Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 929: Are there really gods in this world?

"This...really resurrected from the dead?"

"No, it's an illusion, it's not real, who of you will slap me to wake me up?"

"This is unscientific! We checked just now, and he is obviously dead. How can the dead be resurrected? How is it possible?"

"Is there really a **** in this world? Can it really bring the dead back to life?"

"If I didn't see it with my own eyes, whoever dares to tell me that a dead person can be resurrected, I will definitely send him to a mental hospital."

"Can anyone explain to me what's going on?"

A group of emergency doctors who are used to seeing life and death are already in a mess.

It's no wonder that their mental capacity is too weak. The main reason is that this scene is too shocking and completely subverts their cognition.

Xu Kaiwen was the first to come back to his senses, and stared blankly at the magical boy.

The shock that this young man brought to him was too great.

First he showed a wonderful set of suture techniques, and then fiddled with silver needles for a while, a dead person was fiddled with by him?

"I bought a watch last year. I have learned medical skills for decades. Could it be that I have learned fake medical skills? How do you explain this shit? I'm a **** dog..."

He, who has always been calm and calm, was already full of swear words in his heart.

This scene had a great impact on him, because his faith was about to collapse.

He suddenly discovered that the Western medical system that he had believed in for more than ten years suddenly became vulnerable in front of this young man.

This young man didn't borrow any modern medical equipment, just used a few silver needles to **** him a few times, and he actually saved the person from life?

Just like that? ?

But he obviously thought of this matter too simply.

Although Ye Feng's treatment process seemed simple, it was actually very difficult.

First of all, the 300-year-old Ganoderma lucidum played a big role.

We must know that treasures like this kind of natural material and earth can be met but not sought, and one piece is less.

If Ye Feng wasn't for completing system tasks, he wouldn't be willing to use it.

The second is his acupuncture method, which consumes a lot of mental power. It may take at least ten days and a half months for him to fully recover.

At this moment, he felt like his body was being hollowed out, and he just wanted to find a place to sleep quickly.

Although he was extremely unwell, he still cheered up and looked at the old man, "Old man, how are you feeling now?"

The old man's face was still a little pale. After all, even a young man couldn't bear it after bleeding so much, but he still nodded slightly.

"I feel... better, young man... did you save me? Thank you... thank you..."

Although he came to his senses, his spirit was still sluggish, and he seemed to be out of breath when speaking.

Ye Feng took his pulse again, and then hurriedly waved to Xu Kaiwen.

Xu Kaiwen ran over like a little pug dog, "What orders does Mr. Ye have?"

Ye Feng pointed to the old man, "Although this old man is awake, his condition is still a little critical. You should send him to the hospital for a blood transfusion immediately. I will write you a prescription for him to eat three meals a day..."

He asked a few words, then wrote a prescription and handed it to him.

Xu Kaiwen took a look at it, and it was written in simplified characters, which was a bit difficult for him to recognize. And they are all Chinese herbal medicines, he has never heard of any of them.

To be honest, there are very few Chinese medicine stores in Las Vegas, and it is not an easy task to get all these medicinal materials.

But the old man's car is a Lincoln, and his family background must be good. For this kind of family, is it easy to find a few Chinese herbal medicines?

"Mr. Naye, come with us to the hospital."

He put the prescription in his arms and looked up at Ye Feng.

"I still have something to do, so I won't go."

After Ye Feng finished speaking, he didn't stay any longer, and took Cheng Fei'er away directly.

Xu Kaiwen stared blankly at his back, his mind becoming more and more confused.

Seeing Ye Feng working so hard to treat the old man, he thought it was because he saw that the old man was rich and wanted to take the opportunity to hug his thigh.

But she never expected that the other party would leave directly after saving someone, without even leaving her contact information.

There is really a kind of chivalrous pride that hides merit and fame in Fuyi.

Is there really such a kind person in this world who does good deeds without leaving a name?

Even the old man raised his hand, trying to stop Ye Feng, but he was too weak now, as soon as his arm was raised, it fell down weakly.

Just as Ye Feng's car left the scene of the accident, a luxurious convoy just passed him by.

The fleet has five cars, two Hummer H2s at the front and a limited-edition Bentley in the middle.

After several cars arrived at the scene, a group of bodyguards in black and sunglasses rushed down from the front and rear of the four cars, and surrounded the Bentley in the middle. One bodyguard quickly opened the door.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a middle-aged man with a curly back and a black suit walking quickly out of the car.

"What happened to my dad?"

As he rushed towards the stretcher, he looked at the tragic scene with an extremely ugly expression on his face.

"The old man bled so much at first, we thought he was dead... but now he's alive again..."

Xu Kaiwen was frightened by this man's aura, and immediately said a few words incoherently.

The man grabbed his clothes angrily, "Can you **** speak human words? What do you mean you're dead and alive again?"

Xu Kaiwen hastily explained what happened just now carefully.

After the man heard it, he was stunned on the spot, "There are still such people? They don't want to pay back for saving people?"

He walked quickly to the stretcher to check again. Although his father looked listless, at least he was still alive, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he immediately turned his head to look at a group of bodyguards, "Go find it right away, even if you dig the Las Vegas three feet into the ground, you must find this benefactor. My Xiao family will never treat you badly!"


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