ye Feng heard his words, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Seek benevolence to get benevolence, ask for hammer to get hammer.

Now that people have talked about this, if he doesn't do something, wouldn't he be too disappointing?

Immediately, he took out his phone.

Ye Feng directly called Guo Jiliang, the deputy head of the security team.

"Hey, Xiaoye, what's the matter?" The phone rang once, and Guo Jiliang connected him with a very kind tone.

"Group Leader Guo, I need to shut down a small coal mine." Ye Feng didn't make any detours, and went straight to the point.

"Okay, tell me the name of this coal mine, and I'll call their supervisor." Guo Jiliang asked him for the name of the coal mine without asking why.

Ye Feng told him the name of the coal mine, and then hung up the phone.

The whole process takes less than ten seconds.

Liu Jinshui witnessed the whole process of Ye Feng's phone call, but still had a dismissive smile on his face.

At this time, the voice of my cousin Zhang Yaonan suddenly came from the phone, "Ershui, who is calling on your side?"

His voice today has always been lifeless, and this is the first time there has been a fluctuation.

Liu Jinshui smiled indifferently, "It's what I told you just now that I injured more than fifty of my subordinates."

"That guy is really good, but he's too crazy. I don't know who he's calling, saying he's going to shut down my coal mine."

"This voice sounds familiar...what does he look like?" Zhang Yaonan continued to ask.

"He is quite tall, about 1.8 meters tall, and he is quite handsome, gentle..." Liu Jinshui briefly described Ye Feng's appearance.

Zhang Yaonan's voice trembled after hearing his description, "Is there a woman next to him?"

"Uh... There are two women beside him, which one are you talking about?" Even if Liu Jinshui was a fool, he could tell that his cousin's voice was a little abnormal.

"A very beautiful woman."

"Both are beautiful."

"I have long hair, with some wavy curls, big eyes, and a mole under the corner of the eye..."

Liu Jinshui quickly locked his target on Zhuang Xiaoqiao through his cousin's description.

Almost all characteristics are met.

There was a "thump" in his heart, giving birth to a bad premonition.

"Yes, cousin, how do you know?"

"Liu Jinshui, Liu Jinshui, you are dead this time!" Zhang Yaonan's tone was very gloomy, which made people shudder.

Liu Jinshui shivered, "Cousin, don't scare me, what's going on?"

"These two people are the two I offended the day before yesterday."

"If you don't want to end up where I am now, then immediately admit your mistake to them and beg for mercy."

"You should lose money, you should accept the punishment and accept the punishment, and try to get someone's forgiveness, otherwise..."

Liu Jinshui couldn't listen to what Zhang Yaonan said later, and there was a rumble in his head.

I only remembered one sentence, "These two people are the two people I offended that day."

Even a person like my cousin, who has a lot of hands and eyes, was completely defeated by someone's phone call.

In the eyes of others, he is such a small shrimp, isn't it easy to handle?

Thinking of this, his knees suddenly softened, and he knelt down on the ground with a "plop", "Yes... I'm sorry, brother, I... I was wrong, please let me go..."

His attitude changed all too quickly.

Just now he dismissed Ye Feng, but now he just knelt down on the ground.

Lan Xingyue and the others were all at a loss.

Ye Feng shrugged helplessly, "Sorry, it's late."

"Your coal mine will be shut down for investigation soon, and of course, if there are no problems with the investigation, you will be allowed to continue. But if there are major safety hazards, and other problems, then it's hard to say."

Liu Jinshui turned pale with fright.

Even his small coal mine cannot be said to have "problems", but the problems have become serious.

In order to save money, all security facilities are substandard.

Previously, people died in safety accidents in the mine, and they basically spent money for personal gain.

If the higher authorities really want to investigate, his coal mine will definitely be closed.

"Brother... No, grandpa, please spare me, please let me go, I will give you all my money, please show me your hand..."

Liu Jinshui no longer cared about face, and began to kowtow desperately.

"Bang bang bang" several times in a row, his forehead suddenly became bloody.

"You are self-inflicted, you can't live. I have given you a chance. If you don't cherish it yourself, then you will be responsible for the consequences." Ye Feng has no sympathy for this kind of person.

Liu Jinshui wanted to say more, when the cell phone rang suddenly.

He switched on the phone tremblingly, and as soon as he put it to his ear, he heard a majestic voice from the opposite side, "Are you Liu Jinshui, the boss of Mangshan Coal Mine?"

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