Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1517: 【1517】Yourself

"I really don't know?" Ye Feng stared straight at her, trying to judge whether what she said was true or not.

"I really don't know!" Lan Xingyue chose to look at him with a very firm expression.

Ye Feng stared at her for a long time, but finally withdrew his gaze, "Last question, what's the name of your organization?"

It's funny, he has fought against this mysterious organization for so long, and he still doesn't know the name of this organization.

"Dear Mr. Ye, I have already answered three questions, please forgive me for not answering again."

Lan Xingyue did not choose to accommodate this time, but fought hard with reason.

"You have to answer." Ye Feng made no secret of his threat.

But Lan Xingyue turned her head away and didn't say another word.

Ye Feng saw that the threat was fruitless, and knew that there was nothing else to ask, so he threw the dagger in front of her.

"You can finish it yourself."

Hearing Ye Feng's words, Kazama Wu breathed a sigh of relief.

The master was really awesome this time, and he didn't feel sorry for her.

And Ah Can secretly called it a pity.

Lan Xingyue can be regarded as one of the great beauties in a million. In terms of appearance, she is not much worse than beauties of the level of Xu Jingxin and Kazama Wu.

To die just like that is really reckless.

Mr. Ye is also true, can't he get a blood first, and then let her commit suicide?

But he dared to think about such dirty thoughts in his heart.

If he dared to give Ye Feng such a bad idea, let alone Lan Xingyue, I'm afraid Xu Jingxin and Kazama Wu would be able to chop him up first.

Lan Xingyue picked up the dagger that had accompanied her for many years. This dagger had ended the lives of many people.

Unexpectedly, one day he would end his master's life with his own hands.

She slowly raised her head and looked at Ye Feng with complicated eyes, "To be honest, there were a few moments when I really fell in love with you..."

More than 20 people at the scene looked at Ye Feng with strange expressions.

"Stop," Ye Feng interrupted hastily, "If you want to use this method to confuse me, then you may have miscalculated. I will never be lenient when dealing with enemies."

Lan Xingyue shook her head, "I didn't want to impress you, I just wanted to say, for the sake of our acquaintance, don't destroy my corpse."

She reiterated her request.

Ye Feng nodded, "I promise you."

Lan Xingyue finally smiled, and it was very charming.

She raised her head slowly, looking at the already bright sky, as if she wanted to reflect this last scene into her soul.

"Ye Feng, goodbye!"

She muttered to herself, then suddenly grabbed the dagger and stabbed it into the heart, blood flowed out from the handle.

On her face, there is pain and nostalgia.

In the end, as her body fell down, everything fell into dead silence.

Everyone present watched this scene quietly, and a word popped up in their hearts at the same time.

You are a beautiful woman, but why are you a thief?

It is still very embarrassing for such a stunning beauty to end up in such an end.

Ye Feng walked over to check her vital signs, her heart had stopped beating, and her body began to become cold.

I can't help but feel a lot of emotion in my heart.

Lan Xingyue committed suicide in front of him, it was impossible to say that he didn't have any emotional fluctuations in his heart.

After all, destroying beautiful things always makes people feel unbearable.

But who made her a member of the mysterious organization whose name he still doesn't know?

He only has one belief now, as long as he is a member of that organization, he will kill anyone he sees without mercy.

Putting away all pity and regret, he turned to look at the Sirius team, the ninjas of the Kazama family, and the snipers hiding in the dark.

"Thank you for your help today, Ye Feng is very grateful."

Whether it is the Sirius team or the ninjas of the Kazama family, facing Ye Feng's thanks, they all feel a little ashamed.

In fact, they didn't put in much effort today, they just temporarily held back the counterattack of those dead men in black.

Except for Kazama Dance, they didn't kill any dead soldiers.

These people were mainly killed by those snipers.

But after all, it was their own side that achieved a comprehensive victory, and they were all honored.

Ye Feng left the Sirius team to clean up the scene.

These bodies still need to be confirmed by the security team before they can be sent to the crematorium.

This is mainly to prevent Ye Feng from using his power to kill innocent people indiscriminately.

Ye Feng himself took Xu Jingxin, Kazama Wu, A Can and others, and left with the treasure first.

On the way back, everyone laughed and laughed.

Although the expedition went through several twists and turns, fortunately, they all came through without any danger in the end.

There were nine people when we went, and eight people when we came back.

Except for the spy Lan Xingyue, no one was injured or injured.

This is definitely the perfect adventure.

But everyone knew very well that fortunately, Ye Feng was leading the team this time.

If it were someone else, they might have been wiped out long ago.

Xu Jingxin and Kazama Wu were fine. Although they were also full of gratitude to Ye Feng, they kept it in their hearts.

Ah Can is different, he flattered Ye Feng fancy all the way, and used all kinds of nasty words.

They simply praised him as an unprecedented genius, which made Xu Jingxin and Kazama Wu get goosebumps.

However, this cheerful atmosphere did not last long, and was ended by a phone call from Arthur.

Arthur told Ye Feng on the phone that when they were carrying the bodies of those dead men, a strange scene appeared.

Lan Xingyue's body actually disappeared.

When Ye Feng heard the news, he felt incredible.

He also personally confirmed at that time that Lan Xingyue had indeed lost all vital signs, and was completely dead.

Can the dead escape?

"Could it be that you missed it? Look for it carefully?"

"We have checked many times, and there is no problem with the number of these black-clothed dead men, except that Lan Xingyue is missing."

Arthur answered in the affirmative.

Ye Feng couldn't figure it out, so he had to turn the car around and drive back again.

As soon as we got out of the car, members of the Sirius team walked over with shame on their faces.

"Master, I'm sorry, it's all our negligence, please punish."

"It has nothing to do with you."

Ye Feng first gave a word of relief, and then walked in front of the corpses of those dead men in black.

At this time, the more than twenty corpses were lined up, and everyone's appearance was clearly identifiable.

But looking all the way, only the corpse of Lan Xingyue was missing.

"I'm going, won't it be a fraudulent corpse?"

Ah Can couldn't help but exclaimed, which made Xu Jingxin and Kazama Dance couldn't help shivering.

"Don't talk nonsense, okay? It's scary." Kazama Wu couldn't help but glared at him.

Although she is already a warrior in the early stage of Anjin and has killed people with her own hands, she is only afraid of these gods and monsters.

A Can was reprimanded by her, and suddenly felt aggrieved, "It's not a fake corpse, what else could it be?"

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