Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1531: 【1531】I'm giving you a way out

Just as the three of them were chatting and laughing, the "high-quality resources" he had been thinking about came back.

Liu Kuanhai's reinforcements this time were on a larger scale than before.

Looking from a distance, there are at least hundreds of people in the dark place.

There are more than a hundred people, and there are huge crowds.

Hundreds of people rushed towards this side with machetes, full of pressure.

The originally lively street immediately became deserted.

Pedestrians on the street have long since disappeared.

Zhuang Xiaoqiao couldn't help swallowing.

"This time, it's a big deal!"


"Second Uncle, that kid, not only hurt my person, but also blackmailed me five million."

A group of people aggressively surrounded Ye Feng and the three of them.

Liu Kuanhai pointed at Ye Feng bitterly, and complained to an old man in his sixties next to him.

The old man was wearing a white mandarin jacket, holding two walnuts in his hands, and looked very dignified.

"Dahai, don't worry. When your father passed away, he entrusted you to me, and you are just like my own son. Whoever dares to touch a finger of yours, I will destroy his whole family."

The old man looked directly at Ye Feng with a pair of eyes. Although he was old, his eyes were still very sharp.

With the support of the old man, Liu Kuanhai immediately gained confidence, and turned to look at Ye Feng, "Little bastard, why don't you hurry up and kowtow to me to make amends?"

Ye Feng put a edamame into his mouth, wiped his hands with a paper towel, and then slowly stood up.

"It seems that the previous two lessons were not deep enough, and they didn't make you remember them long enough."

As he spoke, he walked towards Liu Kuanhai, and both Fengjianwu and Zhuang Xiaoqiao immediately followed.

Hearing this, Liu Kuanhai immediately gritted his teeth with hatred, "Before, I underestimated you, but now that my second uncle is here, you are doomed today."

"It's not enough for you to die alone, but you still have to drag your second uncle to be buried with you? What a filial son." Ye Feng glanced at the old man while speaking.

The old man was also looking at him at the same time, "Little baby, listen to the accent, are you a foreigner?"

"Yes, from Nanyue." Ye Feng admitted with a nod.

The old man immediately relaxed.

He had just heard his nephew describe the process of the conflict between the two sides, and he was secretly worried about the other party's background.

But now when he heard that Ye Feng was a foreigner, he immediately lost his scruples.

Even if a kid from other places can fight, what kind of waves can he cause?

"Little baby, you injured my nephew and blackmailed him five million yuan. How do you solve this matter?"

"How do you want to solve it?" Ye Feng looked at him calmly.

"I, Liu Xingzhou, have never bullied the small with the big, or bullied the small with the more. How about this, you come here and kowtow to my nephew three times, return the five million, and compensate him for five million in medical expenses. That's it. Forget it." Liu Xingzhou proposed a condition that he thought was very generous.

"Second Uncle..." Liu Kuanhai became anxious immediately.

He and his subordinates were dealt with so badly by Ye Feng just now, and he just wanted to take revenge fiercely, how could it be possible to let him kowtow a few heads and pay a few million?

"Dahai, my second uncle will teach you a truth today. I am the only old brother who was in the rivers and lakes with me back then, and now I am the only one who is still alive, and I am still alive and well in the river left. Do you know why?" Liu Xingzhou began Educated the nephew.

"Second Uncle, please advise." Liu Kuanhai humbly asked for advice.

"It's very simple, ten words. Be a good person, stay on the line, and we will meet each other in the future. Don't look at this little doll who has no power and power today, but don't bully the young and poor. Who knows if he will gain power in the future? So, don't kill them all. .”

"Thank you, Second Uncle, for teaching me."

Although Liu Kuanhai dismissed his second uncle's words, he didn't dare to disobey him, so he had to agree reluctantly.

Liu Xingzhou nodded in satisfaction, and then looked at Ye Feng again, "Okay, this matter is settled like this. Let's kowtow first, and then transfer the money to him."

He didn't even ask for Ye Feng's opinion, so he made a decision directly.

When he thought about it, he had already given such a loose condition, the other party should be grateful to Dade, how could he refuse?

However, Ye Feng just sneered, "Grandpa, are you saying the wrong thing? If I ask him to kowtow to pay me, I might consider letting him go."

The smile on Liu Xingzhou's face froze suddenly, thinking he had heard it wrong, "Little baby, are you kidding me? You mean, let my nephew kowtow to you, and then pay you another five million?"

"Yes, what's the problem?" Ye Feng nodded with a smile.

"Second Uncle, I just said that this kid doesn't know how to flatter you. You let him go magnanimously, and this kid actually humiliated you like this, how can you bear it?" Liu Kuanhai jumped out in a hurry and said indignantly.

Liu Xingzhou's gaze also turned cold, "Little baby, you have to think carefully. I'm giving you a way to survive, don't be ignorant."

"I'm also giving him a way out. Kowtow three times to me and pay him another five million, and I'll let him go. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude." Ye Feng's tone also cooled down.


Liu Xingzhou suddenly smiled angrily, and pointed to the more than a hundred men behind him holding machetes, "I heard that you are very good at fighting, but do you think that you alone can beat my hundred or so people? "

Ye Feng glanced at the group of people, then nodded, "It's true that I can't beat them, but if you can shake people, can't I?"

Liu Xingzhou laughed angrily, "Okay, okay, don't say that I bully you as a foreigner because of the number of people, I will give you a chance to call someone, I would like to see how many people you can call. If I don't call Once you pack up and obey, I'll go eat shit."

"Remember what you said."

Ye Feng smiled at him, then looked at Liu Kuanhai again, "I'll give you one last chance, kneel down and kowtow three times, pay another five million, and I'll let you go."

"Hehe, go ahead and dream about your spring and autumn dreams. I'm going to break your hamstrings with my own hands today, let's see how arrogant you are."

Liu Kuanhai felt that this guy was crazy. An outsider dared to be so arrogant in front of more than a hundred of them.

Ye Feng didn't bother to talk nonsense anymore, he took out his mobile phone, dialed Yu Fengsheng's number, and turned on the speakerphone.

In fact, if he really wanted to do something, he would be able to get rid of these more than a hundred people by himself.

But in this way, it is a bit too shocking.

There is absolutely no need for this.

Anyway, Yu Fengsheng owed him so many favors, so it was not in vain.

The call was quickly connected, and Yu Fengsheng's unique neutral voice was heard.

"Hey, Mr. Ye, what instructions do you have?"

When Liu Xingzhou heard the woman's voice on the phone, he couldn't help shivering.

Why does this voice sound like...that woman?

A woman who made the entire underground forces in Jiangzuo tremble.

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