Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1599: 【1599】After five thousand years, it's finally my turn to play!

All Ye Feng's thoughts at the moment are on the posthumous work of Robert Cochet.

Although the system's in-depth scan results were only descriptive texts, he was able to find the corresponding complete images through the phone.

The Statue of Liberty, made of 24K gold, is 50 centimeters high and has a total mass of more than 100 kilograms. It is exactly the same as the statue located near the mouth of the Hudson River in New York, USA. It is dressed in ancient Greek-style clothing and has a radiant crown on its head. , the seven pointed lights symbolize the seven continents. The right hand holds up the torch symbolizing freedom, the left hand holds the Declaration of Independence, and the shattered shackles under the feet symbolize breaking free from the shackles of violence and pursuing freedom.

Simply not too tempting!

Ye Feng was a little suffocated.

Robert Cochet, in the eyes of Westerners, is the father of banking and goldsmiths, and has a pivotal position in the art world.

If his posthumous works are in the world, what a storm it will cause in the entire art world, I am afraid that all artists will be crazy about it!

Even Ye Feng was a little skeptical, whether the system evaluation had problems, such a large gold vessel, the raw materials are worth a lot, plus Robbit's master halo bonus, I'm afraid it's not worth 10 million dollars.

On the side, Zhuang Xiaoqiao also noticed something strange about Ye Feng.

Seeing that Ye Feng was careless for a while, and then suddenly his eyes lit up and his breathing quickened, she couldn't help feeling a little worried.

Inexplicable, is this suffering from hyperthyroidism or something?

"Xiaofeng, are you sick?"

"If you feel any discomfort in your body, you should go for an examination as soon as possible!"

"You can't delay it forever. What if your condition worsens and you die suddenly, leaving me alone?"

Zhuang Xiaoqiao said nervously.

Hearing the sound, Ye Feng came back to his senses, and looked at Zhuang Xiaoqiao, who was a playful upper body, and suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.

There is such a beautiful girl who can talk, even if I want to die, I'm afraid I won't be able to die!

Besides, we haven't pierced the window paper yet, so where do we start with leaving you alone?

Looking back with Richard, Ye Feng is also full of small expectations.

In order to give himself a little surprise, he did not use the system's deep navigation to detect these warehouses in advance. He would use deep navigation only when the warehouse door was opened and there was no clue from the surface.

As time progressed as Richard opened the warehouse door, it felt like it was passing by very quickly. After reading all the more than one hundred warehouses, no good treasures were found.

For some items in the warehouse, there will be some light spots in the system to indicate that there are objects with treasures, but most of them are only a few thousand yuan in Chinese currency. Ye Feng felt that it was boring, so he ignored it.

After looking at all the warehouses, everyone secretly remembered the labels of the warehouses they liked.

Next, Ye Feng suppressed the excitement in his heart and prepared to enter the bidding process.

He remembered two warehouses in total, one is the No. 8 warehouse with the golden Statue of Liberty left by Robert Cochet, and the other is the No. 10 warehouse with a few old wooden shelves and bottles and jars.

The things in the No. 10 warehouse, if others walk in and look at them, they will not see any clues. The things inside are covered with dust, even if an antique expert comes, they will not be able to see the slightest clues.

But he has system deep navigation!

Those bottles and jars are actually precious porcelain fired by the five famous kilns, and they are basically things from the Song Dynasty.

Even those wooden frames are not ordinary, they are all made of huanghuali.

These foreigners don't know the goods, let alone what huanghuali is.

The warehouse auction started, and Ye Feng ignored the first few warehouses, until it was his turn to bid on No. 8 warehouse, Ye Feng was the first to stand up.

After five thousand years, it's finally my turn to play!

"500 magnesium knife!"

Ye Feng made the first quotation directly.

Everyone looked at him in shock, because no matter how you look at it, the No. 8 warehouse is just some sundries, and it looks no different from a garbage dump.

And for this kind of rubbish, the price of 100 magnesium is considered high by most people!

Among the crowd, there were still a few people who had a little interest in the No. 8 warehouse, but they were also discouraged after hearing Ye Feng's quotation.

The reason is very simple. The things in the warehouse are either abandoned by the previous owner or forgotten. The things that can be abandoned and forgotten are probably not very valuable. A 100 magnesium knife may exceed the value of those things. As for spending 500 Mg to bid for the auction, no matter how you think about it, it is not worthwhile.

"What are you doing?" Zhuang Xiaoqiao tugged at Ye Feng's skirt in great confusion.

Neither of them are short of money, and throwing the 500-magnesium knife is no pain to them, just the tip of a feather, but she doesn't understand why Ye Feng wants to take a picture of a team of cardboard boxes and woven bags .

"Intuition tells me that there are good things in here." Ye Feng said proudly with his arms around Zhuang Xiaoqiao's slender waist.

Zhuang Xiaoqiao covered her mouth with a smile and said, "Farewell, be careful that a nest of dead mice will be pulled out of it later."

Ye Feng also laughed: "You really hit the spot, I just saw a little mouse wandering in it, so I took a picture of it, and I'm going to give you a surprise."

"Ah? No way?" Zhuang Xiaoqiao's face turned pale with fright. She was most afraid of rats, and she would panic when she heard that thing, and get hairy when she saw it.

"Of course I lied to you." Ye Feng whispered in her ear.

Zhuang Xiaoqiao was itchy from the hot air in his mouth, and said angrily, "You scoundrel."

Ye Feng laughed, waiting to get the golden Statue of Liberty into his bag.

Richard was also a little surprised that Ye Feng offered 500 Mg as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Hey! The opportunity is right in front of you, everyone, hurry up!"

"Take a gamble, a bicycle becomes a motorcycle!"

"Give it a go, motorcycle for a luxury car!"

"Seize the opportunity, it may be now to get rich overnight!"

Richard, an old guy, also didn't miss this opportunity to raise the price, and kept trying to stir up other people.

Everyone didn't listen to his fooling around.

They are all old people who gamble on warehouses. Even in the industry of betting on warehouses, there are only a few who can really make a fortune after all, and most of them lose money. This old guy is fooling around.

Richard didn't feel embarrassed when he saw that this group of people didn't agree with him, so he grinned and continued to host the warehouse behind the auction.

When they arrived at Warehouse No. 10, most people had no intention of taking pictures.

"20 magnesium knife!"

Still, someone offered a price.

"20 magnesium knife!"

"30 magnesium knife!"

"40 magnesium knife!"

"45 magnesium knife!"

The price went up all the way, and soon reached 50 magnesium dollars, but at this time, no one continued to bid.

"Has anyone offered a higher price?"

"If not, the things in this warehouse belong to Jerry!"

Richard looked at a black man named Jerry, ready to drop the hammer.

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