Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1528: 【1528】Large social death scene

For a while, Ye Feng received hostility from all directions.

There are even a few heroes who are eager to try, wanting to come up to be a hero and save the beauty.

Ye Feng ignored all these people, just talking and laughing with Kazama Dance, drinking beer.

Zhuang Xiaoqiao was on the verge of crying, and crystal saliva flowed down the corner of her mouth.

The resentment towards Ye Feng in my heart is getting heavier and heavier.

God, why didn't a lightning strike kill this bastard?

Why should I be tortured like this?

At this moment, another table of guests came next door.

There are about five or six guests at this table, all wearing vests, slippers, and various tattoos on their arms.

These people were about to take their seats. At this moment, someone suddenly pulled a man in a black vest, and then frowned at Ye Feng and his table.

The man in the black vest immediately looked back.

On his face, there was a hideous scar.

This scar extends from the two corners of the mouth to the root of the ear.

From this scar, one can imagine the severity of the injury.

When the man saw Kazama Dance, who had changed back into a Lolita tutu skirt, and Zhuang Xiaoqiao, who was wearing a maid outfit, his eyes lit up.

"Yo, it's still a maid outfit? It's crazy." The man teased unscrupulously.

The few people who came with him also laughed wantonly.

Zhuang Xiaoqiao gave these people a disgusted look.

Although she is obedient to Ye Feng, it doesn't mean she has good looks towards others.

In fact, on the contrary, when facing other men, she has always been disgusted, even a little contemptuous.

Because apart from her family, all the men she met since she was a child have plans for her.

Either they want to flatter her family background, or they have unreasonable thoughts about her.

Therefore, she was once extremely resistant to men.

It wasn't until she met Ye Feng that she realized that there were really men in this world who had no intention of treating her and only treated her as an ordinary person.

But her change is only for Ye Feng, a man.

For other men, she was still full of contempt.

Especially these few men who looked like hooligans and hooligans annoyed her even more.

But the more she showed this expression of disgust, the more excited those people were.

"Hehe, did you see that? She actually stared at me? This little girl is in a mess." The man in the black vest immediately looked at the people next to him showing off.

Those people laughed again.

"Brother Hai, you have successfully attracted people's attention."

"This chick looks good at playing, otherwise, Brother Hai will take it."

"Brother Hai's is too big, I'm afraid he'll spoil the chick."

"Don't be afraid, haven't you heard that there are only exhausted cows and no plowed land?"

"Ha ha ha ha…"



These people were full of obscenities, with Zhuang Xiaoqiao's violent temper, how could he bear it?

He grabbed the draft beer mug in front of Ye Feng and threw it at the man in the black vest.

The girl was quite accurate in splashing, pouring all the beer on top of the man's head.

The passers-by who were admiring Zhuang Xiaoqiao's beauty in the past were all taken aback by her actions.

These few people are not easy to mess with at first glance. When encountering such a thing, most people will choose to swallow their anger, or change places to eat.

They never expected that Zhuang Xiaoqiao's temper was so violent that she chose to be tough.

"Fuck, bitch, you're courting death, aren't you?"

Those people were still looking for an opportunity to make trouble, and Zhuang Xiaoqiao's glass of beer was exactly what they wanted.

The man in the black vest walked towards this side first, and the men who were with him also followed.

"You are the slut, you are all sluts." Zhuang Xiaoqiao continued to be tough without showing any fear.

"CNM, I gave you face, right?"

The man in the black vest was first splashed with a mug of beer, and now she pointed at his nose and scolded him. He suddenly became angry from embarrassment, and slapped Zhuang Xiaoqiao on the cheek.

But halfway through the slap, the slap stopped.

Because his wrist had already been grabbed by Ye Feng, and the opponent's strength was astonishing, he pulled it hard a few times but failed to pull it out.

"Boy, are you looking for death?" The man looked at Ye Feng furiously.

Ye Feng was still sitting there at this time, holding his arm with his left hand, and still putting edamame into his mouth with his right hand, "A big man wants to show his face to a woman?"

"Okay, I don't do it to women, but to men, right?" The man in the black vest clenched his other hand into a fist and swung it directly at Ye Feng's temple.

The corners of Ye Feng's mouth turned up slightly, and he grabbed a pair of chopsticks with his right hand and lifted them to his temples.

The man's punch was impartial and hit the chopsticks just right.


The chopsticks pierced his palm without any hindrance, and before he could scream out, Ye Feng grabbed the chopsticks and nailed his hand to the table.

Then he did the same thing, nailing his other hand to the wooden table in the same way.


The man suddenly felt heart-piercing pain, and he knelt on the ground and screamed.

Seeing this, several men following him rushed forward one after another, trying to rescue him.

Ye Feng never refused to come, his hands were as fast as lightning, he grabbed all the hands of these people, and then nailed them to the table one by one with chopsticks.

After a while, five men gathered around the table, pinning their hands with chopsticks, and pulling them lightly caused pain to the marrow of their bones.

For a time, there was a sound of wailing.

The people watching the excitement around were all horrified.

They thought of many endings.

Either Zhuang Xiaoqiao apologized to others, or even being taken advantage of by others.

Or Ye Feng and the others were beaten severely.

But she never expected that these five big and three rough men would be killed by others alone.

And still in such a funny way.

Seeing the five men kneeling and crying with their hands nailed to the table, everyone subconsciously rubbed their hands, feeling that their own hands were also aching.

Even Zhuang Xiaoqiao and Feng Jian Wu were convinced by Ye Feng's trick.

"It's fun, I want to play too."

Kazama Wu also became playful, but it was a pity that Ye Feng had already nailed all five of them to the table, leaving none of them to her, which made her quite regretful.

And Zhuang Xiaoqiao couldn't straighten up from laughing when she saw the people who were so vicious just now crying bitterly.

"Why are you not arrogant anymore? Let me ask you, who is the slut?" She walked up to the man in the black vest and asked with a smile.

The man stared at her fiercely, "Stinky bitch, don't get too complacent, if I don't kill you today, I, Liu Kuanhai, will write the words backwards."

When Zhuang Xiaoqiao heard that his tone was still so tough, she immediately got a mischievous heart, grabbed a stick from the table, grabbed another finger from him, and poked it directly between the nails.

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