Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1506: 【1506】Which wicked thing designed these organs?

"There must be no mechanism for this passage..."

"To shut up!"

Ah Can was about to speak, but was interrupted by Ye Feng directly, "You crow mouth, if you dare to say one more word, I will immediately throw you into the testing agency."

In the first two times, every time this guy said that he had no mechanism, he could get reverse verification immediately, which is simply a crow's mouth.

The others nodded in agreement and glared at Ah Can.

Ah Can hastily shrank her neck, not daring to say any more.

Ye Feng observed for a moment, then suddenly threw the dead chicken in his hand into the passage.

"Puff puff…"

The moment the chicken landed, countless arrows shot out from the two walls.

The dead chicken was filled with arrows in an instant.

Everyone was startled and hurriedly backed away.

"I'm going, do you want to be so scary?" Ah Can stared at the arrows all over the ground, his face turned pale with fright.

Others are not much better. This third level is even more terrifying than the previous two levels. If you are not careful, you may be pierced by thousands of arrows.

"This time we really came to a dead end, how did we pass this?" Lan Xingyue also had a look of fear, if he went in rashly just now, it might be the fate of that chicken.

"There is really no other way this time, Ye Feng, let's retreat." 'Zhuang Xiaoqiao' patted his chest, and began to retreat again.

Although Xu Jingxin didn't speak, she frowned tightly.

Even if she is extremely smart, there is nothing she can do at this time.

Ye Feng, on the other hand, remained indifferent, just carefully looking at the passage.

After thinking for a while, he opened his backpack, took out the useless dragon-seeking ruler, and threw it into the passage.

"Puff puff…"

It was another scene of random arrows flying together, and the sound of "whoosh, whoosh" made everyone's scalp go numb.

However, there is more to it than that.

When the dragon-seeking ruler fell onto a floor tile, the floor tile turned over and swallowed the dragon-seeking ruler into the pothole below.

"My mother, not only arrows, but also flaps? Who the **** can get in here?"

Ah Can started to swear because she was too panicked.

The others also showed expressions of horror.

These arrows alone already caused them a lot of headaches, and with the **** on the ground, this is simply hell-level difficulty!

"I really don't know which unscrupulous thing designed these mechanisms? If you let me know, I will dig his grave first." Feng Jian Wu also followed Zhuang Xiaoqiao's example, waving her small fists, venting her resentment.

Even Ye Feng felt very tricky at this time.

Under the dual mechanism of arrows and flippers, the difficulty of passing through this passage has increased by more than ten times.

However, he didn't stop, and threw in several tools one after another, each time triggering the arrow mechanism, and occasionally triggering a few flaps.

"My God, why can't you shoot all the arrows?" Kazama Dance exclaimed again.

"There should be an automatic filling device at the back. It will automatically fill the arrows after each shot. I'm afraid it won't be exhausted in a while." Xu Jingxin probably guessed the principle behind the operation of this mechanism, but there was nothing he could do.

"Damn it, it's been more than two thousand years. It's unbelievable that the mechanism still hasn't failed." Ah Can is more concerned about technical issues. Even some modern firearms will decay and fail after more than two thousand years, right?

However, Ye Feng didn't care about this. He threw a few tools into it just now, not to test the stock of arrows, but to observe the position of these crossbows.

After some observations, he finally saw clearly that there were a total of eight ballistas in this passage, all of which were hidden in the small openings.

The problem before them now is that if these crossbows are not destroyed, the arrows will be shot out continuously.

But if you want to destroy these crossbows, you must enter the passage.

And entering the channel will be very dangerous.

Is it to retreat in the face of difficulties, or to face difficulties?

This is undoubtedly a difficult choice.

And the expedition team also had a split.

Ah Can and Kazama Dance think that they should evacuate immediately.

"This passage is too dangerous. Under the dual mechanism of arrows and flaps, there is no possibility of passing through."

"Yeah, if you force it through, it will inevitably cause some casualties. If there is nothing inside, isn't that sacrifice in vain?"

Both gave their own reasons.

But Lan Xingyue and Xu Jingxin insisted on continuing to explore.

"We've all come here. If we quit now, wouldn't it be a waste of all our previous efforts? I'm not reconciled."

"When you encounter difficulties, you must solve them instead of choosing to escape. I believe that any problem can find the optimal solution."

As for the four members of the Sirius team, they did not express any opinions.

For them, Ye Feng's opinion is their opinion.

Now two votes to opt out, two votes to continue, and four votes to abstain.

The decision-making power returned to Ye Feng's hands.

All eyes were on his face, waiting for him to make a final decision.

Ye Feng also hesitated for a while.

It has to be said that what they both said makes sense.

They don't know what is in this king's secret treasure now.

If there is really a treasure inside, it's okay to say.

But if there is nothing inside, is it worth it for them to pay such a high price to get in?

But if he just quit like this, he would be a little unwilling.

It took so much painstaking effort to get together the map of King Xiang's secret treasury before, and now that he has gone deep into the secret treasury, he is about to get the final answer.

If you are intimidated by the difficulties in front of you and withdraw hastily, that would be too ridiculous.

"I decided, the mission continues!"

After thinking for a moment, Ye Feng made a final decision.

Hearing Ye Feng's decision, Xu Jingxin and Lan Xingyue were naturally happy.

As for Ah Can and 'Zhuang Xiaoqiao', they sighed helplessly, but did not continue to persuade them.

Ye Feng looked back at them, "The reason why I choose to continue is simply to satisfy my curiosity, you don't need to follow me to take risks. If you want to quit, you can go back the same way now."

'Zhuang Xiaoqiao' was a little displeased when he heard his words, "Master...Ye Feng, don't you underestimate me, Zhuang Xiaoqiao? Am I such a ungrateful person?"

A Can also nodded, "Mr. Ye, since we came together, of course we have to advance and retreat together. Since you choose to move on, then I, A Can, am not someone who abandons my teammates. I also choose to move on."

Ye Feng felt very relieved when he got the statement from the two of them.

"It's a pity..." At this moment, Ah Can suddenly changed the subject.

"What a pity?" Ye Feng was a little curious.

"I, Ah Can, is also the king of thieves in the casino city. It would be too embarrassing to die quietly in such a place. Mr. Ye has at least three female ghosts to accompany me, but I can only be a lonely ghost gone."

Ah Can's remarks immediately attracted the glaring looks of Xu Jingxin, Lan Xingyue, and 'Zhuang Xiaoqiao'.

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