Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 925: After I finish explaining, he is really hopeless

When Ye Feng arrived at the destination according to the system navigation, he found that it was the scene of a car accident.

The car accident was so tragic that a black Lincoln directly hit the front of a heavy truck to pieces.

Of course, the Lincoln car is not much better. The entire front cockpit has been smashed into a ball, and the rear row is also seriously deformed.

There was a lot of blood on the ground, which looked very scary.

The scene of the car accident can only be described as horror.

There are many traffic police and medical personnel at the scene, maintaining order and treating the wounded.

Ye Feng and Cheng Fei'er parked the car on the side of the road, then opened the door and got out of the car.

"What are you doing here?" Cheng Fei'er looked at the tragic scene and looked at Ye Feng in puzzlement.

"Of course it's saving people." Ye Feng replied casually while observing the scene.

"Are you so kind?" Cheng Fei'er expressed doubts about his motives.

"Comrade Cheng Fei'er, I'm going to criticize you a few words. You can't bring your prejudice against me into your work. I always take it as my duty to sacrifice myself to save others. How can I look at this tragedy and remain indifferent?"

Ye Feng reprimanded him righteously, and Cheng Fei'er was immediately speechless.

Let this guy pretend again.

But now he is standing on the moral high ground, of course he is what he says, she dare not say any more, lest she be labeled as cold-blooded and heartless.

The two soon came to the medical staff, and saw an old man being put on a stretcher, his eyes closed, his face pale, and he didn't know whether he was dead or alive.

And several doctors and traffic police are still working together to tow the driver of the Lincoln car.

But Ye Feng just took a look, and knew that the driver was hopeless, the lower half of his body was almost cut off, even if the gods came, he couldn't save him.

He was about to walk over to check on the condition of the old man, when suddenly a tightly wrapped doctor shouted, "Stop it, what are you doing?"

Ye Feng glanced back at him, "Let me see if this old gentleman can be saved?"

The doctor looked him up and down, "Are you a doctor?"

Ye Feng blushed without heartbeat, "Yes."

The doctor's expression relaxed a bit, "The old gentleman was seriously injured and stopped breathing. We tried our best to save him, but we couldn't revive him."

Ye Feng glanced at the old man again, "Can I take a look? I'm a medical student at school, and I really don't have the chance to observe the dead body up close."

The doctor hesitated for a moment, but in the end he didn't stop him, "Observation is fine, don't mess with the body, otherwise I won't be able to explain to the family."

Ye Feng thanked him immediately, then turned and walked over.

Cheng Fei'er followed behind him, slandering in her heart, this guy is always telling lies, what kind of medical student is he?

Ye Feng walked up to the old man, opened his eyelids to look at him, his pupils had dilated, and then observed other situations.

The old man had many wounds, but the fatal injury came from a shard of glass in his lower abdomen.

I don't know how deep it is, but the clothes and pants have been completely stained red, and it is estimated that the big pool of blood on the ground is also his.

It should be bleeding too much, and by the time the ambulance arrived, it was too late.

But when he caught the pulse of the old man, his expression was shocked, there is still a pulse?

Because of his deep internal strength, he can detect subtle pulses that ordinary doctors can't detect.

"Quick, bring the hemostatic bandage." He hurriedly shouted at the doctor next to him.

"Everyone is already dead, why do you need a hemostatic bandage?" The doctor pouted immediately when he heard his request, and didn't go to get the bandage immediately.

"Who told you that you were dead? If you dawdle any longer, you will die." Ye Feng retorted immediately.

"Hehe, you are a medical student who hasn't graduated yet, are you doubting our professionalism? I kindly let you watch it up close, but you still startle? Go away quickly."

The doctor seemed to have heard a big joke. They had repeatedly rescued the old man just now, but the old man had lost his life due to excessive blood loss.

Now a medical student actually came to tell others that he was not dead?

What international joke?

Seeing that he was still indifferent, Ye Feng was furious, "Are you **** deaf? I'll tell you to get a bandage!"

His roar immediately shocked everyone on the scene, and they all looked at this side blankly, not knowing what happened.

Including the doctor, also trembled in fright, and even took two steps back.

But I quickly realized that I seemed a little too timid, and I was about to reply.

At this time, a man in a white coat walked over quickly, "Ouyang, what happened?"

The doctor hurriedly replied respectfully: "Director Xu, don't you think it's ridiculous that the medical student told me that the old man is not dead yet and asked me to get a tourniquet? The old man is obviously dead, and we have checked it just now." gone."

Director Xu turned his head to look at Ye Feng, "Hi sir, I am Kaiwen Xu from Queen Mary Hospital. Why do you say that this old gentleman is not dead yet? Is there any basis?"

Ye Feng looked at him coldly, "When I finish explaining, he is really hopeless."

Xu Kaiwen stared at him for a moment, then turned his head and nodded to the doctor surnamed Ouyang, "Go get him a hemostatic bandage."

"But Director Xu..."



Ouyang reluctantly got into the ambulance, and walked out with a first aid kit after a while, handing it to Ye Feng angrily, "Do you know how to use it? A medical student?"

He obviously still has a little resentment towards Ye Feng, and he didn't forget to say something to him.

Ye Feng didn't take it seriously, the best way to slap someone in the face is not with words, but with facts.

Besides, his purpose is to complete the chance navigation, as for a little doctor, it's not worth letting him slap him in the face.

Several doctors who had just finished their work over there also rushed over.

I want to see how this medical student brought people back to life.

Ye Feng opened the first-aid kit. In addition to the hemostatic bandage, there were also medical tools such as alcohol, scalpel, tweezers, and sutures.

He first took out an air-dried Ganoderma lucidum and put it in the old man's mouth. Then he took out a few silver needles and pierced the acupuncture points on the old man's kidneys to ensure that his last trace of vitality would not collapse.

After doing all this, he began to look down at the wound on the old man's abdomen.

The piece of broken glass went straight into the lower abdomen, looking horrific.

After checking the condition of the wound, he suddenly felt a headache.

Seeing this situation, surgery must be performed immediately.

Although because of Zhuang Xiaoqiao's illness, he has practiced surgical techniques more during this period of time, and he feels that he has practiced very well. But let him do it directly on the human body, I still feel a little uncertain.

Since this old man can afford Lincoln, his status is definitely not simple.

This matter had nothing to do with him, but once he got started, he couldn't escape it.

It's okay if he can be saved, but if he doesn't, he'll probably be in trouble.

But after all, this is a task assigned by the system, and he has no room for bargaining.

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