Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1582: 【1582】Is this okay without hands?

"Fuck, shit, shit!"

Under the large electronic screen on the top of Panlong Mountain, countless onlookers who saw this scene were immediately blown away!

"This guy is crazy, he must be crazy!"

"If it's not a lunatic, it's absolutely impossible to dare to do such an operation!"

"Damn it, I'm an audience, people start to tremble seeing this!"

"His modified Porsche 918 has a speed of death circle, it seems to be at least two hundred and seventy?"

"At this speed, you are still accelerating and preparing for extreme drift? If this is not a lunatic, I really can't think of anyone who would dare to do this!"

"More than two hundred and seven!"

"I'm a professional speed tester. According to the relative moving speed of the reference object when the modified Porsche 918 enters the corner, I judged its speed by visual inspection, and it should be around 300!"

"This kind of speed, even on flat road conditions, is a test of the driver's psychological quality and reaction speed. And in this kind of death circle, nine consecutive sharp turns, let alone more!"

"At least I've been watching car races for so many years, but I've never seen that person who dares to go through consecutive sharp turns at this speed!"

"Don't say that this kind of speed passes through nine consecutive sharp bends, and three consecutive sharp bends are very rare!"

"Even Zhang Chi, who is known as the world's car god, did not dare to challenge such an operation in his most glorious period!"


"Although this guy has some strength, I can almost conclude that he is going to die!"

"The reason why the death circle section is called the death circle is because apart from the nine sharp bends here, there is also a very important point that the lanes outside the nine sharp bends are all cliffs!"

"Once any car rushes out of the driveway, there is nothing to say, and the only thing that will end is the car crash!"


There was a commotion among the crowd, and a man in overalls with a strong hairstyle also spoke swearingly.

The atmosphere at the scene was very warm.

However, just a few seconds later, everyone was speechless.

Yes, there are just pieces of stunned expressions that are as uniform as copy and paste.

Because almost everyone has seen it, and the drone clearly captured it on the large electronic screen.

The limited edition Porsche 918 driven by Ye Feng is as if it has been opened.

In the faster and faster speed, sparks and lightning all the way, drifting continuously.

In the end, it passed through that section of nine consecutive sharp bends known as the "death circle" in an extremely smooth manner!

There is a gap of several hundred meters between the modified God of War GTR and the rear!

And not just on the top of Panlong Mountain.

Inside the Ares GTR.

After hearing the sharp tires tearing the ground of the modified Porsche 918, the sound of the engine became more and more intense, and the sound became farther and farther away, and Rafa's pupils couldn't help shaking.

"At a speed of more than 300 kilometers per hour, continuously extreme drift, through nine consecutive sharp bends!"

"This kind of operation, even Zhang Chi, the **** of the world's racing industry before, couldn't do it at the peak of his career! He actually did it!"

"Moreover, his speed keeps increasing after each drift!"


Rafa could no longer keep his peace of mind.

Although the vehicle speed was maintained at a high level, the very beautiful continuous drift passed this section of death circle.

But listening to the sound of the engine of the modified Porsche 918 drifting away in front, a sense of frustration has arisen spontaneously.

In the following section, although Rafa also ran out of the quality of a professional driver, he ran with all his strength.

But when she came to the foot of Panlong Mountain, she seemed to have been pulled out of all energy.

Opening the door again, seeing the Porsche 918 in front of the car and Ye Feng who was leisurely smoking a cigarette beside the car, his eyes were complicated.

"I lost."

"I want to apologize to you for my words and deeds."

"I'm a frog in a well."

"Your driving skills really opened my eyes..."


On the other hand, seeing that she had apologized generously, Ye Feng thought of her a little higher.

"That's right, at least dare to act and act, much better than many people who dare not admit that they have done something wrong."

Rafa's face turned awkward, "I'm not that kind of person."

"Besides, your skills are indeed beyond doubt."

"You proved everything with your strength."

Finally, as if he couldn't help being curious, he asked after a moment of deliberation: "But I have a question, I wonder if I can ask you to explain it?"

Ye Feng pinched out the cigarette casually and threw it into the trash can beside him, "But it doesn't matter."

"On the death circle section just now, you were continuously drifting through corners at a speed of more than 300 kilometers..." Rafa swallowed, "How did you do this?"

"Just add the speed of the car, and then drift continuously." Ye Feng said lightly.

It's as easy as saying put the elephant in the fridge, just open the fridge and put the fridge in.

Rafa waved his hands again and again, and quickly explained, "No, what I mean is, how did you achieve these operations?"

"Prior to this, Zhang Chi, the recognized car **** in the global racing industry, only challenged the speed of more than 300 kilometers per hour and drifted through three sharp turns in a row!"

"And Zhang Chi is also recognized by everyone as being the closest to the limit of the human body in the field of racing!"

"He can't even achieve such an exaggerated speed, drifting through nine consecutive sharp turns..."

Seeing her seriousness, Ye Feng stopped joking, "You overlooked a question."

"What Che Shen Zhang Chi is approaching is only the limit of his human body, not my human body limit."

"I am proficient in mechanics and martial arts. In terms of understanding the performance limits of vehicles and every part of the car, I can easily beat him; in terms of physical fitness and reaction speed, I can also easily beat him... How do you think that his body The limit, can it be compared with my limit?"

Rafa was obviously speechless at this moment.

After opening and closing his mouth for a long time, he couldn't hold back a word!

However, Ye Feng didn't mean to say any more.

Seeing that she was convinced, she offered her apology, waved her hand casually, and returned to the Porsche 918 again.

Back in the driver's seat of the modified Porsche 918, when he was wearing his seat belt, Ye Feng turned his head and glanced at Anjou Prince, "Your friend participated in the event, it's really exciting."

"Now we can find a place to have a drink..."

Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, a gust of fragrant wind rushed over.

A warm and extremely gentle and broad embrace hugged him all at once.

At the same time, a piece of ice softly stuck to his face, "My God, Ye Feng, you are simply amazing!"

"It's simply the best spring medicine God has given me!"

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