Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1446: 【1446】Peak of Ming Jin? just enough

After Wang Defa finished speaking, he suddenly stabbed the dagger into the chest of the woman next to him, then pulled it out, and stabbed it into his heart again.

In an instant, it turned into two corpses.

Ye Feng wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

Seeing the ferocious smile remaining on Wang Defa's face, he immediately hated it.

"Master, are you alright?" Kazama Wu heard the movement here, and immediately asked with concern.

"It's okay, you continue talking."

"The peacemaker said he was willing to help Lan Xingyue settle the matter, but he needed her to go with him. He said he wanted to ask her something, but Lan Xingyue refused. The Black Mountain League is still putting pressure on it. I still have to Didn't show up, do you want to go up and help her?" Kazama Dance briefly described what happened.

"You don't need to do anything, I'll call Lan Xingyue now and ask her to follow them. You follow them secretly and synchronize your location information with me."

Ye Feng gave some instructions, and then called Lan Xingyue.

"Hello." Lan Xingyue's voice was full of tears, obviously still being made things difficult by the other party.

"Follow them."

"Ah?" Lan Xingyue obviously didn't react.

"You go with them now, don't worry, I will let someone secretly protect you, and leave the rest to me." Ye Feng instructed patiently.

"Okay, I got it." Lan Xingyue agreed without hesitation this time.

It can also be seen from this that she has unconditional trust in Ye Feng.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Feng took another look at the two corpses, and called Cheng Fei'er again, asking her to send someone over to deal with the follow-up.

When Ye Feng walked out of the antique shop, it was already dark, but the people watching the excitement outside had not dispersed yet.

"Mr. Ye, are you done with the matter?" Zhou Changqing stepped forward at this moment and asked curiously.

"I still have something to do, I have to leave immediately, you stay here first, don't let anyone in." Ye Feng reminded him.

Although he is a special expert of the security team and has the power to kill first, even if he really kills someone, he will not be sanctioned.

But it's still not good for ordinary people to see the horror inside.

"Mr. Ye, don't worry, I will guard here, and no one will let it in unless stepping on my dead body." Zhou Changqing attached great importance to the task that Ye Feng gave, and immediately patted his chest to assure.

"It's not that serious. Someone will come to deal with it later. When someone comes, you can go."

Ye Feng smiled and patted him on the shoulder, then turned and left.

Kazama Dance and him opened location synchronization sharing, so they can monitor each other's location at any time.

From the mobile phone, it can be seen that Wu Jian's position began to move a little bit.

Lan Xingyue had obviously left with those people according to his arrangement.

Without any further hesitation, he found his car and started driving in the direction of Mai Kazama.

At the same time, he called Cheng Fei'er and asked the security team to obey his orders at any time and cooperate with his actions.

The location of Dance in the Wind kept moving, until more than an hour later, it stopped at a location in the southern suburbs.

Immediately afterwards, the little girl called.

"Master, they entered an abandoned repair shop in the southern suburbs. There are many people guarding the door, and I can't get closer."

"Okay, don't move there, I'll be right there."

After Ye Feng hung up the phone, he directly sent Cheng Fei'er the location of Kazama Wu, and asked her to rush there immediately with the security team.

After finishing these, he continued to drive the car all the way, and soon met Kazama Dance outside the abandoned repair shop.

"Master, I have seen it just now. There are at least a dozen people guarding their perimeter."

"There are four in the direction of the door, two more on the roof, and there..."

Kazama Dance reported the observed information to Ye Feng.

While listening to her narration, Ye Feng observed the abandoned repair shop.

This repair shop is not too big, it covers an area of ​​about 300 square meters, and there is a little light from the windows.

And the guards are very tight, as long as someone approaches, they will be discovered immediately.

The two of them obviously couldn't deal with so many people at the same time, so they could only wait for the security team to arrive.

After waiting for about half an hour, Ye Feng was already a little impatient.

After all, Lan Xingyue has been in for such a long time, if any doubt arises, he will bear the blame.

Fortunately, after a while, the security team arrived one after another.

Because they were afraid of being discovered by the other party, they stopped the car far away and all walked over.

Including Cheng Fei'er, there are nine people in total.

Ye Feng briefly described to Cheng Fei'er the situation of the guards on the periphery.

"How is it? Are you sure you can take this group of people with one pot?" He glanced at the people in the security team, not at ease about their strength.

"What do you mean by that? Do you look down on us?" Cheng Fei'er gave him a displeased look.

"I didn't mean that, isn't it for safety?" Ye Feng smiled sarcastically.

"Don't worry, Zhang Jian is the strongest here, already at the peak of Ming Jin." Cheng Fei'er said, pointing to a tall man behind him, with a proud look on his face.

That expression seemed to say, "Don't be too frightened, we also have masters."

Ye Feng glanced at the man, "Peak of bright energy? It's enough."

His words immediately angered everyone in the security team.

Peak Ming Jin is already a master among warriors, what does it mean to make do? These words are too ugly.

Cheng Feier glared at him, then turned to look at the team members behind him, "Don't listen to his nonsense, let's arrange the mission first."

Afterwards, she began to assign tasks to everyone in an orderly manner.

Ye Feng watched her give orders in an orderly manner, and the members of the security team obeyed her orders, which made him admire.

Cheng Fei'er usually showed a lack of assertiveness in front of him, but she didn't expect to have such a decisive side.

In fact, he had a big misunderstanding of Cheng Fei'er.

The reason why she lacked her own opinions in front of him was mainly because he was too strong and could make accurate judgments every time, so Cheng Fei'er had no choice but to listen to his opinions.

But when facing other people, her leadership qualities came out.


After arranging the task, Cheng Fei'er immediately gestured to a group of team members.

Afterwards, all nine members of the security team took action and quickly disappeared into the night.

Ye Feng and Kazama Wu didn't follow suit, they were responsible for observing the surrounding movements, just in case.

Soon, the members of the security team were already in their positions.

The first to be dealt with were the two people on the roof.

Almost silently, someone from the security team wiped his neck.

Immediately afterwards, the four on the periphery and the three hidden in the dark were all killed quietly.

At this time, there were only four people left outside the door, and they were also the most difficult to deal with.

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