Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1495: 【1495】Suddenly arrogant, really cool

"You can't go. From now on, you are not allowed to leave this yard for half a step, or you will be in trouble." Ye Feng issued a foot restraint order to her.

"You will bully me."

Miss Zhuang's mouth was almost pouted to the sky, but Ye Feng ignored it.

"Yes, Master." Kazama Dance replied respectfully.

Ye Feng frowned suddenly, "Don't call me master during this time, you have to learn from her in all behaviors and manners, including some mantras."

"Yes... I see, it's really long-winded." Kazama Mai had no choice but to change her attitude, with an impatient expression.

After she finished speaking, she observed the master's expression tremblingly, and was relieved to find that he showed a satisfied smile.

She was used to being respectful to her master, but she suddenly became arrogant... It was really cool.

She finally experienced Miss Zhuang's daily happiness.

"Okay, let's go."

Ye Feng then took Kazama Wu out of the house.

And Zhuang Xiaoqiao himself looked at the back of the two leaving, feeling resentful and disappointed in his heart.

She always felt that her position was taken by someone else.

She is no longer the unique Zhuang Xiaoqiao.

If things go on like this, won't her position in Ye Feng's mind become more and more insignificant?

At this moment, she felt a deep sense of crisis.

On the way to buy tools, Ye Feng rearranged the list of tools that need to be purchased this time.

These include whirlwind shovel, flying tiger claw, centipede hanging ladder, Luoyang shovel, live rooster, gas mask, dragon-seeking ruler and many other tools.

When Kazama Dance saw these strange names, she was immediately curious, "Master, what are these tools for?"

"What did you call me just now?"

Ye Feng was a little dissatisfied when he heard her address.

Kazama Wu was stunned for a moment, and then she came to her senses, and immediately stuck out her tongue, "I forgot."

Ye Feng tapped on her little head, "I'll give you a long memory, let's see if you can remember it next time?"


Kazama Wu burst into tears in pain, and suddenly got up and rushed towards Ye Feng who was driving, "Smelly Ye Feng, I will fight with you!"

Ye Feng was controlling the direction while coping with her scratching, but he showed a satisfied smile on his face, "That's right, don't forget that you are Zhuang Xiaoqiao now, so you have to be a bit fierce."

Kazama Wu sat back in her seat and glared at him angrily, "It's too difficult to play another person."

"It is precisely because it is difficult that it can paralyze the enemy. It is impossible for the enemy to think that we will use this kind of trick. Anyway, it is just a few days, so just bear with it."

Ye Feng was doing ideological work for her while driving.

Kazama Dance finally reluctantly agreed, and then put her two long legs on the console, "Now you can always tell me, what is the use of these tools you bought?"

At this time, she was 90% similar to Zhuang Xiaoqiao in both her posture and her tone of voice.

Ye Feng was a little dazed for a while, thinking that Zhuang Xiaoqiao was sitting here.

"What are you looking at? Have you never seen a beautiful woman?" When Kazama Dance said these words, she was very shocked.

With her personality, even if she thought so in her heart, she would never say it.

But with Zhuang Xiaoqiao's narcissistic personality, she can say such words on her lips.

Ye Feng nodded in satisfaction, and then began to explain the use of these tools to her.

In fact, these tools are also a list he made after consulting Ah Can, and he does not know the specific use of each tool.

But it was enough to fool Mai Kazama.

Kazama Wu was stunned for a moment, and she adored him even more.

Fortunately, she has remembered her identity now, and she no longer clenches her fists to her chest, exclaiming loudly, "Master, Skuyi..."

The two soon came to a local black market.

It is definitely impossible to buy tools like this kind of tomb robbery in regular stores, so you can only come to this kind of place.

There is a hardware signboard hanging on the door of this store, and the store is also filled with ordinary hardware equipment. It looks like an ordinary hardware store.

Ye Feng found out about this store from the Liu family, but most people really don't know about it.

At this time, there are customers in the store who are buying sockets.

The boss, a man in his fifties, broke up with the customer just because of a dollar.

Ye Feng looked around in the store, and after the customer left, he came to the counter and handed the list of tools to the boss.

"Boss, give me five sets of each of these tools."

The boss took the list and glanced at it, then quickly raised his head and looked at the two of them vigilantly, "I'm sorry, I haven't even heard the names of your tools. You should go to another place to inquire."

After speaking, he pushed the note back.

Seeing his guard, Ye Feng couldn't help but smiled, "Don't worry, the boss, I'm not a businessman, just feel free to go and get it. I can add more money."

After speaking, he took out a stack of banknotes prepared in advance from his pocket.

When the boss saw the stack of banknotes, his eyes lit up, and he immediately changed into another face, "Okay, please wait a moment, I'll go get your tools right away."

After speaking, he hurried into the back hall.

After about five minutes, I returned to the front hall again, with an apologetic face, "Bosses, I'm really sorry, but the inventory in my store is not enough. If you two are not in a hurry, can you wait a moment, I Send someone to fetch it from the warehouse?"

Ye Feng was not in a hurry anyway, so he nodded in agreement.

Then he pulled a chair and was about to sit down, but Wu Kazama beside him said dissatisfiedly, "Are you just sitting on your own? Don't you know how to get one for me?"

This girl really got into the show, and her mouth was full of sweet words.

Ye Feng had no choice but to smile wryly, there was no way, didn't he ask for this all by himself?

I hope this girl doesn't get too involved in the drama, and it will be bad if she can't get out of the drama.

With such a troublesome little fairy like Zhuang Xiaoqiao by his side, it was enough for him to have a headache.

If there was another one, he would have nowhere to cry.

After giving up the chair to Kazama Wu, he pulled another chair and sat down next to her.

He thought it was just buying a tool, and there shouldn't be any troubles.

However, a move by the boss aroused his suspicion.

I saw him looking outside frequently, as if he was waiting for someone, and his expression was very anxious.

It stands to reason that it's just a few tools, so it shouldn't make him so anxious, right?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng started to talk to the boss calmly, "Boss, is your warehouse far from here? How long will it take?"

The boss was taken aback for a moment, then pulled a smile on his face, "It's not far, about... about ten minutes."

"Oh. How long has the boss been in this business?" Ye Feng got up and walked to the counter, pretending to ask unintentionally.

"It's been a long time, it must have been more than twenty years." The boss replied absent-mindedly, glancing out from time to time.

"It's been more than twenty years? Then you should know a lot of people in the tomb robbery circle?"

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