Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1513: 【1513】What are you fighting with me?

Lan Xingyue exuded a strong self-confidence, "Why, are you still lucky now? All of my subordinates have been genetically modified, and each of them has the strength equivalent to the strength of the early stage of dark energy. More than twenty people in the early stage of dark energy , what are you fighting against me with?"

She does have the capital of self-confidence.

Even if it is an ancient family like the Kazama family that has been passed down for hundreds of years, it is impossible to produce more than twenty masters at the early stage of Anjin at once.

It is no exaggeration to say that with these more than twenty black-clothed dead men, Lan Xingyue can completely walk around the world.

But Ye Feng still dismissed it, "Are the more than 20 people in the early stage of Anjin really awesome? Then let you see my strength."

After speaking, he suddenly clapped his hands twice.

The Sirius team, which had been lying in ambush for a long time, immediately came out of the darkness.

"The Sirius team pays respects to the master!"

Because four of them have been following Ye Feng, so there are only five of them left at this time.

Although there are not many people, everyone has a powerful aura that makes people dare not underestimate them.

The group of dead soldiers in black suddenly felt like an enemy.

After seeing the Sirius team appear, Lan Xingyue secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

She had been guarding against Ye Feng's ambush for a long time, so she didn't let his men do it immediately.

At this time, the person who saw Ye Feng ambush appeared, although he looked very powerful, but at least he had already shown his face, so he didn't have to be wary of being attacked all the time.

Ye Feng looked at her with a smile, "Do you think you are the only ones who can set up an ambush? I will too."

Lan Xingyue felt that his current appearance was too ridiculous, "It seems that I was the one who looked up to you before. Even if you want to ambush people, you should ambush more people. Just a few people like this, want to compete with us? Don't you think it's too ridiculous?"

"Not enough?" Ye Feng looked back, and then nodded in agreement, "It seems that it is not enough, so let's have some more."

After speaking, he stuffed **** into his mouth and blew a sharp whistle.

As soon as the whistle sounded, more than a dozen black figures appeared from the darkness.

This group of people was dressed in black, they were extremely fast, and they came close in the blink of an eye.

Then they all bowed down to Ye Feng.

"Ten ninjas from the Kazama family, meet Mr. Ye!"

After seeing this scene, Ah Can couldn't help laughing, "Hahaha, Mr. Ye is mighty and domineering, I knew everything was under Mr. Ye's control."

He thought at one point that he would be here tonight.

But with the appearance of the ten ninjas from the Kazama family of the Sirius team, the situation on the field changed immediately.

The ten ninjas of the Kazama family, plus the nine members of the Sirius team, plus him and Ye Feng, they have more than twenty masters on their side.

At least in terms of the number of people fighting, the two sides have been basically equal.

But Xu Jingxin was not as optimistic as him.

Although the two sides are equal in number, there may still be a big gap in strength.

Lan Xingyue's side is almost all strength above Anjin.

On their side, apart from Ye Feng, there are three dark-strength powerhouses in the Sirius team, and everyone else is at the strength of Ming-Jinqi.

Among the ten ninjas of the Kazama family, there are five Anjin, and the other five are late Mingjin.

In such a comparison, the strength gap is still obvious.

The situation is still not optimistic.

But even so, Lan Xingyue was still taken aback.

She didn't expect that Ye Feng would have a second hand.

Although it seems that the opponent's overall strength is still not his own opponent.

Don't forget, the Kazama family are all ninjas.

Ninjas fight in the dark and have unparalleled advantages.

She knew that she couldn't procrastinate any longer. In order to prevent the other party from getting reinforcements, she had to cut the mess quickly.

"Kill, leave no one behind!"

She directly gave the order to attack, and then rushed to Ye Feng in the first place.

The war is imminent.

The more than twenty black-clothed dead men all drew their swords out of their sheaths.

The knife they use is a very strange alloy knife.

The length of the blade is about 1.2 meters, the whole body is black, and one side of the blade is serrated.

Waving in the dark, it's hard to spot.

The ten jōnin of the Kazama family faced him with swords without any fear.

The members of the Sirius team quickly approached Xu Jingxin, Kazama Wu and A Can.

The order they received was to protect the three from harm.

In the dark night, the two sides fought into a ball.

The sound of weapons clashing can be heard endlessly.

Ye Feng and Lan Xingyue have also been fighting hand to hand.

What Lan Xingyue held in his hand was a pitch-black dagger, which should be made of the same material as those of the dead men in black.

This dagger was about a foot long, and it shone coldly under the moonlight.

And Ye Feng is very bachelor, directly carrying a Luoyang shovel to meet the enemy.

"Clang clang..."

As the weapons of the two collided, specks of sparks emerged, which were incomparably gorgeous in the night.

The more Ye Feng fought, the more frightened he was. He thought that Lan Xingyue's strength should be similar to that of Newton.

However, he was wrong this time.

This woman's strength is much stronger than Newton's.

He has already used 70% of his strength, and it is a bit difficult to deal with.

Lan Xingyue is absolutely top-notch in terms of reaction ability, explosive power, and strength of moves.

In the blink of an eye, the two sides had fought dozens of times, and he didn't take advantage of it.

This can't help but make him secretly startled, how many masters of Lan Xingyue's level are there in this mysterious organization?

Needless to say, as long as there are ten, it can be called an invincible existence.

Lan Xingyue was also shocked.

She thought that after two contacts with Ye Feng, she already knew his strength very well.

However, it wasn't until the two sides actually fought that she suddenly realized that she still underestimated the opponent's strength.

The strength that Ye Feng showed in front of her before was just the tip of the iceberg.

She has used 90% of her strength at this time, but she is still at a disadvantage.

No wonder the higher-ups value him so much. She didn't understand it before, but now she finally understands it.

In fact, before the operation started, when she learned that more than 20 black-clothed dead soldiers equivalent to the dark energy level had been arranged to participate in the operation, she still didn't understand it at the time, and felt that the above was making too much of a fuss.

It wasn't until this moment that she understood the deep meaning of such an arrangement.

Facing a master of Ye Feng's level, if you want to kill with one blow, you must be well prepared.

Never give him a chance to breathe, otherwise, there will be endless troubles.

"Today, you will die!" She swung the knife, the black blade disappeared without a trace in the night, it was difficult to be caught.

But Ye Feng caught the trajectory of the black blade at the first time, and set up the Luoyang shovel to block it.

"It's just you?" There was a trace of disdain at the corner of his mouth, which was a kind of self-confidence that came from great strength.

It's like a giant looking down on the ants.


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