Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1547: 【1547】Is this a super boss? !

Although he has never met Feng Shaokun's father, Ye Feng has deeply felt the energy and fear of the Feng family during his time in Jiangzuo.

To put it bluntly, it is absolutely not an exaggeration to say that the Feng family is at the top of Jiangzuo's food chain!

As for Feng Shaokun's father, Feng Zhenyuan, as the current pillar of the Feng family and the leader of the Jiangzuo War Zone, not to mention his weight and status.

At this time, he asked Feng Shaokun to come to him, and specifically told Feng Shaokun that he must explain the situation to him personally?

"Did your dad have any instructions?"

Feng Shaokun scratched his head a little, "Instructions are not counted, but he said he wanted to invite you to my house for dinner."

"Have a meal?" Ye Feng looked him up and down, "Then why do you have this expression?"

"Because I suspect that my father's drunkard's intention is not to drink." Feng Shaokun scratched his head again, his face a little embarrassed, "He probably heard about my mobilization of snipers two nights ago."

"Although he is relatively defensive, has a strong sense of justice, and has always been very grateful, but he is very principled."

"I mobilized snipers in private, and it was sand that he couldn't tolerate."

"So, so..."

Ye Feng immediately understood what he meant, "So, you are afraid that your father has already figured out the situation, and you will trouble me by inviting me to dinner, right?"

Feng Shaokun nodded awkwardly, but did not speak.

After all, one side is his own father and the other side is his master, no matter what he says, it's not very good.

Ye Feng didn't take it seriously, "I thought it was something, that's all I dare to do?"

Feng Shaokun was obviously a little surprised when he heard this, "My dad is not easy to deal with."

"He is in the Jiangzuo War Zone, but he has the title of 'Jiangzuo Li Yunlong'. Even some of the most thorny guys in our Jiangzuo War Zone, when they see my dad, they are like a kid meeting the King of Hades."

"Master, don't take it seriously."

Ye Feng waved his hand casually, "Don't worry."

"When did you see that your master went to fight an unsure battle?"

"When your father asks me to have dinner, you just tell me."

When Feng Shaokun heard this, he seemed to think it was quite reasonable. After thinking about it for a while, he still said, "It will be at my house at 11:30 noon tomorrow."

"The address is the Jiangzuo War Zone, the theater compound A01."

"Tomorrow, please contact me before the gate of the Jiangzuo War Zone, and I will come out to pick you up."

Ye Feng made an ok gesture, and then said, "I just brought some supper back, let's have some together?"

Feng Shaokun quickly waved his hands, "Thank you, master, for the invitation, but it still doesn't work."

"My dad is still waiting for my return."

"If you go back late, you will be punished again."

Ye Feng didn't hold back either, and after telling him to slow down on the road, he waved his hand and went into the warehouse.

At eleven noon the next day, I put on relatively formal clothes and headed straight to the Jiangzuo war zone.

After all, he came to see the boss of the Jiangzuo War Zone.

Moreover, Ye Feng went to learn some information about Feng Zhenyuan last night.

It is still very respectable to find this big guy.

In the past few years in the Jiangzuo theater, not only did a lot of good and practical things, but also had a very good reputation inside and outside the theater.

The only one who was criticized before was his son Feng Shaokun, who was a bit playful and defiant...

So, out of respect, he put on a set of relatively formal clothes.

When he arrived at the Jiangzuo war zone by car, he called Feng Shaokun to inform him of the situation.

As for Feng Shaokun, his efficiency was still as high as ever. Not long after Jiang Feng finished calling, he sent a message saying that he was already waiting at the gate of the theater.

Jiang Feng smiled and didn't say much.

He just looked in the direction of the Jiangzuo theater from a distance.

At that time, the majestic gate of the Jiangzuo War Zone was already in sight.

Outside the gate, there is an empty cordon, and outside the alert area, there is a striking signboard: "The important area of ​​the war zone, no passage"

And behind the signboard, at the gate of the Jiangzuo War Zone and at the sentry post, there were still a few guards standing tall with long guns on their backs!

When the taxi Ye Feng was sitting in approached, they all looked over immediately.

The taxi driver was obviously a little scared, and hurriedly stopped in front of the warning sign, "Brother, the battle zone is ahead, so the car can't drive in."

"I'm really sorry..."

Ye Feng naturally knew that this was letting him get out of the car.

After smiling slightly at the driver, he said directly, "It's understandable."

With that said, he paid the fare and prepared to open the door to get off.

Unexpectedly, before he could move, a familiar figure trotted over and offered to help him open the car door on the right, "Master."

Ye Feng could already see clearly that it was Feng Shaokun who came.

Seeing him carefully protecting the position of the car door on the head, and inviting himself to get out of the car, he immediately smiled again, "Why are you so polite?"

"You are my master, shouldn't you?" Feng Shaokun took it for granted.

Ye Feng said no more, just got off the car immediately.

Outsiders said that Feng Zhenyuan's only point of criticism was his failure to teach Feng Shaokun.

But in his opinion, Feng Shaokun can deal with this person.

She is obviously born in a wealthy family, but she does not do evil, and does not bully the weak. The biggest flaw in her body is that she does not do business properly, is playful, and rebellious. It also does not affect or interfere with ordinary people at all.

Compared with those second generations who also come from a wealthy family, but often cheat their fathers, even bully the weak, run amok, and disregard human lives, they are simply not too conscientious.

Especially the most important thing is that Feng Shaokun has a sense of justice, he can distinguish right from wrong, he is daring, and he knows how to be grateful!

In terms of personality, it can be said to be very healthy and even decent!

Seeing that after getting off the car, Feng Shaokun was still half a step behind him intentionally or unintentionally, always maintaining a slight distinction of superiority and inferiority.

Ye Feng was slightly moved in his heart.

Just for this point, I am afraid that countless second generations will not be able to catch up with them.

You know, this is the Jiangzuo war zone, and it is Feng Shaokun's or Feng Shao's basic game.

Here, his acquaintances are everywhere, and only others hold him up and respect him!

But he can do it, lower his posture in front of so many acquaintances...

"I think your father should thank me first after a while."

He subconsciously praised it.

"After all, you have grown too much during this time."

Feng Shaokun felt a little embarrassed when he heard Ye Feng's praise.

However, the taxi drivers in the rear, especially the guards standing guard at the entrance of the Jiangzuo War Zone, were shocked when they saw this.

Looking at Feng Shaokun and Ye Feng, who was always walking in front of Feng Shaokun, he was stunned.

"Fuck, I'm afraid this is a super boss?!"

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