Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1590: 【1590】Don't panic, there is still a chance

Ye Feng actually doesn't like this kind of black car driver who solicits customers halfway.

Hearing this, I subconsciously want to wave my hand.

But Zhuang Xiaoqiao at the side pointed to the long queue in the taxi waiting area, "If you wait here for the taxi, you may have to wait for a while."

"If his car isn't far away, it's okay for us to go and have a look."

"It just so happens that I really hate taxis in the United States. Most of them smell of alcohol and various unpleasant smells, and the hygiene conditions are worrying."

The black uncle probably didn't understand these things, so he just whispered beside him, "Really, a brand new Mercedes-Benz."

“Just on the spicy side…”

As he spoke, he pointed to an area not far away.

Seeing this, Ye Feng simply nodded, "Take us to have a look."

The black uncle was obviously overjoyed, nodded and bowed again and again, and began to lead the way.

When leading the way, he was very enthusiastic and wanted to help Ye Feng with luggage.

However, Ye Feng always felt that there was a cunning aura about this person. The luggage was not handed over to him.

When I got on a brand new Mercedes-Benz s600, I put my luggage at my feet and didn't choose the trunk.

The black uncle didn't force anything.

It's just that when he sat in the driver's seat, he consciously or unconsciously looked at the luggage at Ye Feng's feet a few times.

Ye Feng didn't think much about it, and after asking him to drive to a nearby hotel, he took a look at the Mercedes-Benz S600.

To be honest, he was actually quite surprised.

Because this is really a brand new Mercedes-Benz S600, and it is also a top model worth more than five million. It seems that no one has ever sat in it before.

Such a car, even if it is placed in China, is a top-level luxury car that at least hundreds of millions of people are willing to buy.

Unexpectedly, in the United States, he would be rented out by a black uncle?

The black uncle noticed his sizing, but stretched out two dark and callused fingers, "two-hundred-dollar!"

"Two hundred, rose gold!"

"new-car (new car price)!"

"No problem." Ye Feng nodded and had no objection to the price.

Two hundred dollars for a rental may be a bit outrageous in other scenarios, but for a brand new Mercedes-Benz S600 top configuration, it can be called high quality and low price.

So, he simply agreed.

Hearing the sound, the black uncle seemed quite satisfied, and after showing a smile, he started the car in a strange way.

Seeing that he was quite unfamiliar with driving, Ye Feng asked casually, "Master, are your skills okay?"

Hearing this, the black uncle was stunned for a moment, and then said in a panic, "Of course it's okay, it's just that I just got this car and I'm not used to it."

"I have had my driver's license for many years."

"I am also very familiar with the road conditions in this area."

As he said that, after driving the car out of the airport area, he suddenly accelerated and drove the car directly into a relatively deserted trail.

Seeing this, Ye Feng immediately felt that something was wrong, and immediately sat up straight, "Stop!"

But the black uncle, as if he didn't hear what he said, continued to step on the accelerator.

"Fuck!" Ye Feng immediately couldn't help but swear, and he was about to pounce on the driver's seat.

But at this moment, several black figures appeared from both sides of the road ahead.

Everyone held a micro punch in their hands.

"Huaguo people, don't struggle, and honestly hand over all your belongings."

The black uncle also showed a sneer at this time.

Slowly parked the car next to these black figures.

His gaze was firmly fixed on the suitcase at Ye Feng's feet.

Zhuang Xiaoqiao probably didn't realize it at this moment, she opened her eyes in a daze, and asked as if waking up from a dream, "What's going on, why are so many people pointing guns at us outside?"

"I've been robbed." While Ye Feng answered her, he quickly asked, "Where are those guys who came with you in China and secretly protected you?"

"Is it still around?"

Only then did Zhuang Xiaoqiao panic, "Ah, robbery?"

"I thought there would be no danger if I followed you, so I arranged for them to do the preliminary preparations for the gambling warehouse for us when we were on the plane."

"What should we do now?"

Ye Feng's whole body tensed up, "It's different here than in China, free America, every day of the gun battle, these black people will really shoot!"

"Killing or something, for them, there is a high probability that it is not something to worry about."

"Even if we hand things over to them, there's a high probability that we won't be able to escape unscathed!"

The panic in Zhuang Xiaoqiao's eyes became more intense, "Then, what should we do?"

"These guys have now surrounded the car, and they're all pointing their guns at us."

"We are in the car again, your strength is restricted, and you can't fully exert it at all..."

"Don't panic, there is still a chance." Ye Feng comforted her.

"Now you maintain this panic posture, pretend to be scared, and slowly shrink your body completely below the height of the window glass..."

As he said that, seeing the black man in front of him, he waved towards him impatiently, "Hurry up, bring me that suitcase!"

Immediately paying attention to Zhuang Xiaoqiao's operation of shrinking her body, she pretended to be very nervous at the same time, slowly picked up the suitcase, and handed it to the black man.

When the black man saw this scene, his eyes obviously lit up.

He didn't even bother to turn off the car, so he quickly turned around and picked up the suitcase with both hands.

As for his accomplices, they probably also thought that Ye Feng and Zhuang Xiaoqiao were not threatening. Although they were still surrounded by the sides of the Mercedes-Benz S600, they had already put down the micro-chargers they were carrying.

At this moment, Ye Feng immediately pretended to be unsteady, and the whole person, including the suitcase, fell on the right foot of the black man who was stepping on the accelerator.

hold head high!

Accompanied by a roar of the accelerator, the Mercedes-Benz S600 rushed out like an arrow off the string.

The black man obviously didn't react for a moment.

After cursing "Fake!", Ye Feng was about to be picked up roughly, and stepped on the brakes simultaneously.

However, before he could get off his feet, a sudden sharp pain came from the knee of his left foot.

The entire left leg had already been snapped off abruptly, and it was folded outwards on top of his right leg at a strange angle!

"Damn yellow-skinned monkey, you're actually playing tricks!" The black man let out a scream immediately, and at the same time, when he was about to grab Ye Feng, he touched his waist as soon as he turned around.

When Ye Feng saw this action, he knew that there was a high probability that he had a gun there.

Putting aside the hand he touched with one hand, he took out an M1911 from it first, and then shot at the hand he grabbed again without hesitation.

After that, he took advantage of the opportunity to unfasten the seat belt of the driver's seat, and while controlling the steering wheel with one hand, he quickly rushed to the driver's seat and kicked the old black dog out of the car!

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