Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1508: 【1508】This can't die? Life is too big, right?

It's too late, but it's fast.

Arrows shot towards him at high speed.

Ye Feng's reaction speed was not uncommon, and he quickly dodged a few arrows.

However, under panic there must be mistakes.

When he was dodging the arrows, one of his feet didn't pay attention, and he stepped on a flap mechanism directly, and his body fell suddenly.

However, he was unflappable in the face of danger, and suddenly kicked out the other foot, trying to escape.

At this moment, two more arrows flew over his head.


He pulled back his feet, his body could no longer be controlled, and he fell directly into the pothole.

The flipper flipped over and returned to its original shape.

Ye Feng just disappeared into the passage out of thin air.

"Ye Feng..."

Xu Jingxin, 'Zhuang Xiaoqiao', Lan Xingyue, A Can, and the four members of the Sirius team all stared at this scene.

They wished they could rush in to rescue Ye Feng immediately, but at this moment, arrows were fired in the passage, and rushing in would be tantamount to death.

Moreover, there are countless sharp knives under the pothole. Once they fall into it, they will die immediately.

They could no longer imagine the consequences.

'Zhuang Xiaoqiao' directly collapsed on the ground, staring blankly at the place where Ye Feng disappeared.

Bits and pieces of being with the master flashed through my mind quickly, and tears rolled down silently.

At this moment, she doesn't want to play anyone anymore.

She just wants to be the Kazama that her master likes, and stay by his side.

Master, do you want Kazama? Is Kazama being misbehaving?

Kazama will never make Master angry again, please don't leave Kazama, okay?

Xu Jingxin also felt dizzy at this time, and managed to stand still.

Until this moment, she couldn't believe that Ye Feng was killed.

This scene came so suddenly that she was not given any time to prepare.

No, he will be fine.

This guy has always been omnipotent, it is absolutely impossible for him to die so quietly.

He was a hero all his life, how could he die in an unknown place?

Ah Can also stood there in a daze at this moment, his mind was empty.

Although he has not been in contact with Ye Feng for a long time, he has long been conquered by the other party's strength.

At the beginning, he was indeed coerced by Ye Feng, so he had no choice but to give in.

But as he got in touch more, he was gradually overwhelmed by the opponent's powerful strength and superhuman courage.

He believes that following this young man, he will be able to create a great career.

However, all this has just begun, is it about to end?

Lan Xingyue also stared blankly at the passage, with mixed feelings in her heart.

Especially when she thought of the first passage, the other party saved her life in a critical moment.

But now he died under the flap mechanism. This kind of strong contrast made her unable to react for a while.

And the four members of the Sirius team have also fallen into a panic.

They had completely regarded Ye Feng as their master, but when things came to an end, they couldn't help them, they could only watch their master die.

There is self-blame and grief in my heart.

No matter whether everyone wants to believe it or not, the fact is happening right before their eyes.

They watched Ye Feng fall into the flip mechanism, and there was no possibility of survival.

For a time, the sound of crying and shouting resounded through the entire passage.

Soon, this wave of arrow rain finally stopped.

Everyone couldn't wait and was about to rush into the passage.

Even if Ye Feng is dead, they must find a way to recover his body, and they cannot let him sleep here forever.

However, just two steps after they walked, a scene that completely dumbfounded everyone suddenly appeared.

The flap that Ye Feng dropped just now suddenly moved twice.

Everyone stopped and stared at the flap.

Immediately afterwards, a hand suddenly protruded from the gap in the flap, and then a second hand.

"Ye Feng... isn't dead?"

Seeing those hands, Xu Jingxin couldn't help muttering, and the tears she had been holding back burst out of her eyes.

At the same time, a figure suddenly jumped out of the flap and onto the stone bricks outside.

Who else could it be if it wasn't Ye Feng?

"Ye Feng, are you alright?" 'Zhuang Xiaoqiao' covered her mouth in disbelief, crying and laughing at the same time.

"Hahaha, I knew that Mr. Ye was a man of destiny, how could he die so easily." Ah Can laughed unscrupulously.

Although Xu Jingxin didn't speak, she showed a gratified smile.

The four members of the Sirius team hugged each other and celebrated wildly.

"You can't even die? Isn't your life too high?" Lan Xingyue also couldn't believe it.

She had personally fallen into the flap just now, so she knew how terrifying it was.

Anyone who falls into it has no chance of surviving.

But this guy just survived.

This is nothing short of a miracle!

Although Ye Feng narrowly escaped death, he couldn't help but secretly sighed in his heart.

Fortunately, he fell sideways just now, and at the critical moment, he supported the two walls of the pit with his hands and feet.

At that time, the tip of the knife below was less than ten centimeters away from his body.

If it went a little lower, he might have been poked out dozens of transparent holes.

Then, relying on the support of his arms and legs, he moved up a little bit.

If he had fallen straight at that time, he would have no chance of surviving.

This was probably the closest he was to death.

No matter how much wealth and strength you have, you will only know that all of this is false when an accident happens.

It is only when you have experienced death that you know how good it is to live.

He suppressed the fear in his heart and waved to his teammates, "Don't worry, I'm still alive."

I have to say that after walking through the gate of hell, when I saw these teammates again, I felt more and more cordial.

Even the suspect, Lan Xingyue, looked cute.

"Thief King, why are you crying too?" 'Zhuang Xiaoqiao' wiped away tears while looking at Ah Can who was crying like a fool.

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow sand, it's just that the wind and sand was too strong to blind my eyes."

Several teammates were crying and laughing, and the scene was extremely embarrassing.

Ye Feng then sorted out his mood and continued to complete the rest of the journey.

The hidden mechanism was a one-off, and it wasn't firing arrows.

Then it went much smoother, and I walked to the end of the passage without any risk.

Xu Jingxin and the others finally fell to the ground with one heart, and began to follow the path that Ye Feng had found out for them at the risk of his life.

When the two sides joined forces victoriously, 'Zhuang Xiaoqiao' rushed into Ye Feng's arms first regardless of his care.

"Master...Ye Feng, you scared me to death just now, I thought you were dead. If you die, I won't be alive either..."

Although the others were unlikely to act like her, their expressions were full of concern.

Embarrassed and moved, Ye Feng let 'Zhuang Xiaoqiao' hug her for a while, and then reminded in a low voice, "It's almost done, so many people are watching."

'Zhuang Xiaoqiao' laughed through tears, but still held onto his hand firmly, refusing to let go. It was as if he was afraid that if he let go, he would disappear.

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