Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1515: 【1515】The last trump card

"It's not too late to understand now." Ye Feng still had a smile on his face, and he didn't take her seriously at all.

The murderous aura on Lan Xingyue's body became more and more dignified, "Today, you and I will make a thorough settlement, and see who can have the last laugh."

When she said this, she raised her voice again, and gave orders to her subordinates in a language that none of Ye Feng and the others could understand.

Then, those black-clothed dead men launched an attack on Ye Feng's side like crazy.

And it's still the kind of fighting style that is not afraid of death, even if you are hit by a blade and splashed with blood for three steps, you still go forward indomitably.

The people on Ye Feng's side were immediately taken aback by their crazy attack and fell into a brief chaos.

But Lan Xingyue seized this opportunity, abandoned Ye Feng, and rushed towards Xu Jingxin and Kazama Wu.

Although the last operation against these two girls failed, they are still the biggest weakness in Ye Feng's team.

As long as these two girls can be captured alive, Ye Feng can be forced to submit.

Especially Xu Jingxin, her background is extremely special.

Even Ye Feng didn't dare to let her make any mistakes.

But Xu Jingxin was protected by Kazama Dance and the Sirius team, and her subordinates couldn't get close at all.

Only with her strength is it possible to do this.

Ye Feng naturally saw her plan and was about to stop her.

But at this moment, four dead soldiers in black rushed forward, blocking his way.

The strength of these four people is only equivalent to the early stage of dark energy, which is actually not enough to look at in front of Ye Feng, who is at the peak of dark energy.

But the purpose of these four people was not to fight him, but to slow him down.

So when Ye Feng fights back, they will quickly back away.

And when he was about to continue chasing Lan Xingyue, they would pester him again.

Just pulling each other a few times like this slowed down Ye Feng's pursuit.

At the same time, Lan Xingyue had already killed Xu Jingxin.

At this time, the Sirius team was under the siege of seven or eight dead soldiers in black, but they still sent four people to stop Lan Xingyue.

However, Lan Xingyue's strength is comparable to that of a warrior in the middle stage of Anjin. Although he is far from Ye Feng's opponent, it is still very easy to deal with the members of the Sirius team.

Almost instantly, the four members of the Sirius team were forced back by her.

And Lan Xingyue didn't like to fight, and continued to rush towards Xu Jingxin.

At this time, between the two of them, only Kazama Wu was left as an obstacle.

Kazama Wu also knew that she had only one task now, and that was to protect Xu Jingxin.

Only in this way can the master deal with the enemy with peace of mind.

Even though she knew that the enemy in front of her was much stronger than her, she still charged forward without hesitation.


The dagger in her hand stabbed directly at Lan Xingyue's throat. This knife had already used all her strength, using speed, accuracy, and ruthlessness to the extreme, almost in the blink of an eye.

It's a pity that she was facing Lan Xingyue, who was far stronger than her.

With just a slight bow, Lan Xingyue dodged her full blow, and stretched out her right hand at the same time, grabbing her wrist.

As soon as Kazama Wu's right hand holding the knife was loosened, the dagger fell freely, and the next second it landed on his left hand, taking advantage of the momentum to draw a knife.

However, Lan Xingyue had expected that the enemy would strike first, and her left hand came later, grabbing her left wrist again.

This time, she didn't give Kazama Wu another chance, a huge force burst out suddenly.

The dagger stabbed directly at Kazama Wu's lower abdomen.

Kazama Wu's reaction was also considered quick, and she took a step back immediately, but was still stabbed by the tip of the knife.

Immediately afterwards, Lan Xingyue slapped her on the shoulder and fell out.

As long as Lan Xingyue catches up and makes another slap at this time, Kazama Wu will definitely die.

But her current goal is not Kazama Dance, but Xu Jingxin.

At this moment, there was no obstacle between the two of them.

It was only one step away from capturing Xu Jingxin and forcing Ye Feng to catch her without a fight.

But just when she was about to make a move, a sense of crisis rushed into her heart.

not good!

She quickly backed away.

But it was still a step too late, a bullet had already pierced her wrist, blood was flowing.

"No, they ambushed snipers!"

Lan Xingyue was shocked. Although she suspected that Ye Feng had ambushed someone secretly, she never expected it to be a sniper.

She would never have thought that Ye Feng had another identity, that is, a specially appointed expert of the security team.

With this identity, it is equivalent to having a Shangfang sword. As long as someone is identified as endangering the safety of the country and the people, he can kill first and play later.

But no matter what, she knew that this operation had completely failed.

The opponent has already used snipers, and there must be more than one.

If they continue to entangle, they will be wiped out.

Thinking of this, without any hesitation in her heart, she hastily issued an order to retreat to her subordinates who were fighting.

It's a pity that the order she gave to her subordinates just now was to charge and kill at all costs.

At this time, her subordinates and Ye Feng's men were stuck together, and the fight was inextricable.

It was really impossible to withdraw for a while.

At this moment, Ye Feng's last trump card in the ambush was finally played.

He only heard the sound of bullets piercing through the flesh from time to time, and those black-clothed dead soldiers fell to death one after another, and they died silently.

The snipers Feng Shaokun sent this time were all the best of the best. Even in the dark, their hit rate was astonishing.

Despite Lan Xingyue's frenzied roar, deaths continued to occur one after another.

In less than a minute, the more than 20 black-clothed dead men she brought seemed to have been mowed.

All fell to death, and no one survived!

"I surrender!"

Lan Xingyue was very straightforward. Seeing that she couldn't escape, she threw away the dagger in her hand and raised her hand to surrender.

Ah Can and the others were overjoyed immediately, and let out a long sigh of relief.

Especially Ah Can, who at this moment is in awe of Ye Feng.

"Mr. Ye really has a clever plan, so we can defeat the enemy so easily."

Although there was some suspicion of flattery in his words, it could be heard that he was sincerely impressed.

Even Xu Jingxin had to admit that Ye Feng's action was perfect.

So many powerful enemies were dealt with almost without bloodshed.

Although a sniper was used in the end, it seemed a bit invincible.

But to deal with the enemy, of course you have to do everything you can.

It is simply pedantic to talk about martial arts at this time.

At this time, Kazama Dance stood up with the support of the two of them.

The stabbing just now was not too deep, and he should be able to recover after two days of rest.

Although she was pale at this time, she was still happy for her master.

As long as he can kill Lan Xingyue, it can be regarded as avenging her just now.

I'm afraid that the master will pity the fragrance and cherish the jade, and will not be willing to kill this woman.

She has been with Ye Feng for so long, and she still knows the master very well.

So far, there are not a few enemies who have died at the hands of the master, but it seems that there are not many beauties.

Master, you are still too soft-hearted towards women!

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