Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 882: I also have dignity, okay?

When Ye Feng and Cheng Fei'er entered the room, they found that it was a **** suite.

The entire color of the room is a dark red, and the line of sight is not very clear, but there is an ambiguous atmosphere.

Not far from the circular bed, there is also a large circular bathtub filled with water, with a layer of red petals floating on it, which can be said to be very attentive.

After the two entered the room, they quickly observed and found that there was no place to hide in the entire room.

"What should I do?" Cheng Fei'er was anxious when she heard the footsteps outside getting closer.

Ye Feng looked around again, and finally locked his eyes on the big bathtub in the living room, "Just hide here."

Cheng Feier suddenly hesitated, "Isn't it... too dangerous?"

Although the bathtub is big enough to accommodate two people, what if Cao Wenhui comes in to take a bath later?

Ye Feng spread his hands helplessly, "Aside from here, is there any other place where people can hide?"

Cheng Feier still hesitated.

At this time, the sound of swiping the room card sounded outside, and Cao Wenhui was obviously about to come in.

Ye Feng couldn't care less about talking anymore, he put his arms around her slender waist, and lay down directly in the bathtub.

But because Cheng Fei'er was too flustered, she didn't even have time to inhale. As soon as she got into the bathtub, she choked on water, and subconsciously struggled to get up.

Ye Feng couldn't care less, he kissed her small mouth directly, and gave her a sigh of relief.

Cheng Feier's eyes widened in disbelief. Was her first kiss taken away for no apparent reason?

This **** is taking advantage of others!

If it weren't for the sound of Cao Wenhui's footsteps outside, she would definitely beat this guy into a pig's head.

After Cao Wenhui walked into the room, he looked around and was quite satisfied with the environment here.

Then he sat down on the bed, took out his cell phone and made a call.

Ye Feng and Cheng Fei'er only vaguely heard words like "Money is not a problem... want the best".

What is this guy up to?

Both of them were at a loss and couldn't figure it out.

But this question will soon have an answer.

After a while, I heard the doorbell ringing outside, and Cao Wenhui went to open the door.

Ye Feng and Cheng Fei'er took the opportunity to show their heads and took a few deep breaths.

Then I saw a very enchanting woman walking outside, "Is it Boss Cao? Brother Fei asked me to come here."

Cao Wenhui looked her up and down, nodded in satisfaction, "Come in."

Ye Feng and Cheng Fei'er hurriedly dived into the bathtub again, and looked at each other with some strange eyes.

The answer is already obvious, this guy is obviously full of warm thoughts.

He just caught a big fish and made so much money, so he immediately ran to the hotel to look for chickens.

Cheng Fei'er glared at Ye Feng angrily, as if to say that men don't have a good thing.

Ye Feng was wronged, does he have anything to do with me?

He first listened to the movement outside, then slowly raised his head above the water, and took out his phone to take pictures.

Cheng Fei'er was startled, the distance between the bathtub and the bed is very close, isn't this guy afraid of being exposed?

Fortunately, the lighting in this room is relatively dim, so if you don't pay attention, it is difficult to find a human head protruding from the bathtub.

As soon as the call girl came in, she sat on the bed and put on a provocative pose, "What does the boss want to do? Do you want to come to the traditional one, or something new?"

This woman is pretty good-looking. If it were another man, I'm afraid she couldn't help but get used to it.

But Cao Wenhui was obviously very dissatisfied with her behavior of flirting, "Can you be more reserved? Look like a lady?"

When the call girl heard the words, she immediately burst out laughing, "Boss, are you joking? Would a reserved woman do our job?"

Cao Wenhui was a little displeased, "Can't you pretend?"

The call girl curled her lips helplessly, "Just pretend to be a saint? Okay."

While speaking, she put away that provocative posture, and began to put on a cold and aloof look that no one could get close to.

Only then was Cao Wenhui satisfied, turned around and opened the suitcase he was carrying, took out something, turned around and handed it to the woman, "Put this on."

The woman thought it was some special prop, and was about to reach out to take it, but when she saw it clearly, her face turned pale with fright, "Ah... this... what the **** is this?"

That thing looked like a human head, and it was also a woman's head with long, smooth hair, which immediately scared the call girl out of her wits.

Cao Wenhui looked at her displeased, "It's just a silicone mask, why are you so scared?"

As he spoke, he showed it to her.

It really is just a mask, the inside is hollow and can be put on the head.

Ye Feng, who was watching the play in the bathtub, laughed at this scene, and almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

This Cao Wenhui's hobby is really perverted. If you want a chicken, you can look for a dick, and even make him wear a silicone mask? What kind of preference is this?

Cheng Fei'er couldn't hold back anymore, she slowly showed her head, and also looked at this scene with a strange expression.

The call girl was obviously angry. Although she is a "chicken", chickens have dignity, okay?

You called me over in the middle of the night and made me wear a silicone mask? Isn't that insulting?

"I'm sorry, I can't cooperate with your preferences. I think you should change someone."

After the call girl finished speaking, she immediately picked up her bag and prepared to leave.

Cao Wenhui was not in a hurry to stop him, and slowly took out a stack of banknotes from his box and put them on the table, "Since you don't want to earn this money, let others earn it."

As soon as the call girl saw the stack of banknotes, her eyes immediately became fiery. The banknotes seemed to be at least tens of thousands.

Isn't it just wearing a mask? Compared with banknotes, is dignity nothing?

He hurried back and quickly put on the silicone mask, his whole appearance changed drastically immediately.

When Cao Wenhui saw her appearance at this time, his eyes became hot, and he murmured, "Master."

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