Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1526: [1526] Another meritorious service? I do not know how?

"Your mouth is so sweet today, do you have anything to ask of me?" Cheng Fei'er and Ye Feng have been in contact so many times, and they know this guy very well.

If you don't have anything to show your courtesy, you can either **** or steal.

"Am I that kind of person? Absolutely not. I really think you are excellent. It's really unreasonable for your leaders not to promote you to be the leader of the security team."

"Okay, let's get down to business, what exactly do you want me to do for you?" Cheng Fei'er said with a bit of caution.

Ye Feng hesitated for a moment, "You should talk first. You took the initiative to call me, maybe there is something wrong?"

"I'm calling you, mainly to congratulate you, you've made another contribution."

"Making meritorious deeds again? Why didn't I know?" Ye Feng was stunned.

"It's the robbery gang you caught. According to our investigation, the gang involved tens of millions of dollars, and has committed several serious murders. The methods are extremely cruel and the impact is extremely bad. They are being wanted all over the country..."

After hearing her explanation, Ye Feng was a little confused.

He originally thought that the credit she mentioned was referring to the twenty or so genetically modified people he killed.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the gang of robbers.

This is a bit of a feeling of carelessness.

"Since I have made great achievements, is there any reward?"

"You guys are too utilitarian, aren't you? Don't you arrest people without rewards?" Cheng Fei'er suddenly felt a little dissatisfied with him.

"I didn't expect any rewards at all. Didn't you say that I have made great achievements? You give me rewards, but I don't want them. That's my problem. But if you don't reward me for meritorious deeds, that's your problem." Ye Feng plausibly .

It is conceivable that Cheng Fei'er probably rolled her eyes, "Don't worry, the reward is indispensable. Since this gang is too harmful and the impact it caused is very bad, so the higher-ups decided to reward you with a bonus of 10 million, remember two Wait for it once."

Ye Feng was speechless for a moment.

He didn't expect the security team to be so generous, and directly gave a reward of 10 million yuan.

Although 10 million is just a drop in the bucket for him now.

But no matter how small a fly is, it’s still meat. Who would think it’s too much money?

"Okay, I've finished my business. What did you seem to want to say to me just now? Tell me." After Cheng Fei'er finished talking about the business, her tone became more relaxed.

Ye Feng hesitated for a moment, and then said, "By the way, I want to ask you something. Is there any reward for finding the clue of Jiuding now?"

"Jiuding? You have another clue to Jiuding?" Cheng Fei'er didn't take it seriously at first, but when she heard the clue from Jiuding, she regained her spirits.

"You answer my question first." Ye Feng didn't answer right away, wanting to ask about the reward first.

Cheng Fei'er knew that this guy was worthless, so she had no choice but to sigh, "Yes. As long as the clues you provide are reliable, the reward will be in the tens of millions."

"Then if you hand in a Yangzhou tripod, how much can you reward?" Ye Feng continued to ask.

"If you can really hand in a Jiuding, the reward will be at least two billion if it is certified as genuine by experts." Cheng Fei'er replied patiently.

Since Ye Feng turned on the speakerphone, both Zhuang Xiaoqiao and Kazama Wu could hear her.

The two girls looked at each other, seeing the look of astonishment on each other's faces.

That seemingly ordinary bronze tripod is worth more than two billion yuan?

Is this too exaggerated?

"What do you mean by that? Could it got another tripod?"

Cheng Fei'er's reflex arc was long enough, and now that she has figured out the meaning of Ye Feng's words, her voice trembled a little.

She has a deep understanding of how rare Jiuding is.

In order to bring back the Yuzhou tripod from the island country, she and Ye Feng had gone through a lot of hardships.

In the end, when they brought Jiuding back to China, they didn't dare to go through the normal process, so they came back by smuggling.

If Ye Feng can really find another tripod, it will be a great achievement for Yu Guo.

Ye Feng could hear that she was very excited.

At this moment, he suddenly made a decision.

He wants to make up a story, a story that can move people to tears.

Let's add some legendary color to this Yangzhou tripod.

Ye Feng then told a thrilling story.

Almost used the routines in the war movies he had watched since he was a child.

In order to keep China's national treasure, he and his teammates fought cruelly and desperately with the enemy, and the whole process was rendered extremely tragic.

He who was originally unscathed was also said to be seriously injured.

Originally, none of the teammates survived, but several of them were said to have died, and countless injured.

After Cheng Fei'er finished listening, her voice was choked up, "I didn't expect you to pay so much for this Yangzhou tripod. I pay tribute to those warriors who sacrificed for me. The country will never forget them."

Ye Feng was a little displeased when she heard all these nonsense, "Apart from these, do you have any other expressions?"

"Show? What do you mean?" Cheng Fei'er didn't understand what he meant for a while.

Ye Feng saw that she was pretending to be confused, so he had no choice but to say, "My subordinates all sacrificed to protect the national treasure. Could it be that the security team didn't give some consolation money?"

Only then did Cheng Feier understand, and she hesitated, "But they are not members of our security team."

"That's also a martyr who sacrificed his life to protect the national treasure. If you don't express anything, wouldn't it be cold to the hearts of countless martyrs who aspire to serve the country and the people? You can't let heroes shed blood, sweat and tears! Think again ..."

"Stop, I can't handle your big hats coming over."

Cheng Fei'er was abducted by his morality, and she couldn't take it anymore. Now she acted as if she was disloyal, unrighteous, unkind, and unfilial if she didn't give rewards.

She hesitated for a moment, and finally gave a reply, "Let me report to the higher authorities for you. As for whether it can be approved, it is not up to me."

"Then I will thank you on behalf of those brothers who died... No, I can't say more. I was seriously injured last night, and my vitality was greatly damaged. I am afraid that I will have to retreat for a long time to heal my injuries."

In order to act more realistically, Ye Feng coughed violently on purpose.

Cheng Fei'er on the opposite side almost scolded her.

This guy's acting skills are really bad enough. He was obviously full of anger just now, but now he seems to be dying at any time.

Is this taking her for a fool?

But she didn't intend to expose the other party.

How can this Yangzhou tripod be obtained so easily?

Although Ye Feng's loss may not be as exaggerated as he said, he must have put in a lot of effort, and it is reasonable to make some appropriate compensation for him.

Ye Feng didn't say anything more to her, and hung up the phone directly.

Looking at the expressions of Zhuang Xiaoqiao and Kazama Wu, I found that both of them were stunned.

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